A Season in Hell…


Maya was completed yesterday morning. Tonight, we’ll be packing it up for download, and hopefully by the time you read this, the first of my new Adventure Orbs will be ready. Dragon 3D will be an updated version, with new combat and movement and a very advanced particle generator that’s so fast, you won’t feel the drag when you zip past it.

Things are going well in the Orb Department these days. I have a lot of time on my hands the past six months, and decided back in March that I’d try to complete some of the Orbs I started last year. Generally, it takes about a year to get an Orb ready for market.

Tonight, I think I’ll demonstrate the Power of GODD. Continue reading

The World of UrthGame

Well, it’s time to unveil my plans for UrthGame, the next level up from Prosperity Path. The Levels are intended to function as Level 2 of the Prosperity Path. UrthGame Levels are definitely ideal Coaches and Guides. I’m currently working on the first 3 levels for the beginning of the UrthGame  Matrix; there’s a Coaching Report Form which I’ll be working to complete, and I’ll keep you informed as it goes along. I’m anywhere from a few days to a few weeks away from release of the first UrthGame Levels, if that helps any. You’re welcome to discuss UrthGame on the Forum — those who know about it should tell those who don’t. I’ll post more on this exciting development in the next few days.

See You At The Top!!!
