Magic Burger Tuesday

As you can see, I’m making an omelette. I made more than 25 omelettes that morning, and it took a while, even with help in the kitchen, loading up the plates and serving the tables. Had I done all the jobs of cooking and serving, I’d still be at it several years later. You’ll note, if you view the video by clicking on the TITLE above, not the photo, this little video earned itself 1, 719 views, quite a feat for a simple egg dish! Continue reading

Just a Reminder…

Yeh, that’s the idea — of course it’s a gimmick, but what if it isn’t? The entire deal rests with YOU using the rising ball to create a comedy scene where the ball is constantly trying to get away from you. The addition of a wire gimmick gives you the ability to have the ball dart in and out and bob about rapidly or slowly, at your bidding. Continue reading

Learn This Lesson Well!

I’m going to post here a number of youtube videos that I have up on one or more of my channels. You have very little time to master this idea, but I’d suggest you get a start on it, because the means to handle these things is soon going to vanish from the face of the earth. There’s more chaos coming from Washington every day now, and it’s not over!

For well over a decade now, I’ve made all sorts of youtube videos, thousands of them, and they haven’t let me down — they’ve garnered some 8 MILLION views between all 20 or so channels of video lore, but listen, that’s not important right now. What is important is that you try to understand what I’m going to explain to you now: Continue reading