FREE Ninja Skills Aptitude Test by Gorebagg da Lost

ninja skills

Whether you’re out for a casual stroll, hiking in the woods or walking your dog at midnight down a dark and sinister alley, ninja skills can come in really handy. Here’s a basic skills rundown test you can take…

Do You Feel Listless After a Fire-Fight?

Do you feel tired and listless after a frenzied fire-fight to defend the intel against the entire blue team? Are your flag runs and caps totally boring? Spice up your gaming by answering these ten magic ninja skill questions:

1.   As a scout, would you rather use a floppy funny bug-eyed mackerel than a baseball bat?

2.   When a demo with a vicious looking blade invades the base, do you run upstairs to the respawn room to switch over to demo so you can sword-fight?

3.   When a scout is running up the spiral with your intel, do you find yourself most of the time running down the straight as a heavy?

4.   If a spy destroys your sentry gun and ammo dispenser, do you proudly display your tool-pouch, containing an itsy bitsy spy-er voodoo doll?

scout rush
scout rush time in the red base

5.   Do you occasionally wonder if there’s anyone else on your team?

6.   When the chips are down, the score is two to nothing against your team, and the intel is lying about just outside your fort, do you tend to hassle the engies to want to build two sentry guns in the enemy sewer?

7.   Does the sight of a heavy with two medics in tandem make your trigger finger itch?

8.   If someone took your intel while you were capping theirs, would you stop and take him down before capping?

guarding the flag

9.   Should an engie kill a spy?

10.   When you do happen to play spy, do you stand around without disguise or cloak, hoping the enemy team will think you’re a spy who didn’t bother to disguise or cloak?

If any of these questions yielded a “yes”, you need to play team fortress with us. Contact me to find out how you can participate. Here’s a sample of what it looks and feels like: