The University is to Learning what Wikipedia is to Knowledge

People have, over the decades, inquired of me why it is that, although I attended college and art school, I have never made use of my credentials. It’s the same with my creds as a midwife, birthing instructor, chief admin at Center for Conscious Birthing in Los Angeles in 1974, and at Cowichan Centre for Gestalt Learning through the early 1970s, plus many teaching jobs at schools and colleges throughout the California Southland. I taught Old English, Middle English (I can read, write and speak both) and of course, painting, sculpture, drawing and more.

Gosh, I can’t remember a time when anybody actually asked me for my credentials.

But the fact is, they’re utterly worthless scraps of paper; they tell us nothing of your actual knowledge, actual skills, actual ability to adapt to any given situation in your chosen specialty. A wall-full of paper is worthless in and of itself. The only thing that proves your worth is YOU.

That’s what Prosperity Path is about. It’s designed to get you in touch with yourself, without all the University Bull-Pucky.

Universities once educated. Today, they’re designed to train you to obey authority, join and remain in the work-force and to stay quiet and not make a fuss when things go rong.

University is no longer a place where one can learn how to learn, if it ever was such a place in the face of economic facts of life. Survival is uppermost in everyone’s mind; it’s a low estate, but the only one most folks find familiar.

Maybe it’s not too late to change that, at least in yourself. And you might get a friend or two to get on The Prosperity Path. They might just thank you in the end!

Wikipedia is now considered the Ultimate Global Repository of All Human Knowledge.  Pardon me while I chuckle right out loud.

Actually, it’s impossible to post true items on there; people keep changing them by whim and without actual information, and post whatever thoughts are on their mind on the subject, which often includes made-up factoids.

And Wikipedia is cheaper than those expensive sets of encyclopedia; now you can tell the door-to-door salesman that you already have an encyclopedia, right on line, and what’s more, unlike the ones they charge for, Wikipedia is FREE!!!

No, you’d be wrong there. It’s not at all free. You have to accept whatever drivel winds up getting posted under the subject you’re looking for.

It’s not fact. It’s fiction. But Wiki-fact is quickly being exploited into accepted reality. But it’s worse than you might think at first blush:

Kids are being trained to cut and paste from there for their term papers and such, which translates to: Kids are being entrained to blindly accept Wikipedia data as fact. Wikipedia is actually a blog site disguised as an online encyclopedia. It’s stuffed with personal opinions masquerading as factual data. Sad commentary on the state of Human Intelligence.   See You At The Top!!! – gorby