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Want to Take a Selfie in Atlantis?

You can do it right now, if you’re a member of our Prosperity Path Ashram, but there’s no hotlink to it from here — you’ll have to actually ASK someone, interact socially, in order to find out more about it, or you can try to do some research online in the blogs and things.

You’d do better to just ask, and that’s entirely my point. Social media allows you to ask me ANYTHING, and you’ll probably get an answer.

More than that, following me on IG puts you in my radar for Blessings and Protection, and in this day of ICE Raids and Children Locked Up in Cages and Crooked Politicians, and Lying Attorneys General, and Race Riots and Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy and Criminal Injustices and Border Crises, and all those other Trump-Engendered threats, you’re going to need Protection and lots of it.

I have several protection “Trump Neutralizer” pendants available now, but the very best protection from Trump and Trumpies and the Trump Gestapo ICE Squads is the Godd™ Particle Pendant and the Bardo Band Slapband wrist bracelet with the Four Lines in gold on the band, and a powerful flash drive containing the 49 Days Orb, the LRS Orb, the Clear Light Orb and the entire American Book of the Dead, with all graphics and prayers, and a few extra bonuses as well.

Those two things are the best protection you can get on Planet Earth.

In this Age of Trump, you need all the help, and magic and protection you can get. Follow me on IG for an additional Blessings boost!

What’s Popular on IG?

The Three Goddesses of InstaGram are “Fashion”, “Beauty” and “Food”, as you’d expect. We all know that the Five Samsaric Fingers consist of “Sex”, “Money”, “Power”, “Drugs” and “Diet”.

We also know that us persons of Jewishness will probably focus on the “Diet” fixations, while the goyim will elect to get down with the “Drugs” part, in the form of alcohol and cigarettes.

So how DO you get attention on IG?

Actually, you don’t want to know. It’s awfully animalistic out there. The top hashtags are #love, #photooftheday, #fashion, #beautiful, #happy, #cute and in general things revolving around furry woodland creatures, butterflies and dating tips.

I know what will work, and you’re not going to like it. What people really want is “People Magazine” in live in-the-moment format, sort of a “Planet of the Soaps”, but about THEM.

The most popular #BestQuestion is actually a list of things about YOU that someone can discover by reading your posts. Eeeewwww.

Most of the popular posts and pages are about ME, ME, ME — not asking anything about YOU except how do YOU like ME best?

It’s a bunch of lonely, isolated people looking for some human interaction, and they can’t find it at home — it’s gotta be online.

This is not surprising when you see earbudded strangers talking to each other while staring down in total fascination at their smartphones.

You’re going to get a lot of followers just by virtue of the #followhashtag or #followhashtags feature of the new algorithms and search functions in general.

“Like breeds like”, or as they say now, #LikeBreedsLike.

Well, it’s a known fact that people ONLY like to go where other people go. Popular resorts, crowded restaurants and theaters, lines waiting to get into elite clubs.

I believe that if you just stay real, stay true to yourself and BE AUTHENTICALLY YOURSELF, you will eventually dominate the landscape.

Stay on target.

There ARE some factors that the #algorithms like more THIS YEAR than they did last year, but keep in mind that they WILL #nerf the thing whenever people start figuring it out.

Here are a few of the factors they factor in:

  • RELATIONSHIP — What do you do with each other? Share things? Send out DMs? How much interaction do you have with your client?
  • INTEREST — What is your “like” history with that client? Have they been to your page before? Do you know them socially? Are you related in some vague way to your area of interest, your subject matter, or your blogs or miniblogs?
  • TIMELINESS — How recent is your posting? How relevant to today’s news or trending stories? When did your client come across it — sooner, or later?
  • FREQUENCY — How often do you post? Don’t overdo it, but post as often as you’re comfortably allowed and able, keeping in mind that you’ll have to answer or respond to all those comments and questions you’ll be getting on each and every post.
  • FOLLOWERS COUNT — How many followers do you have presently? Is the rate of flow into your page follower count rising or diminishing or staying more or less the same?
  • SESSION TIME — How long did your client spend on your page? How much interaction did they end up having?

Algorithm Fake News Items

  • “REVERSE CHRONOLOGY” IS COMING BACK — No, it isn’t. Trust me on this.
  • THE DREADED “SHADOWBAN” — There is no #ShadowBan, there is no cake and there is no Santa Claus. Get real, before it’s too late.
  • “REACH CAP” LIMITS — There are no Reach Caps, no Follower Limits. If you lose followers or your stats go down, it’s about YOU, not about some conspiracy that prevents your post from reaching more than 7% of your followers. You are not being persecuted by The Machine, except for Extreme Stupidity, if you’ve wandered away from the follower-building rules that work.
  • STORIES MAKE YOU MORE VISIBLE — That’s just plain untrue. They DO make your ID photo rise to the top of the page, but then, there are hundreds more right there with you, and instead of an upward or downward swipe, it’s a left or right swipe. Wow. What a world you live in!
  • GO LIVE TO GET THE AUDIENCE — Try it. You’ll soon discover that you can’t attract people to an event if they don’t already know you. What’s the use of ripping off your face if nobody can see you? Try a designer bedsheet, if you want visibility to the living.
  • VERIFIED USERS GET SPECIAL TREATMENT — No they don’t, and neither do Business Accounts, believe me — I’ve investigated this a LOT, and it just don’t happen nohow.

I’m Not Asking Very Much —

All I ask is to #followme. That’s the whole plan!

If you follow me on InstaGram, I will have your back. You will be under an Umbrella of Protection and Peace, and you will be lucky beyond your wildest dreams.

Please POST your successes on my page when they DO happen, and they WILL! You have a LOT of NECESSITY on your side, because nothing must come in the way of my IG page getting a MILLION followers.

That solves basically every problem we would face in the next few years, and at the same time, open up a whole world of WORK OPPORTUNITY for you and everyone you know.

It isn’t much to ask.

Loyalty? Not necessary. Just tap the “follow” buttton and we’re dope.

Is that the right way to use that word? I have no way of knowing. I don’t speak TXT, do you? If I have to learn it to service my IG and FB accounts, I can do that — I’m very adaptable.