Good Morning, Vietnam America!

Yes, it’s another Happy Valley Sunday, ain’t it? Here we are, ready to start another ICW morning meeting right after breakfast, which is coming up in just a few minutes. Gosh, that just doesn’t sound right — breakfast coming up in a few minutes…lemme rephrase that: breakfast will be served in a few minutes, so I’d better hurry and get this motherfucker up, huh? I’m using the word “Motherfucker” only in deference to “ShitMouth McConnell” who apparently shocked a number of Evangelical ministers with his racist language and opinion.

Note the twist on this video — “How to Draw Greenwich Village” — it’s a grabber, at least for a young artist living in or near New York City.

I’d make a comment about the morning news, but then again, I’m not at all tempted by the current politics to make much of a deal about today’s morning fare — the usual mudslinging has now as usual turned to bullshit and horseshit slinging, like a bunch of slightly hairier ape descendants, which of course includes the other apes.

I’ve come up with a few new phrases and catch words amongst all the stuff I’ve been churning out in the course of upgrading and refurbishing my older videos, which have languished longly enough.

Naturally, the video is the same as it always was — I don’t change anything on the video including various additions and commentaries, which I don’t typically use anyway. If you want to make an appeal for subscription and liking, do it at the end of the video, just before your ten-second commercial to advertise your target website page.

Oh, gosh, that suddenly reminds me — you need to get out a ten-second totally professional commercial that I can use at the end of my newest and latest videos. I’ll be looking for this kind of help in relation to website pages but also various products, and I have in mind that stunning CQR commercial already in existence, but let’s do MORE!

Several of the new phrases are “Virtual Healing”, “Virtual Magic”, “Near-Death Induction”, “Near-Death Guided Meditation” and “Astral Projection Simulator”. Of course, I’m starting to think about promoting our ISOLATION TANK MEDITATIONS that can be played through transducer speakers inside the flotation tank. These are just recently released for use with the isolation tank, although they were in use when John Lilly helped me build my first flotation tank up at Red House, Crestline, California back in 1972.

You know, the phrase “As Above, So Below” has an ancillary phrase that follows the first phrase — it’s a couplet, which continues “As Below, So Above,” which is a whole different ball of wax than what’s currently out there as popular wisdom. Hmmm…Popular Wisdom, an obvious oxymoron. Perhaps I can paraphrase that in a different way by saying merely that I have a whole lot more ideas where those came from. My intention is to create videos primarily to get votes — I mean “video views” of course.

Luckily, there’s a whole field of Presidential hopefuls. I’ve often said that I would not run, and if elected, I will not serve. Of course, if I need the money, I’ll take the job, but I’m flush for the moment if someone will lend me $12.60 until next payday, whenever that is.

Actually, I’m looking to convert art to stocks and bonds in hopes of catching the market correction phase coming up soonly. I’m talking to real estate brokers, stockbrokers, architects, doctors, dentists and others to see if they would like to acquire high end fine art while the getting’s good. Art is a great place to hide — make that “stash” — your wealth, and if you choose wisely, no one will touch your collection. It will be valuable, but look like ordinary junk. This is how you get across borders with this stuff. If it looks too good, you won’t get it across.

Ding dang it, plumb run outta time, gotta dash.

See You At The Top!!!
