Nest, Burrow & Swarm

Humans do pretty much what other animals do — they nest, burrow and swarm. Reproduction, food harvesting and warfare with other tribes are their main occupation, and in the end, they die without a trace, as if they’d never existed.

Gosh, doesn’t that sound familiar?

How about a t-shirt that reads “Believe it or not, this was once a living creature.”??? That kind of humor goes best on the gallows or in front of the concrete brick wall, which is why I included it in this little dissertation on the subject of Primal Rock Painting, something I sort of re-invented back in 1972, when I was working with Fritz at Cowichan in British Columbia, which I ran for a year following his passing.

“I’ve seen behind Maya,” he announced one day back in 1971, as a result of which, he decided to dismantle and rebuild Gestalt, which never happened, but some part of it survived in the form of “Play Therapy”, a term attributed to several prominent psychologists, all of whom might well have done so — the field was new and wide open to speculation and experiment, and people did.

With our therapy developed out much further, we would have ended up with what we today call “Primal Rock Painting”, about which I’ll endeavor to explain as best I can: Continue reading

I’m Back From the Front!

I’m back from the front, ready for more blogging, after a month’s vacation from blogging and writing in general, although I have written a few new Protest Songs, to insure that when they do eventually come for me, I’ll have a protest song ready for them.

Besides the development of Hot Popcorn Spices for our popcorn machine vending business, I’ve been extremely busy developing a new Practice, that of “Rockology” and “Stone Magic”, and I’ve got a bunch of goodies just for you, all under the auspices of “Brane-Power” at, where you’ll find all my Tools for Transformation.

Tonight, I’ll be working on the teaching methodology that goes along with the Practice, beginning with Mandala Magic Stones, the easiest to produce and the exercise providing the best beginning moves for the novice rock artist.

In the meanwhile, I’m also preparing for the big Studio Tour event that happens two weekends in a row, in the middle of this month of October, as is.

Featured in that particular annual art event will be Tom X., Kelly Rivera and E.J. Gold. That’s the total lineup, and that’s what we’ll exhibit — Kelly and I will host the event at ej gallery, and Tommy will be there for autographs & pictures, accessible through our FREE SuperBeacon setup and, yes, he really is available for contact, but he’s already busy with art projects and commissions at your Next Stop.

In fact, we’re all due there, in the not too distant future, and as Tom Lehrer says, “We Will All Go Together When We Go…” but in the meantime, Let’s Make a Buck!!! Continue reading

What Ring Shall I Make or Buy???

First of all, “to make” or “to buy” — let us consider the facts in the case, Watson:

  • You might find a ring already-made in my collection, in which case, you can decide whether you want to pay my price or make your own for far less, with materials that I can provide, giving you every single piece you need to assemble the finished article.
  • You might have found an already-made ring in my collection and the stone can’t be duplicated. In this case, you’re stuck with one of only two options — buy it or don’t.
  • You might have found a stone in my large collection of ancient stones, one that’s perfect for your work-needs. In this case, you need only the ring-shank, the .20 gauge wrapping wire, the spacer side-beads and the stone itself to make your very own magical tool.

Here are some of the uses to which the various types of stones canĀ  be put:

ATLANTIS — Stones designated as “Atlantis” or “Atlantean” are thus described regarding their approximate date of manufacture, but in this case dating back to at least 8,400 B.C.E., which is to say, before the Second Great Flood, the one recorded as the story of Noah in the Old Testament.

Many of my most ancient man-made beads date from around 12,600 B.C.E. and can be used to access the following:

  • Atlantean Lifetimes Access
  • Akashic Records Access & Recovery
  • Atlantean Healing Stone Access
  • Afterlife Access
  • Between-Lives World Access
  • Interdimensional Access
  • Underworld Access
  • Deep Levels of Subconscious Access
  • MetaProgramming Access
  • Gods & Goddesses
  • Osiris Orion Sirius B Connection
  • StarGates, Portals & Shrine Access Points

Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Byzantine Drop

Start with 4″ of straight wire.

You’ll need to start with a good generous piece of straight .22 gauge wire, at least 4″ in length, until you get the “feel” of what length is good to work with. Don’t forget that almost all your scrap can be employed somewhere, somehow or another, mangled or not.

Ideal scrap length for .22 gauge is around 2″, or about 50mm, so as ye cut, so also shall ye reap. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Royal Hellenistic Earrings

Start out with a 6″ straight .22 or .24 gauge wire.

The first choice comes when you select two stones for your Hellenistic earrings. Try the .22 gauge wire first. Gently push the wire through the drill-hole in the bead to see if it will work. If EITHER bead is reluctant to accept the .22 gauge wire, switch to the much thinner .24 gauge wire.

The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Sumerians and Babylonians were incredible builders and engineers. This earring depends upon a bridge-engineering discovery they made many tens of thousands of years ago, that translates into bead technology as: a vertical wire will support a bead better than a horizontal wire. Continue reading