Horses That are Just Out of the Gate!

These Covid 19 Parody songs are all new to youtube, all of them posted in the past few days, and all with very low numbers, all less than 50 views as I post this blog — I’m predicting that several of these will be winners with hits of 1/2 million or more within a month, and some will hit the rockets within a day or two — it is as I have forseen. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 20

I’ll bet you know at least three people who have confessed to you that they think they may have lived in ancient Egypt.

Apart from the thousands or millions who are convinced they lived as Cleopatra, who lived a terrible and tragic life that nobody would deliberately walk into unless they were devoted to power and luxury, most of the returnees you’ll be likely to meet today will be online, including you.

That’s a tremendous advantage. In the very recent past, if you said you had lived before this life, you could be put away in Mother Johnson’s Home for the Criminally Bewildered.

Today, nobody thinks you’re crazy except the occasional Republican and, because they’re unbelievers in the Trump Virus, they’ll stick with the cluster of human beings they’re standing around with on the beach, waiting for the return of spring break.

Ah, humans of Planet Earth — you know I love ’em. They’re supposed to learn to cooperate and get along with each other, that’s the whole plan, and maybe the Trump Virus will do the trick, get them organized and tolerant of one another. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 15

Dutch Landscape Miniature Nail Art by E.J. Gold.

Can’t wait to get there, eh? I don’t blame ya — here’s the address:

click here to visit my nailery

Isn’t that something? I can put the most intricate things on those nails, just like I used to do with a fine-tipped pen, only these nails are SO much cheaper that I can actually hope to market them.

I also have original painted designs on Feature Nails, but they run $125 a pop, and are actually miniature paintings and ink washes.

If you really want an original Dutch Masters Painted Nail, I’d recommend mounting it in a deep frame. I do that for an additional $125 — the labor is a bitch and I wreck one out of four frames, so if you’re looking for a wrecked frame, check my wrecked frame inventory out back of the shed.

You know that you can add to this product by painting colors onto them? I don’t think it would add anything, but it’s just another way you could add value if you were strapped for another reason to charge more. Continue reading

Chant! Chant! Chant!

You can enter the Godd™ Particle World, for your Daily Tarot Reading.

Let’s hear it for chanting, but let’s leave chants like “Go Home”, or “Go Back Home” be reserved for times when we wish to return to the Point of Origin, the Godd™ Particle from which everything erupted in what is called today, “The Big Bang”, the Moment of Creation, followed shortly by “Let there be Light!”, something that I frankly do not recall having said.

Whether it’s a planned universe or just some more star barf, you can use the power of chanting to achieve your spiritual goals.

Chanting can enhance your Godd™ Particle’s incredible Shakti Power, but it really helps if you know which specific chants work best, and that’s what I propose to make sure you know about.

Do you really really MEAN IT when you say the prayer “May this be used for the benefit of All Beings Everywhere!”??? Continue reading

Lorca, GullFoyle, Capizz, Molly Midway — Your Malibu Beach Home is Here!!!


I’ve put up Malibu Beach Homes for Lorca, GullFoyle, Capizz and Molly Midway; they’re not yet completely finished, but they do each have your brand-new XxaxX-made plasma tanks, the latest model. I’ll get around to putting in some decor as I’m able. I’m posting my hourly stuff on twitter, and was just in time to put up a notice that we were in the middle of a crashing thunderstorm (thanks for the rain-dances) which begins the fall season in this New Reality. You can tell whose house is whose by clicking on it and reading the name. If you want a name box in front, we can arrange it. Continue reading

PWoS is Here at last!!!

I began working on Practical Work on Self back in the summer of 1973 at New House. It then consisted of a series of practical work exercises that one could perform alone and at home, meaning in one’s hometown, not necessarily within the walls of one’s house. I had 5 really topnotch goof-proof exercises ready for market by 1975, but that was when we moved from Crestline to Grass Valley, and there was no time to experiment or start new projects.

Since that time, many work projects have come into the picture, but always there was the PWoS Exercise Series waiting in the background for completion. Well, I’ve done it. There are a total of seven levels, each level consisting of seven exercises, conforming in the same configuration as the 49 day reading cycle, to which these exercises are fundamentally attached. Continue reading