Breakthrough Tonight!

Wow! What a night! What a breakthrough! You can use your ammies, matrix and superbeacon to exponentially expand the quantum effect, but you can also use it as a plain app on a smartphone. If you don’t have a smartphone yet, you can play it from this page on your cellphone’s browser. Many cellphones don’t browse the internet very well, which is why this must be issued as an app.

Here is this week’s Matrix Modification:


Symptoms of Death — Live Mic Readings by EJ Gold — iphone android app —

This is a basic “Proof of Concept” video, demonstrating what I intend to do with the ABD readings and yes, I know I posted this a few days ago, but I wanted to remind you to really really LOOK AT IT, because you’ll be able to give me suggestions and tell me how I can better improve the app when we see each other on the ICW this morning and tomorrow.

I wanted you to know about these new apps. We’re working hard to get them out there, because we know that they are HOT! And what’s more, they’ll soon all be available as apps, personally recorded by me, fresh new recordings just for these apps, which will be available in our app store soon. Let me know if there are any readings you’d like to see expressed as an app. The main difference is that you can use it in your smartphone, and as I envision it, you’ll be able to isolate, access and use any of the readings individually by the mere touch of a thumb.

This is just one example of what can be done with this great new delivery system for ideas! I’ll be posting more, so watch for them every day!!! You can get apps made for you! Ask me how!!!

Judith Spellcaster spellcraft app for iphone android iPod & more

It’s here at last! My Judith Spellcaster spellcrafting lessons are now available in a smartphone app. You can select which spell you want to learn and dance through a world of spellcrafting! The tradition invoked here is basically wiccan with a touch of sumerian and babylonian magic, kabbalistic magic and of course just a pinch of old-fashioned goofer dust, van-van wash and dragon’s blood mixed with a touch of black john the conqueror and 3-kings oil on a red-coated jumbo candle…

The principles utilized in spellcasting are very basic, and relate to their foundational base, which is, of course, the magic practiced in the distant past. What secrets did the ancients possess???

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ABD reading app by ej gold soon available

Yep, you read it right. Over the past few months, I’ve gotten swamped by requests for some sort of iPhone iPad Android Blackberry & other sorts of smartphone apps, and mostly what’s wanted are readings, prayers, invocations, help sections for crises, healing readings, that sort of thing…Up until now, I didn’t have the means of delivery, nor did I have the time to devote to mastering a new set of Laws of Physics, Chemistry and Math, as it were. I’ve posted a sample vid of one possible release; the final release may or may not look exactly like the example, but it’ll be something close to it.