Get Rich Quick!

There really isn’t any other way to survive the Age of Trump — you’ll need money, lots of it, unless you want to be rounded up like all the middle and lower class people will be rounded up and put to work on the infrastructure, which means “road repair”, breaking rocks like a hard-time prisoner.

The only pleasure Trump gets out of life is to torment people with his very presence. You don’t have to take that or any of his bullshit crap, not now, not ever. But if you want that choice, want the power to remain outside his grasp, you’ll need money, lots of it.

Have a home? Have a job? Have a family? These little “Alternate Facts” of your personal freedom and First Amendment Rights will be totally ignored in the Big Roundup, and that ends forever your chances of escaping the misery of living in an Amerikan dictatorship under the Rule of Trump.

Not only that, but there’s a whole dynasty waiting to take power once he leaves the stage, and he’s still got six, almost seven, years more of unrelenting power, with a string of outrages that gets more and more absurd until the day he announces the dissolution of Congress.

Right after that, it gets very sticky — you don’t have to believe me, you’ve been here before your own self — examine your Past Life Surveys to get the details. Same old cards, read ’em and weep.

Only one answer — Get Rich Quick.

There’s only one way to do that, really — start with a large amount of cash, invest it wisely in a business of your own, and develop it over a period of years.

Too bad — there’s no time for that, now.

The ONLY solution for Trump’s Aggressions against your personal freedoms is to get rich super-quick, and there are damn few options that YOU, sitting in Middle-Class Poverty, can take to make that happen.

You’re not starting out with ANY amount of capital, let alone with a decent bankroll. Continue reading

Gorby’s Memory-Builder

This search yielded lots of great twins for my Memory Builder Game!

Something For The Brain???

I’ve got it!

You are going to LOVE “Gorby’s Memory-Builder Coinology Game”.

It is totally amazing, astounding, incredible and fantastic, a veritable galaxy of gaming!

It’s a simple concept, something you’ll remember from your childhood, if you ever had one, a game usually played with a deck of cards — a game called “Concentration”, it’s also known as Concentration, also known as “Memory”, “Pairs”, “Twins” or “Match Game”, and it has many other names you might not have heard before, such as “Shinkei-suijaku”, which is the name I knew for it, so now you also know, and a lotta good it’ll do ya, unless you know the secret, and once the secret is known, it’s no longer a secret.

The secret is that my Memory Builder is a coin version of the kid’s card game, “Concentration”, where you put the cards face down and try to match them up — jack and jack, nine and nine, deuce and deuce — like that.

The game “Concentration” was suggested to me by the natural actions you’ll take as a Coinology Soul-Searcher whose singular Objective Job is to take Worthy Ones offline, off the grid, off the wheel, out of circulation, and fitted into an Objective Task as part of a Coinology Safari Team. Continue reading

Cloak Test — What Level Are YOU???

Sumerian Magic Eyes Kimono provides +300% To All Armor.

Naturally, you’re going to want to know exactly what your Operating Level might be, so you have a clear idea of what armor you are able to wear, what weapons you can bear, what magical items you are able to use … so I’ve devised a short test that will help you sort all that out and come up with a composite number that will reflect your Cloak-Wearing Capacity. Continue reading

WTF Is Charisma???

I dig what you mean. What is charisma? What use is charisma? Why have any charisma at all? Who really cares? Who knows? Where are we? Is this where we came in?

Oh, sorry, I thought for a moment that you were on the Rebirth Carousel.

Well, the Magic Theater and Home can ding-dongy wait a while — we’re busy fighting for our very lives against our government’s intrusions and extensions. In short, they’re ripping us off to give the wealthiest our healthcare money, while we watch helplessly.

Cloak Up. Continue reading

Ignore The News


I’m not even going to dwell for a second on the latest Trump News, not even the Republicans’ despicable use of the ghastly and unfortunately conceived “Kathy Griffin photo” for their recruiting campaign, by which they perpetuate the image forever!

Ugh! Disgusting! How low can you go?

Is there “fair news” anywhere? News you can actually trust?

It’s very clear. You can’t trust the news, not ANY news, from ANY source, under ANY conditions, so why bother to watch it, listen to it, or read it?

First and foremost, remember that ALL POLITICIANS LIE. All lawyers lie. All political appointees have something to gain. All news agencies and outlets have viewers and sponsors, and they have to put out the crap that their people will engorge themselves upon, which means garbage, garbage, garbage. Discuss.

Forget about it.

I personally refuse to watch the news from now on. Period, and I recommend you do the same, and pass it on. There’s no hope for eggheads in this brainless neanderthalic “Age of Trump”. Just shine it on. Forget the news. Pay no attention to it.

If anything happens that’s close enough for you to react to it, you’ll know about it. Trust me.

In the meantime, while you’re waiting to be taken away to the labor camps to work on infrastructure as a state slave or you somehow escape the fury of the raging mob, you might feel the heat just a little, to get on with it.

I’m hoping that the Clear & Present Danger lights a firecracker under your ass.

This is the time, Kato.

Check out my super-spiffy stuff on cafe press, things like:


This “Dark Figure in the Mist” is Barbara, composing her new book, “Every Day a Holy Day”, which is a best-seller on our book list with dozens of reprintings, and IT ISN’T EVEN IN THE CATALOG YET and hasn’t been marketed or promoted!!!

It is destined to be a big seller, and YOU can help get it out there! Ask Yanesh how to make this happen!


Whattaya think, huh? Mighty nice, if you ask me, and it comes with the chain, too!

I’m headed over to the chuck wagon for some grub, and I’ll be moseying off to the cayuse, meaning the ICW, where we’ll talk more about this, and about blue lining, movement training, levitation training and more.


You’re gonna get compliments and questions about this messenger bag featuring Barbara!

Okay, I’d better dash, or miss the hot sausage and scrambled eggs! I’m kidding, of course. It’s the usual vegan fare, of which I never tire.

See You At The Top!!!




Sorry if you’re a Christian, and you got scared by my previous blog. I was being amusingly speculative, but even had I not been playfully toying with the thought experiment, “What Happened to the Christians?”, it would have nothing to do with YOU.

I guarantee that even if you wore an 8″ solid silver filigree cross vividly displayed and wore a tee shirt that said, “Ask Me About Jesus”, you’d be excluded from that exclusive club. No matter how you try to look, act, sound and smell like them, you’ll always be an outsider.

It’s not about Christianity, it’s about racism and hate groups, and preachers who preach hate. Unfortunately, humans are all-too-ready to be told what to do.

Mindless robots, relentless zombies, egotistical level bosses make a real double-socko combination-punch to the medulla oblongata! Continue reading



“Do You Want to Play a Game???”

The voice rings out in the video arcade. Of course you do. What else? Stand around while others play? Wander outside? Of COURSE I want to play a game.

After a few dozen Billenia in the Void, you’ll start to wonder what they’re DOING in there, in the CREATION, and you’ll downscale into the world just to cop a peek, take a quick look, but WARNING, there is a definite danger here — GRAVITY.

As you look into the world, you’re pulled down, down, down, into it, and the next thing you know, BANG! There you are, incarnated again. It’s that magnetic gravity pull that does it every dang time, and you’re sucker enough for that gimmick that you fall for it again and again and again. Continue reading


Presidential Ban on ALL Video Games!

If you don’t speak up now, you never will get the chance. Soon you will be disallowed from commenting on, or criticizing, Donald Trump. It will be LAW, and you will risk Federal Imprisonment for violating the “Presidential Critics Law of 2017”, if I remember rightly, and there’s no reason to suppose I do.

Like I’ve said before, I failed “Earth History 201”, which is the history of the human species on planet Earth during the 21st and 22nd century, and I’m in this Earth Simulation that you call “Reality”, to find out WHY Donald Trump is called “Trump the Rump”, what is the meaning of “Trumpism”, how did he get into power, and why people hated him so much.

Donald Trump is the first U.S. President to be featured in over 1,000 video games to date, and he is pissed off about it, even though some of them are positive, some even wildly so, with Nazi Storm Troopers at your disposal to wipe out all those inferior races. Continue reading

What is the Nature of a Game?

Faces of War original pastel by ej gold

Try to imagine what it’s like to be in the Void. There is no passage of time, no way to mark the passage of time. There is no space. No objects, no particles of matter, no energy, no nothing. It’s not necessary to imagine the state of the Void; you can enter it any time you wish to delve into the Void.

The Void has no properties. No height, no width, no depth, no color, no form, no shape, and in fact anything you can think of, just put a “no” in front of it, and that’s a good description of the indescribable Void.

In the Relative World, there is Life, and Life is Pain.

Sure, life hurts, and it hurts bad. It has its ups and downs, its good times, and its bad times, and life is pain, so it’s no wonder that anyone would want to crawl out of there, get off the wheel, and have a pain-free eternal existence in the Land of Pure Bliss.

So you spend thousands of lifetimes fighting, clawing your way out of Samsaric Illusion, and finally, you find yourself “Off the Wheel”, free at last, free at last!

You have achieved the Eternal Bliss of the Void. Wow. What a relief, like taking a huge dump after hours and hours of sweat, anxiety, and discomfort. Here it is, The Void.

Continue reading

Checkers Basics for Beginners

checker championship at the WonderCon in 1978.
Checker championship was won by Shaggy at the WonderCon in 1978.


  1. Players flip a coin to see who goes first. Black always leads the moves and is considered a handicap position.
  2. Place all 24 checkers on the black squares of the board, avoiding the two horizontal strips of black squares on “No-Man’s-Land” in the center of the board.
  3. Pieces can make diagonal moves only, one square at a time except during jumps.
  4. Each player moves one piece in turn.
  5. Initial moves are only forward unless the piece has been crowned king by reaching the opponent’s back line.
  6. If a piece can be taken, it must be taken. Forced moves cause forced captures.
  7. Pieces are taken by jumping over them, from empty square to empty square. Pieces cannot land on top of other pieces.
  8. You can only jump a piece if your piece is directly next to the opponent’s piece.
  9. You must land on an empty square when jumping.
  10. Multiple jumps may be made if conditions are right.
  11. “King Me” is spoken aloud when reaching opponent’s back line, after which that piece can move either forward or backward on the board, but always diagonally.
  12. The game is over when all the pieces of one player are gone. A play can end in a draw.

Those are the very basic rules of checkers. Watching a few games on youtube will give you the confidence you need to try playing a game with a friend. Continue reading