Transcending Political Shit

LeslieAnn at the Crisis Healing Center in the Ashram.

When the shit piles up too high to walk over it, and the piles of shit are too close together to walk between them, you’re in seriously deep shit. What’s happening out there is NOT about politics. It’s NOT about religion, and it’s definitely NOT about health care or women’s issues.

It’s simply time for the peasants to prove that they are revolting, always have been and always will be revolting. Why can’t the downtrodden just stay down? That’s the Smerconish Response — just shut up and take it on the jaw — liberals should lie down & die.

I’m not a leftist, nor a rightist. This isn’t even my goddam planet, monkey descendant. Frankly, I think you’re all fucking nuts, and I’m not at all happy to be living here among you, watching you squabble and fight over crumbs, while the fat ones glut themselves on your food, and drink your wine, while you writhe in hunger and the pain of betrayal.

Other than that, I could give a shit what happens here.

Suffering and pain is easy to repair. Misery and heartache and guilt and recrimination and fear and horror and disgust are harder to deal with, but manageable. It’s the marketing angles I can’t figure out, and I’m looking for some help here.

I’m here to finish a history project. As an alcohol-intolerant, I’m damned if I can figure out just how the hell I’m supposed to determine exactly which bar was the location of the fist-fight that ended history, I don’t know, but here I am to tell the tale.

I’m supposed to leave notes that can be found and dug up back in the 37th century, but I have to be careful not to leave them where there’s too much radiation, and I can’t remember where the airbursts went off, or that is, are going to go off, in the Western states, although I do remember that I was surprised at the cities that were hit. Continue reading

Escape From Planet Trump

Tired of the old runaround? Don’t want to be directly under the nukes when they go off in your hometown? Have an aversion to being roasted alive by a mob of fear-crazed zombies? Maybe it’s time to take another look at your escape route off of Planet Trump.

I know, I know — I said “no more Trump shit”, and I meant it then and mean it now, but…you have to have some idea of what to do while you’re waiting to be taken away to the nearest labor camp “to save your life, and give you food, medicine, shelter and protection”.

From then on, you work until you die.

Watch as one by one, your freedoms are taken away. Coins and dollar bills will be the first to go, as all currency is controlled through the cloud, through computers that first determine your exact present location and identity, then pass the transaction through.

There will be many blocks, many obstacles, many obstructions on the path to liberation, but there always are, and sometimes they are so in-your-face that they can’t be ignored.

I can afford to ignore Donald Trump forever, but you can’t, and in all conscience, I can’t remain silent, much as I would preferĀ  to. Continue reading

Forget About Trump!

Dimatteo’s Pizza is a very popular pizza spot, and the products are delicious.

Forget about Trump for a few minutes. I know it’s hard to drop the subject — he’s plastered all over the news, and his ugly pig-face is absolutely everywhere, but let’s do try for a few minutes to concentrate on something else.

Oh, are you finding that difficult? Trump IS a major distraction on the Path, but don’t let that throw you off your spiritual stride. What you really need to put in place is a majorly powerful “Keep-Away” of some sort, and I recommend a TRUMPENITE DOME, combined with a TFZ MEDALLION. See my other blogs about those items or call and ask about them.

Even with those “keep-aways” in place, you might find Trump still very much in your face and in your mind, maintaining a constant CLOUD OF WORRY over your head.

That’s how an NPD maintains power, and Donald Trump is an NPD and a half. He actually falls well within the highest scoring nuttos on the planet, and that’s on a definite bell-curve. Continue reading

Learn to “Park the Body” for Astral Projection & Remote Viewing

Scene from "Seance" production at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, BC Canada.
“Seance” at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, B.C. Canada.

Here’s a breakdown of the exact induction I would use to train someone to Park the Body. It is a professional technique and should not be applied outside the realm of meditation science. It is NOT hypnotism, and should not be used as such.

This is a training induction that teaches how to Park a Body.

We are going to learn to transform this long induction into a simple suggestion, “Park the Body”, after which we merely park the body in a single moment, rather than go through the whole induction process, which means that it has become “instinctive” and no longer requires a step-by-step repetition.

It may take only once to master, or several times, but this induction is intended only as a guide for the meditation, “Park the Body” — the end result is that you will be able to park the body without the detailed induction.

The induction given verbatim below works best when it is part of a personally coached “Guided Meditation”.

Other than general relaxation, this induction has no known medical uses — it is strictly a meditation device which can be used with a beginner to indicate an easy way to relax the body while remaining fully awake and in control. Continue reading

The Magical Mystery Tour is Coming to Take You Away …

the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away...
the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away…

How would you like to take a walking tour of the Between-Lives State and never leave the apparent safety of your desktop computer?

Merely send for “Practical Guide to the Labyrinth” and you’ll have an adventure in sight, sound and text, created just for you from my original 35mm color photos, put together with soundbytes and interactive fun, by computer wizard Wayne Hoyle. Continue reading

Wake Up, Stupid!

Waking Up Is Hard To Do.
Waking Up Is Hard To Do; it’s a constant long-term effort that begins with a shock.

Wake up, stupid. That’s not to be read as “wake up stupid”. Everyone who finds themselves in the Work has come to it after a shock awakens them from robot life. By shock, I mean an electrical one. Sometime in the past, there was a shock, and that shock caused an initial awakening, an awareness of Being.

There are other ways of delivering that shock, not involving a joy-buzzer or a hairpin and an electric socket. We’ll explore one such way in a moment, but first, let’s assume that you did, indeed, receive an Awakening Shock, for some reason and in some way, however odd.

At first, you didn’t know what to do. All you knew was that you felt an empty ache — there was something you should be doing, learning, mastering, but what? Continue reading