“The Job Makes the Man”


“The Job Makes the Man”. It’s a very familiar phrase, a popular saying, a wiseness from ancient times, already. As they say in TXT, baobnabniarbnjafbboihbnaboadjbfnmnanagn, know what I mean??? I know, right? Word. Apart from the Royally Offensive Masculine tense of “Man” meaning “everyone”, it’s very true, and it applies powerfully well to Bodhisattva Training.

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Why download Second Life? Why select an Avatar? Why bother to get into Second Life with your new Avatar? Why develop your Avatar? Why learn the MoveAct Code? Why bother to go to the Ashram at all? Why should you spend your valuable spare time at the Ashram anyhow? Why work at the Ashram if you not only don’t get paid, you have to pay to work there??? Why support the Ashram? Why help make the Ashram grow by bringing new folks to the Ashram???

Fair questions. I’ll tell you why:

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Road-Kill Cafe Open for Business…



Finally, after many many hours of intense labor, it’s ready for Prime Time! Each item in the build is hand-crafted out of ordinary prims. There are no sculpties, no mesh, nothing to get hung about.

Everything in the build is totally separable. Want one grape? Just copy the grape cluster and unlink the copy. Same with the burgers and anything else you want to examine or use differently.

After a while working with this, you’ll be able to craft up virtually anything with just simple prims!

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What is Ashram Work?


Leslie-Ann conducts a London Bus Tour of the Higher Dimensions, Oct. 21, 2013.

If you’re really heavily into The Seduction Path, you won’t have much time for Ashram Work, if you get there at all. The Seduction Path is a very busy path, with all sorts of day-calendar and night-calendar appointments — they’re called “Assignations” in movies about the French courtiers and their carryings-on.

Relationship maintenance takes a lot of effort and energy, but if you manage to remain in a stable relationship, you’ll be able to take a few minutes for your Ashram Work. Remember that you can do this work in your bathrobe, slippers and shower-cap on your laptop in the middle of a lockdown, quarantine or stay-at-home sheltering order from the governor.

You’ll be able to enter the Ashram — soon you will be able to go online through your eyeglasses or wristwatch, and not long after that, you’ll be able to browse the internet with that fantastic new Galaxian Internet Implant Device that enables your brain to assemble full-blown tactile hallucinatory shopping malls and never-ending reverberating mental infomercials, with no external gear necessary — it’s all in the head.

If you’ve got a few minutes on your hands, and you’re near a laptop or a desktop computer or an iPad or iPhone, and you happen to have already downloaded and installed the second-life engine, you might consider working on your Personal Evolutionary Potential right now, this very second as is.

Here’s how you can do that very thing right this second:

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A Viral Video For Your Thoughts…


Viral Video department…how can i help you???

Oh, you want to know, without taking up your precious time and exerting all that effort and trouble to find out which are the most popular blues-rock and straight blues songs of the past 50 years?

Hey, i got nothin’ to do for the next 22 hours…. Hang loose, i’ll be right back…oops, this is the 21st century, isn’t it? So what i meant was, “brb”.

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Rollin’ on the River


Been really busy lately. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It took a day and a half. Actually, I’m nowhere near finished with it. I have four more major palatial buildings to put in, then all the detail work; the streets of Ancient Rome were packed with every hustle imaginable. There were no police, no justice system, nothing like that at all. Every citizen was responsible for the safety of his home, and houses had no windows, for protection against intrusion — the only light and air came from the atrium. I’ve taken a break from Roman towers and fortifications at 3200 metres, in order to do a little work on the Grand Tour…

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Shipping News: Titan in Soul Harbor — Giant Ashram Shipboard Party All Day!!!


Associated Press: Super-Cruise Ship U.S.S. Titan arrived in Prosperity Port today and, according to Captain Geoffrey P. Spaulding, she is here as the first Port of Call on her 2013 Cruise Around the Universe. You’re invited onboard to look around, and if you get tired of walking the decks, there are tons and tons of overstuffed deck chairs for relaxation.

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FREE Yacht Party Next Weekend — Bring a Friend


Leslie Ann at the Upper Crust Yacht Club during building session June 3, 2013.

Yep, it’s bulldozing and building time once again here at the Virtual Ashram. What I’ve done so far is to simplify and reduce the number of things encountered on the main level, placing them instead in skyboxes and platforms, available through teleport. What else I’ve done is to create a multiple-level terrain with water features. You should be able to walk the length and breadth of the ground level quite easily, although there may be a water break in there yet somewhere or other. If you find a problem, note the x/y/z coordinates and let me know about it, and I’ll handle it right away. Still ahead, adding buildings and some height via mountaintops in addition to what’s there already. You’ll find a variety of vehicle and boat rezzers all about the place; feel free to use them to your heart’s content.

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Bunraku Puppetry at Prosperity Virtual Ashram


Bunraku Puppetry Rides Again!!! — Yes, it’s true; everyone who was a member of the NABT, North American Bunraku Troupe, is invited to participate, and newcomers to the art are very welcome! You will learn how to manipulate a puppet in Second Life. Just as in so-called “Real Life”, the sound is provided by the “chorus”, or in some cases, might be pre-recorded, but the puppetry is always LIVE action! How is this done? Classes in Second Life Puppetry are starting right now at Prosperity Virtual Ashram. If you don’t know anything about it, this is the time to find out, and that hurdle is the First Initiation. We are actively looking for great puppeteers, and the troupe elders are very excited to have the opportunity to pass the art to the next generation!

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A School Time-Line


A School Time-Line

I have in my sweaty little digits a rather aged piece of parchment; a yellowed typewriter sheet with very dated typing, done by an IBM Selectric with a sans-serif type-ball, sometime in 1975, and lost for all the intervening years until this very morning as is, when my hand landed on it, stuffed in amongst a pile of long-forgotten papers…. The paper has just dates and a few words of notation on the side. I’ll elaborate that with commentary. I have photos of all these events, and they’re free to see on ihddb.com…

JUN 1964 — BACK FROM THE WAR — There never was ASA in Vietnam. I was a PFC Clerk-Typist Trainee 006, stationed permanently at Fort Devens, Mass. Ignore the sripes I wore at Fort Ord where I was a weapons instructor.

You’ll note my MOS designation: “006”. That’s only one number away from the infamous James Bond, “007”!!!

Double O Six meant “Licensed To Seriously Annoy”. I returned to a civilian job as a Remote Reader, which I quickly abandoned in favor of author — I landed a job as a writer at a fabulous .25 a word!

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