Redbubble Fashions

Classic Tee — $37.76 all sizes

I’m going to take a bit of a break from zazzle in order to orient you on another outlet that allows you to become a manufacturer, just like zazzle, except that the items can be found by both subject and design.

For instance, this design that you’re looking at right now appears on 78 different objects in my catalog, and there are hundreds more in there with other designs.

long style tee shirt — $52.78 all sizes

This is an unusual cut of tee-shirt, longer waist than most, comfortable sleeve and neck fit, this is a good selling item, but it is in the $50 dollar range, outside most folks’ budget these days.

Lightweight Hoodie — $65.16 all sizes

The hoodie is such a fixture now — it belongs in any wardrobe — and this cut is very sensational and flattering, unless you have a beer gut, in which case, you’re on your own.

The same design pattern on an A-line dress, $86.44, all sizes.

I can actually open a full-on boutique, with hats, dresses, shoes, pants — you name it. There’s practically no limit to what I can produce in the way of men’s, women’s and children’s apparel and accessories, including handbags, jewelry and sunglasses.

In addition, I can place this on almost any wall-hanging frame at almost any size, from very small to very, very large.

Designer Backpack is only $50.00


As you see, the type of item varies greatly. This backpack is not only a swell art statement, it’s a terrific carrier for textbooks and lunches, and there’s plenty of room in there for your kid’s .45 Peacemaker and a full box of ammo, just like the teacher has.

This designer duffel bag can be carried overseas, only $55.82.

If your duffel bag looks like it came out of a war surplus warehouse, fret no more — true designer help is on the way! You will not lose this in the baggage line, nor fail to notice it on the luggage carousel at the airport — there’s still time to catch a flight to Ukraine or Washington, D.C., depending on what kind of street-fighting you like best.

Drawstring Bag is the value of the month, at a mere $56.38.

What a look this is! I could put an entire rack full of these with a hundred different designs, and take up very little floor-space and no wall-space whatever. Great for a small boutique, at a price that anyone with an assault rifle can afford to own!

Print-All-Over tote bag at only $35.94 is a great deal.

Wow, this print-all-over tote bag is a great find, and will definitely have a major place in your online shop, if you know what’s good for you. All I’m asking for is 11,780 votes that don’t exist, is all.

When you’ve found them, you can just drop them off in any suitcase or trunk, and dump it under any nearby table.

Designer Sox — Heel & Toe reinforced — a bargain at $12.92!

I fully believe you could double or triple the price and still be reasonable in the customer’s mind, but you can actually afford to sell them at $12.92 a pair, and still make good money!

Again, there could be a sox section or footwear section in the shop. I can put patches onto runners, and there’s an entire line of flip-flops that I’ve already prepared for market — you’ll find them on zazzle, along with another type of sock.

It would be very easy to put together a boutique.

This extra-deep tall designer cup is amazing, at only $23.70!

I have about a hundred different cups from tiny demitasse all the way to super-mugs, and this  is just one of them.

Can you believe this enormous designer scarf at only $41.75?

You can buy these at the prices indicated and there’s still plenty of room to make a profit, but if you put up YOUR OWN stuff, you’d get the entire amount, less cost of product, of course.

There’s plenty of room to make a good living, and you never have to go further than your own website to sell these items!

Floor Pillow Room Furniture Accent, at only $53.24.

And there are plenty more pillows at prices ranging from low to high.

Actually, I could go on and on and on, but I think you get the idea. There’s a world of goods here, and you can create merch like you never could before!

The software in these sites is definitely showing signs of improvement, unlike the idiots in Congress, but don’t worry — if Trump gets back in, there won’t BE any Congress — remember, you heard it here.

New form of voting?

Don’t worry, it’s just a cap pistol. My other gun is not. Apparently, politicians want us to buy MORE guns, and to open-carry them in sensitive areas, like courthouses and such.

You wouldn’t find me open-carrying firearms, but I’ll be very out of place in the New World Order — or I would be, except for the roving Storm Troopers that they’ll be sending out all over the world within a few months from now. Remember, you heard it here.


See You At The Top!!!
