Atlantis the Game

Atlantis Game Board folds neatly into closet space, light, easy to open, guaranteed.

click here to see the stuff associated with the game. I haven’t yet made or listed the other parts, such as player pieces, chance cards, tax cards, rental cards and more.

There’s a whole bunch of parts for the Atlantis game ready to go to the game maker, but I’ve never actually gotten all the parts and put one together, so I don’t know how much it comes to in the end, but I’m willing to find out, if someone wants to help fund the prototype game — I have no idea what that will cost, but the table is a couple hundred bucks just as it is, no pieces, no cards.

I do also have other sizes of gameboards available, but this is the most generous for table-top space. Most are much smaller, and therefore harder to play, I would think, but I could be wrong. Continue reading

Civil War 2.0?

Protecting the “Oval Office” set are a bunch of Gargoyles and Guides.

Is “Apocalypse” just going to be yet another “Civil War 2.0”, that’s so popular among game developers these days? I’m happy to say that it is.

… And not “just another” civil war game — a genuine “Oh, no, not THIS again!!!” experience. Yep, as Yogi Berra said more than once, “It’s deja-vu all over again!”.

But this game is different. It’s not like all the other civil war 2.0 games that are blowing out the doors and windows of my fellow game developers.

This game is different! No, wait, really it is. To begin with, the enemy is unbeatable and mean, and I don’t mean just plain old “mean”. Continue reading

What To Do When You Come Back

We’re working on the Godd™ Particle — it’s almost done!

You’ve been out in the wilderness or delving into some deep dwelling dismal dungeon, and you go back to town to refresh, before tackling the next big threat.

Not a really big, big threat, not like McCarthy or Cruz or Greene, just a virtual threat of momentary personal extinction, that’s all, and that can be corrected with a simple resurrection of self plus your merc.

Of course the merc dies when you do. That’s a given. The whole idea there is to keep the merc alive, and LET THE MERC DO THE WORK. Continue reading

My Name is Inigo Montoya…

You heard right — “My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill-ed my father. Prepare to e-die.” But when you say that, you’d better be able to back that up. My trapper assassin can take any demon or Level Boss down in a split-second, and that’s what it takes to beat this game, the faster the better.

I’ll explain how to use a game to chill yourself out and maybe even transcend organic life — bear with me a moment, while I give you a little background:

So when those flake children in Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court get finished yanking us around, it all comes down to who’s got the towel, and don’t complain now about it — you were told about the towel after Earth exploded, and again you were reminded about always knowing where your towel is. Continue reading

Wow! Dime-Sized Ammies are HERE!!!

This is my electronics workbench AFTER I’ve straightened it up.

Many people have asked throughout the past 25 years whether I could make the CQR Amulet any smaller, and I said “No”, because up to now — this very week — I couldn’t.

Then along came a miracle crystal that could contain the fatness of the already tiny miniaturized electronic parts inside the ammy, thanks to a friend of Barbara’s, who hand-crafts watch crystals for famous watchmakers like Piaget, whose watches go for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and she sometimes makes crystals for our ammies.

I needed a high-domed crystal that would fit into my gold bezel, so I sent her a raw radio so she could personally test the fit. Continue reading

Exploding Lips Non-Violent???

I’ve sent out the unedited final proof of Exploding Lips, and now it’s up to the testers to determine if it’s ready for prime-time — I think it is, but they’ll tell me if there’s anything profoundly out in either the Orb or the .ini file. My bet is that we’ll have a DEMO within a few days, and a release soon after that.

My plan is to make Exploding Lips a full release, meaning that it downloads from payloads and is listed on Steam under “goddgames” of course, being a shooter. Continue reading

Don’t Just Be a God, Act Like One!

It’s not enough to just sit on a hard silt ground inside some lonesome deserted cave high up in the Himalaya Mountains and self-realize the hell out of yourself and finally come to terms with the fact that if there’s only One Being in the universe, you are clearly it.

This game of “tag” is not enough. Continue reading

A NEW Path!

this is the first downloadable game on etsy. It costs less than a dollar.

I’ve been busy, building an entirely new Godd™ Gaming System, one that can be uploaded onto etsy and instantly downloaded by you, and I’ve got it and, although it’s in an evolutionary upward cycle, I’m releasing today’s version of the Godd™ Engine on etsy, in the form of a maze builder.

There’s a beginning maze, and I’ve built a few suggested ways to go. In addition to that, there’s a virtual manual for Blue-Liners which will be available for download momentarily, and if that weren’t enough, we’ll be doing this for a while in our workshops. Continue reading

My CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken Gallery #21

CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken “One Bardo Buck” – Price on Request.

Here at last, are the BARDO BUCKS I promised you for the BardoMania Game, which can be played tabletop, multiplayer online and of course personal, meaning Real World Role Playing Game, or RWRPG. Claude designed them, and they are intentionally bare and simple, easy to read and easy on the eye.

Continue reading

The Eternal Game

The Eternal Game — it’s always some form of “Capture the Flag”, whether the flag is a small transportable object or an entire country, and it goes on and on and on with or without you.

As a player, you can come and go. As a character in the game, you can’t go anywhere but where you are, and that’s the condition in which most people find themselves just after being rebirthed.

An endless parade of birth and death and rebirth or, as Yogi Berra said, “It’s deja vu all over again.”.

If you’re one of the late bloomers, you’ll be asking yourself “What in the world are you talking about???”, but if you’re ready to Hit the Road, Jack, you will heartily welcome the news that the game is still on, still running strong and the server is, as always, almost full, with just one open slot — you always get there just in time, whatever that means.

Hey, if you’re equipped with the standard model human, you’ve got a belly-full of neurosis by the time you hit 30.

At 60, you’ll be slowing down a bit, and when you’re well into your 70s and 80s, you’ll be wondering what’s taking so long. Continue reading