My Name is Inigo Montoya…

You heard right — “My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill-ed my father. Prepare to e-die.” But when you say that, you’d better be able to back that up. My trapper assassin can take any demon or Level Boss down in a split-second, and that’s what it takes to beat this game, the faster the better.

I’ll explain how to use a game to chill yourself out and maybe even transcend organic life — bear with me a moment, while I give you a little background:

So when those flake children in Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court get finished yanking us around, it all comes down to who’s got the towel, and don’t complain now about it — you were told about the towel after Earth exploded, and again you were reminded about always knowing where your towel is. Continue reading

Beta Blockers to Block

The Atlantean Crystal Triad is one powerful way to block incoming Trumpism.

You need an actual way to BLOCK the what-we-used-to-call “Mothers” in Washington and elsewhere who are trying their level best to destroy what’s left of our Democracy and at the same time put all the non-whites and non-Christians into a stockyard where they can be put to work rebuilding the roads on which American tanks can tread.

Same plan that Hitler cooked up, and it only works for the life of the dictator, then everything rolls back to where it was before or slightly worse, but not for the upper classes.

Speaking of Upper Classes, let’s talk about Beta Blockers. What IS a Beta Blocker? Continue reading

CREATE-A-STATE Crystal Emotional Controller

Neg2Pos EMOCON emotional controller.
Neg2Pos EMOCON emotional controller uses special crystals & spirals.

Ever wonder how an actor creates the emotional state of the character onstage or onscreen? Watch Gene Wilder going slowly crazy nuts and you’ll be amazed. Observe the easy emotional facility of a Jonathan Winters or Robin Williams. It’s not easy to learn, and it takes years and years of intense practice to MASTER, starting with SOME ACTUAL INNATE TALENT, add into the mix a great acting teacher and tons of luck & opportunity.

But what about the non-actor? Is it possible to learn how to create a specific emotional state in yourself, such as “Joy” or “Happiness”??? If so, is it illegal, immoral or fattening? Continue reading

Karma Burn is Here

I’ve been working on Karma Burn rather intensely and relentlessly for the past few nights. What’s a few more hours to get it working exactly the way I want it to? I’d be loath to release it before I was satisfied that everything worked. Not just most things. Everything. It does. But there are questions, one of which is “Why when I pick up some things, I get nothing?” You haven’t been paying attention to life very much, have you?

Karma Burn doesn’t merely imitate life, it is life. What’s going on in that screen is real to the folks your computer screen is showing you. That screenshot conveys the action that’s happening right now, this very second, to you, in another dimension. How you’re able to see this is called “Spooky Action At A Distance”, the phrase invented by legendary physicist Albert Einstein. It simply means that something can affect something else at great distances without any obvious connection. The coupling factor may remain unknown forever, but an engineer with the corrected formulas can still make it work.

How does Karma Burn work?

Continue reading

Miracle of the 6 Eggs

I am currently working on the Egg Project. I will post announcements about it as we work with it.

It is intended both as a physical apparatus for the Waking State and as a possible cell app. It works by arousing the Higher Emotions and suppressing the lower ones. It works, but the issue is, “can everyone use it???” The answer will be found at today’s training session.

You will be able to use my Altar Layout as a guide. It is meant for use inside a Personal Chapel, but can be used outdoors as well. I intend to install one by the little waterfall stream that we’ll be rebuilding during the Festival of Ishtar Workshop during the coincidental Easter (gee, those words “Ishtar” and “Easter” sure sound alike, don’t they???) vacation.

Stay tuned to the gorebagg tv channel on today to find out more. I’ll take a few breaks, and that’s when I’ll do my gorebagg’s tags and hapi hour shows.