Atlantis the Game

Atlantis Game Board folds neatly into closet space, light, easy to open, guaranteed.

click here to see the stuff associated with the game. I haven’t yet made or listed the other parts, such as player pieces, chance cards, tax cards, rental cards and more.

There’s a whole bunch of parts for the Atlantis game ready to go to the game maker, but I’ve never actually gotten all the parts and put one together, so I don’t know how much it comes to in the end, but I’m willing to find out, if someone wants to help fund the prototype game — I have no idea what that will cost, but the table is a couple hundred bucks just as it is, no pieces, no cards.

I do also have other sizes of gameboards available, but this is the most generous for table-top space. Most are much smaller, and therefore harder to play, I would think, but I could be wrong.

There are many after-market and associated items, many wearables and lots of trinkets and treasures to be found.

I’m selling about 100 items a month on zazzle — there is no rhyme or reason to the things, in the sense that I can’t predict what kind of thing will sell today, so I have to get everything out there for the customers to see instantly.

There is no time for a lingering glance — it’s all split-second and you only have 1/5th of a second to get the client’s INTEREST.

That’s all you get at first.

It means that something INSIDE the person has been struck by what they saw. It can’t be what they heard, or what they smelled — it’s what they saw.

That’ll be about color, texture, all sorts of visual stimuli and an abundance of uncontrollable factors, like local atmospherics.

Think about how MIDI works. Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

Here’s why it exists — internet traffic was slow, real slow, measured in “baud rate”, and any graphics that you dared use had to be  very very small, like 120×80 pixels, and lightweight, like flattened GIFs, or they didn’t go over at all.

Transmission of complex music in digital form was impossible at that early stage of computer development.

So they installed sounds into the basic computer board, hundreds of sounds, that each could be stimulated and modulated without shipping the entire instrument file over beforehand — forget streaming, it just plain didn’t exist.

Tickle the bass patches, and you get bass sounds. There were horn sounds, drum sounds, string sounds, organ sounds and even some sound effects and funny sounds, all tucked away inside EVERY COMPUTER, so they all had the ability to play those sounds without downloading and installing them.

That’s the sounds you hear in the early computer video games. Beep, beep, honk, splat.

Of course, Atlantis could never become a Monopoly game — there’s too much difference between the games, but there could be maybe one Atlantis Club that plays it once a year, like the re-enactors for the first civil war — there won’t be anyone around to re-enact the second civil war.

See You At The Top!!!
