Popular Cookery

Ever wonder which recipes were the most popular on youtube? Of course,
when searching, you have to get past the thousands of angry and insane
and annoying fruits & vegetables.

Here’s a partial answer to the most popular cooking recipes, in order of their

How to make a Princess Doll Birthday Cake…

How about some rainbow cupcakes???

And nobody, but nobody, makes better Swedish meatballs than this world-
famous Swedish chef:

Now, here’s a great recipe for breasts..I mean, vegan food, which is actually
a sneaky ad for peta animal rescue & anti-meat eaters:


Perfect scrambled eggs for breakfast:

Something a bit more exotic, eh???

And onion rings:

As you can easily see, the real idea is not to find one chef with a lot of good
ideas. That won’t happen. Chefs tend to specialize, although they have
second-line dishes as well, because they must in order to do business,
expand their menu.

However, the real secret with an online recipe blog is to find great recipes no
matter where they’re from or who does them, and post them on an easy to
navigate website that you can easily click onto from my facebook page.

I’m going to post a series of fun cookery, not in any particular order, but
clearly labeled as to their type, culture and style of cooking, as well as “easy”
and “professional” recipes, plus plenty of party recipes you can do with little
money and effort and lots of great effect. I’ll also post party ideas as I come
across them.
