It’s All Karma-Driven

Let’s talk about misery. Human misery — Like Angst. World-Pain. Hunger. Poverty. Depression. Sadness. Loneliness. Conflict. Intolerance. Anger. Stupidity. Carelessness. Paranoia. Addictions. Embarrassment. Phony Kindness. False Love. Disloyalty. Lying. Cheating. Blame. Rejection. Debt. Family Problems. Overweight. Perfectionism. Grudges. Lack of Control. Disharmony. Confusion. Compulsions. Hesitation. Fear. Anxiety. Uncertainty. Gluttony. Gossip. Domination. Fanaticism. Procrastination. Arrogance. Opportunism. Aggression. Longing. Being Ignored. Unwanted. Low Self-Esteem. Hoarding. Emotional Drama. Manipulation. Doubt. Insecurity. Lack of Energy. Victimized. Hurt. Hungry. Lazy. Foolish. Careless. Egocentric. No Will-Power. Jealous. Shy. Vain. Lost. Unsure. Hypocritical. Bored. Needful. Oblivious. Asleep at the Wheel. On Automatic Drive. Stressed. Guilty. Disoriented. Faithless. Drunk. Greedy. Hiding. Dense. Prejudiced. Tired. Just Plain Tired. Sad and Tired. Sad, Sad, Sad. Lonely, Sad, Tired.

Yep, sounds like you got the “Human Blues”. Well, sing the Blues all you want, that ain’t gonna make them go away. Try my Prosperity Path Remedies and see for yourself if there’s a palpable difference in your life. BUT — read the following REALITY ALERT:

Reality Alert #1:

None of the Target Effects addressed in my Remedies is directly affected. All, repeat ALL of the above effects are KARMA DRIVEN. If they reduce visibly as a direct result of running the Prosperity Path Remedials, it’s because Karma was reduced in the subject. There is NO direct action on anything that’s wrong in your life or with your body, mind, emotions or anything else in the Einsteinian Universe. Exactly how running the Prosperity Path Remedy lowers your Karma is that you are consciously and subconsciously provoked into reducing your Karma bit by bit, slowly, a small chunk at a time, through the process of Karmic Ray Dissolution, which means simply that the Radiation dissolves some percentage of present accumulated or accrued Karma.

See You At The Top!
