Maze Brightness & Repetition

I was asked this morning as we worked on the 0//0 level if it would help to run through it a number of times, and specifically what effect that might have on the Runner.

The primary effect is going to be Maze Brightness, which simply means “getting smarter about the map”. Prosperity 0//0 is not a maze in any sense of the word, although there are “wrong” side passages with additional treasures, but they can be avoided.

What can’t be avoided are those side areas with triggers to release doors elsewhere. Every experienced gamer knows that the key or trigger will be within just a few feet of the target locked door or passageway, which is only fair, and fair rules the gaming universe. Sure, there are cheats, but they only cheat themselves out of the learning curve.

As you learn the general “feel” and layout of the map, you’ll start to transcend “being lost” and “blurriness” caused by confusion and inexperience. When you get above the mapping, you’ll begin to see details you hadn’t noticed before. Things will look clearer, more concise, more focused, and that’s because, through the action of running the orb, your attention will be much more clarified and focused.

Things go better when you’re centered. You can use the “mapping” technique, which is simply running through the map again and again until you know every inch of it, to create a condition of “centered” within yourself. This is only one way in which Prosperity is able to influence your Inner World. There are many more, and you’ll be learning how to harness them for your Prosperity and the Prosperity of those around you.