What is Magic, Anyway?

What is magic? Ask Spook and Hamlet — the cats on Norton Street, an advanced Prosperity Level.

No matter what you say magic means to you, it isn’t what you think it is.

“Magic” as the word is used today is a blur of meanings, significances and superstitions, collected into a giant mound of general misinformation and disinformation over tens of thousands of years. You’ll have to drop all those local urban legends in order to understand what I’m going to tell you here:

Today’s Magic is the Science of Tomorrow.

Additionally, one may consider:

Yesterday’s Magic is Today’s Science.

Examples? Plenty.

What would happen to you, do you think, living in Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trial hysteria, if you’d arrived in a helicopter carrying an iPhone and a boom-box? Right. You’d have been burned at the stake, like any other witch.

Suppose you didn’t show any techno gimmicks — what if the only thing you did was publish a few articles about extra-solar planets, or high-temperature plasma, or suggested that atoms could be smashed to make a bomb or power a planet…you’d still have been invited to a comedy roast in which you acted out the part of the roast.

If you think of ESP — telepathy, telekinesis, prognostication, remote reading — as magic, you’ll have plenty of company; most people are afraid of what they don’t understand, and these functions, although proven long ago to exist, have no foundation in today’s science.

It isn’t that the lab equipment isn’t sensitive enough to these forces and energies. They can detect particles that aren’t even really there, and the Hadron Collider is compelling evidence that the money is there, when the interest is there.

Sadly but truthfully, among humans of Planet Earth, the interest is there only when there’s money to be made.

So what is magic, anyway?

Magic is used by me to indicate that whatever it is, it exists outside the present boundaries of today’s science. That’s all I mean by magic, except the stage show variety.

“Magic” is also a way of dismissing someone else’s beliefs and spiritual practices, of making them less, of ridiculing and bullying them into practicing your brand of ritual and ceremony; a common theme amongst humans and other primates.

Most people immediately associate magic with voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery, pagans, burning man, medieval and Renfairs and Halloween and horror films and Stephen King nightmares …

But wait a minute; the people who actually practice voodoo (Voundain), witchcraft (wicca craften), sorcery (sorciere), pagans (emphatically not-Christian Lunarians) and the other guys who frequent those weird fairs and expos — and we might as well include in this list of sinister characters (from the average perspective) those strange guys who play video games and read weird fantasy and new age books. You know, the weirdos. The kooks. The nerds. Untouchables. Those folks would be almost everyone I’m glad to know or to ever have known.

Think about it seriously. How would you like to end up in a Heaven run by Billy Graham?

Who practices magic, anyway?

Everyone does, including you, if you’ve ever been to a church, synagogue or temple, ever been somewhere where you knew where everything was and things that had happened there a long time ago.

If you have never experienced deja-vu, you’re one of maybe a dozen people who haven’t, although many people are so afraid of it that they deny having had the experience only moments after it happened.

If you’ve ever “known” that something was going to happen or that something was happening or had happened…without any explanation of how you came to know that, you’re a witch, sorcerer or worse, in many peoples’ eyes, although folks who roll around on the floor talking in tongues and handling poisonous snakes who are acting out The Will of God is okay in their book.

If you’ve ever been to a church service where they serve wafer & wine, you’ve taken part in a ceremony that relies on magic to transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and if you didn’t know that was the idea, where the hell have you been, on Mars???

So what is magic, anyway???

Glad you asked. Magic as used by me simply denotes something that works but isn’t presently understood.

But this is much more specific than it first sounds. I’ll explain:

“Something that works”, meaning something happens when I press this button — whatever button it happens to be, such as prayer, invocation, charm, amulet, talisman, ceremony, ritual, zen practice, automatic writing, crystal consultation, tarot reading … whatever method you use to do it, you’re using something that isn’t obviously connected to the aim, goal or effect.

A simple way of saying this is that you are operating something from a control point that has no apparent connection — we call it a coupling factor — with the target effect.

Hell, we could be talking about a radio or any internet wireless device, any mobile cell phone or iPhone or iPad or Android or — well, anything that can operate wireless qualifies as “Spooky Action At A Distance”, see?

So if you pushed a button like “prayer #3”, it should have an effect if the coupling factor is “in”. If not, you’re simply blowing it out yer butt, right? No disrespect to certain angels and archangels I could name, what I mean is that if there’s no answer at the other end and no message prompt, I’d say that you have a case of dropped prayer.

Nobody likes dropped calls, especially angels, at least the few I know. You probably know a few your own self; remember that “invisible playmate” that your folks thought was so cute of you to pretend with? Hey, by the time you were in school, that experience was denied to you, and angels were part of a religious belief system that you didn’t dare question.

State Religion. Think about it. They’re honest enough to say what’s really on their minds. The name says it all. State religions are how you keep crowd control without an army to back it up. Religion has nothing to do with spirit, except in the matter of organization and cash-flow to support the organization. Not a bad idea. It works well enough that the Great Unwashed stay pretty much under the cap.

Golly, did I say that?

Why do I use the term magic to describe what I do?

Because the science behind what I do has not yet developed into the “science” stage.

Oh, some of it has. The public now accepts a bit of “magic”.

The intense far-reaching marketing of  yoga, zen meditation, tai-chi, widespread use of incense, living-room burners for essential oils, exotic herbal bath salts, herbal teas, rare candles, Egyptian reproductions, digital watches…all these were once banned by Westerners, right up into the 1960s!!!

I remember when it was against the law to do a tarot reading, even for free, in a restaurant, for a friend. I was taken down for it in L.A. in 1965 — not actually booked, but rousted, by the notorious LAPD — for whom I worked as a psychic investigator for over four years from 1966 to spring of ’71. The “Witchcraft Laws” of Los Angeles are still on the books today, although not enforced anymore, and that’s my point.

There are millions of psychic consultants, readers, oracles operating in the United States now, but until recently they were outlawed in a country which promised religious freedom.

So Burning Man would have brought down mayhem and violence on the hippies in the 1960s had they attempted it.

What am I talking about??? Woodstock was the turning point. From then on, you could be slightly weird and get away with it — if you didn’t mind being branded a hippie.

Some folks, including myself and most of my friends, rather took some pride in being thusly branded.

Well, same thing with Prosperity.

It uses two famous principles of magic — meaning having an effect where there is no known scientific bonding or coupling factor between subject and object, cause and effect, operator and operated.

Sure, I could have easily come up with another word, such as “mystical” — but I wanted to use a word that I was sure was in popular usage, and mystical isn’t in use anywhere but the U.K….

So magic it is.

Two principles used in Prosperity:

Law of Similarity — That which is like something can affect it.

Law of Contagion — That which was once in contact with something is now in contact with that person, place or thing.

Everyone knows the Twin Syndrome. Two twins, separated at birth — they meet years later, dress the same, talk the same, about the same things; they look alike, think alike and more significantly, they both have developed their lives precisely along the same lines. They have the same experiences, problems and beliefs, even though they were not programmed by the same set of parents.

I used the term “magic” knowing full well that there is an urban-legend air of sinister mystery around “magic”. I wanted that in place as fair warning to those who fear tomorrow’s science.

Whatever it is, it can help you dig yourself out of the hole you’re in, and you’re invited to join the Dungeon Party and see the effects today on your life, right now, putting YOU in control of your life!

Magic is very much a part of the Remedies. When you work in a Remedy, you are using the principle of Like Affects Like — the Magical Law of Similarity. You are also using the Law of Contagion if you wear an actual matching amulet and have a matching Matrix and SuperBeacon in your workspace!

Those tend to boost the quantum spiritual effects a great deal. You can read about the experiences of others on the website — there are thousands enjoying the benefits of being on the Prosperity Path and you could be one of them!

Exactly how do the Prosperity Remedies work?

You enter into a space where many attractions abound, where everything is plentiful and abundant. You are invited to partake, to take as much as you wish — there is plenty for all. You collect the various elements that make up your goal and purpose.

Every step along the way, you will know exactly where you are and what you need to do next.

Your path will be clearly marked, and you will be aware of your progress in the Prosperity Path all along the way to the top.

There isn’t a goal or purpose that can’t be enabled; you’ll find everything you need in the Prosperity Path. Check the Goals Page for your own purposes from finding your True Soul Mate to achieving the state of Perfected Liberation. It’s all there for the asking, and Prosperity is and always will be FREE; you pay the .99 cent download fee so you don’t stick me for the drinks, as it were — if we get a hundred million downloads — it has happened to us before, not hundreds of millions, but over 3 million downloads of “Paparazi” in the first day of release alone.

Had the folks who downloaded that not paid the download fee, it would have meant financial ruin.

I’ve been using magic for uncountable centuries, always with the First Principle of Magic foremost in my mind; “Do No Harm”. Sure, the Hippocratic Oath, but we had it first.

Who is “we”? I can tell you openly, but burdened with the beliefs of today, you won’t believe me. I’m from Somewhere Else.

If you examine my skills and masteries, you’ll agree that no one could have accumulated that much knowledge and personal experience in a single lifetime, and you’d be right, and I’m here to prove it and show you how, so you can play the game on the 99 level from now on.

You can find out more about the Fringe Science behind Prosperity Path by reading my daily blogs on http://www.gorebaggsworld.com