Is it Therapy?

If you look on Wikipedia today, the be-all end-all Repository of Human Knowledge, it will tell you that “Therapy” is strictly medical, that it’s an attempted solution to a health issue and applies to no other subject. That’s as stupid as saying that science fiction begins with “Star Trek” in 1964. There were Roman science fiction novels, for crying out loud, and tons of sci-fi throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance as well. There are a few examples of ancient Egyptian sci-fi. But that’s the problem with wikipedia; it’s not really an encyclopaedia, it’s a blog forum site. There’s really nobody home. It’s anonymous beyond all belief. You can alter anyone else’s entries without them knowing about it, see? You used to hear the phrase “It’s soooo downright therapeutic” about all sorts of things from tennis to a cosmetic makeover. Therapy was something you did to ease up, cut yourself a little slack, take a break from the Rat Race and Dig Infinity. I remember when Scrabble and Monopoly were “therapy” for a hectic day, a reward for a job well done, a fun way to relax with the family and friends. What the heck-darn happened in just a few years to obliterate all other meanings from the word “therapy”? Is the AMA that powerful? I guess it is. Money is the real issue in medicine, and that’s a fact, Jack.