You’re On The Wrong Track!!!

World’s Smallest Violin playing “Hearts & Flowers” for the U.S. Economy & Jobs.

You are on the wrong track, and I wanted to make sure you heard the “alert” signal that told you so. I’ll explain:

In Washington, politicians are thoroughly prepared to scuttle the U.S. economy by not handling the budget crisis now; they intend to wait until after the election. Of course, by that time, the economy will have slid down another few points and the unemployment rate will be over 10%, but they don’t care. They know that they can lie and get away with it, because the public will pay anyone whatever they demand if they’ll handle the difficult stuff, and they do, and the price is very high, indeed.

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Eternal Life Guaranteed 100%

Yes, Eternal Life. Here’s how:

In the Quantum Universe, there is no time. Things behave according to what will happen as much as to what is happening now and what happened “before”. Once it exists, it exists for all time; in an Infinite Universe, which this is, one of many such Infinite Universes stacked upon each other and within each other and beside each other times Infinity. Any number that is more than zero times infinity equals infinity. Here’s the math:


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Oracles for a New Earth

I am introducing a powerful new tool; a LIVE-ACTION 3-D full-immersion experience with the Oracle of Your Choice; at the moment, the choices are:

Pagan: Apollo, Isis, Helen of Troy, Thoth, Delphi, Pan, Sappho, Diana, Astarte, Inanna.

Biblical: Gabriel, Michael, Our Lady of Lourdes,  Buddha, Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, Joan of Arc and, just for the kids in all of us, Santa Claus!!!

I had the idea that, as stunningly beautiful CD issues, they would make incredible and unusual stocking-stuffers and love-offerings; in short, they would go like hot-cakes at the register of any gift shop or boutique counter.

Keep Them Cards & Letters Comin’!!!

We read some emails this morning at breakfast, letters from folks who have had amazing results with Prosperity Path; it’s wonderful to hear that someone who has been out of work for two years suddenly, immediately after running Prosperity, is called back to work by the company that had laid him off two years ago, and that he’s now earning $1,000 bucks a week!!! Right on! That’s the kind of success story I love to hear! Keep ’em comin’!!! Just finished Helen of Troy, a “Life Reading Oracle Class” Orb I think you’re gonna love. On da way ta lunch, then testing and coaching all the rest of the day.

See You At The Top!!!


Reward Thyself

Here we are, giving ourselves a Reward for a week’s work well done — a FAXL concert, every Monday afternoon at 4 pm California Time, however that translates to you. We play a variety of instruments including custom made didgeridoos, hapi drums, ibo drums, fiddle, guitar, Hammond B3 organ, banjo, bass, drums and percussion of all nations — just about anything goes. Rewards are an important Shamanic Tool against Sleep. I’ll explain:

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To Tell the Truth

To tell the Truth. Harder than you think, and what if … what if it counted???
Suppose some powerful entity heard you and took you literally at your word, assuming that you meant exactly what you said and that you had said exactly what you meant. Oh, Lord, can that be a disaster!!! When you speak to Helen of Troy, it goes directly to The Source, meaning that you’re plugged into the Great Computer in the Sky, and whatever you say will be taken quite literally and it just may come true. Here’s how to be careful:

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I Am Not An Addict!!!

That’s what they all say, but even the most certain, most self-righteous cry of “I am not an Addict!!!” will elicit laughter from anyone with the knowledge of what addiction really is., Because most addicts are unaware of their addictions. Actually, no matter who you are, what you do, where you come from or what you believe, you are addicted to something, and if you’ll give me your ear, I’ll bend it with a few facts…

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Two Worlds at Once

Two Worlds at Once is the effect, and here’s what brings it about: you’ll have noticed that as you run an Orb, your attention slowly drifts from screen and hands to the interior view of the screen. In short, you find yourself staring in almost total lack of disbelief at the situation and environment of the in-game character. You have become, as we say in the trade, “identified”.

This is not altogether a Bad Thing, although Gurdjieffians who are into their catechism would disagree rather strenuously on the subject. Let them wax eloquent, I say that there’s a darn good Work Reason to harness the process and condition of “identification”.

For one, it enables you to run a character better. Not more intelligently; not more effectively. Just better.

So, the net effect is that as a runner runs, the attention and “cursor” or identification point, tends to drift away from the eyes and hands at first to the screen, and then eventually, after some time in-game, the runner sees the environment inside the computer as fully dimensional; the runner instinctively knows that something will bump or be bumped, that contact with a wall will create a collision, and that contact with NPCs will bring communication.

The effect works by “drift”, the same phenomenon that affects FM reception and AM transmission and reception. What happens is that the “station” tends to slowly drift through a relatively close range of spread, back and forth, back and forth. It never stays on a single frequency without that drift. The reason for that is that the drift is caused by magnetics and atmospherics.

Anyhow, the runner will tend to drift away from the “this life” character toward the in-game character until he or she is all the way there, or all-but all the way there.

That’s identification and it’s at that point that a runner will generally cognate on the idea that the in-game character has a life of its own.

This can be very unsettling, but imagine the in-game character’s reaction to discovering its situation which from inside the game has to be a great deal more unsettling than your cognition.

Identification is not your enemy; it can be harnessed and is a great potential ally. Just re-think the situation and you’ll agree. Make friends with this skill, but don’t get caught in its alliances, griefs and struggles.

So, from now on, if you find yourself running around in an Orb wondering where the keyboard went, don’t panic! I’ve built keyboards and comm systems into every Orb — each becomes a valuable Key in the puzzle, the Central Sun of which is called The Hubbb.

The process of identification also causes instant bilocation, and that’s the main secret behind Trans-Dimensional Travel; well, there are a few other skills and secrets, but not that many.

See You At The Top!!!



More Orb Rundowns #2

Hadron Voyager — This is an interdimensional romp designed to get you used to the Power Dynamics of Trans-Space and Trans-Dimensional navigation and action. It’s easier than you think to operate your own body in another dimension, and that’s exactly what you’ll be doing! Operating in the Quantum World, you’ll take your immortal self through the World of Hadron.

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Orbs on the Production Line

Here is a partial list of some of the upcoming Orbs in store for you over the next few weeks…all of them are completed and are currently being tested before final release:

Helen of Troy — Imagine being the legendary and infamous Dr. Faust, conjuring up the departed spirit of Helen of Troy, as described by my friend, a 16th century poet and playwright named Christopher Marlowe. Helen of Troy!!! She’s young, she’s shapely, she’s every bit as beautiful as they say she was — and she’s willing to give you a glimpse into the future! She will hold you in her Magnetic Glance (+1000 to Magic) and she’ll then ask you Ten Questions; depending upon your answers, she will then give you a Final Outcome Psychic Power Spirit Reading.

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