Party On, Dudes!!!

I know that many folks who have just learned about coinology are sort of trying to wade through the maze of instruction that goes along with coin search as a Zen Practice. Problem is, there’s a lot to know, a lot to master and a lot of intricate steps with the attention, will and presence that can only be taught one at a time, mastered slowly and with integrity to purpose, and finally, to master the actual Practice of Coinology, a level of multiple attention that goes beyond the pale of ordinary thought. In addition, there’s the Magic of Magic Find; this is a constructed personal space which transcends Dimension. In order to delve into the Mysteries of Numisma, we must journey far, in a strange land.

You can order the DVDs of each grade, as listed below. Please don’t skip a grade, then blame me when you blow a billion-dollar coin away, okay? However, if you’re feeling lucky, go ahead and skip any grade you think you’ve already mastered. HINT: Each grade contains information that might come in handy later on when you know more.

I have formulated the Academy of Coinology, and separated the grades of coinology thusly:

Grade 1 — You learn to SEE the COIN. Actually SEE the COIN. Not a similiar coin, not more or less the coin, not sort of the coin. You learn to actually SEE … you get the idea.

Grade 2 — Here you learn the difference between bright and dark.

Grade 3 — In this grade, you learn the difference between a bright, shiny coin and a GEM grade coin.

Grade 4 — You learn how to magically “swipe”, or “deal out” a search “hand”, much as a roulette dealer would handle chips.

Grade 5 — You learn how to thoroughly search a “hand”.

Grade 6 — You learn which coins it is safe to discard into the “return to circulation” box.

Grade 7 —  In this grade, you learn what to look for in dark coins before discarding them.

Grade 8 — Now you need to know which coins are worth looking at, meaning they have a high degree of probability of sporting a doubled-die, re-punched mintmark, doubled mint-mark or other peculiarity which makes them more collectible.

Grade 9 — Here you will learn to “read” a coin’s value before you even “search” it with a loupe.

Grade 10 — In this grade, you learn how to use the 10x jeweler’s loupe to “search” a coin, meaning to inspect it closely to see any micro-details such as die-doubling or other errors.

Grade 11 — At this level, you are ready to learn the process of discernment, in which you make yourself able to see ahead of time what a coin will turn out to be, whether heads or tails up.

Grade 12 — This is the grade where you learn how to move coins around with verve and skill, to manipulate individual coins and piles of coins.

Grade 13 — At this grade, you’ll need to acquire the skills to properly and correctly identify a coin in such a way that others can understand what you’ve indicated. You learn the correct placements of all entries on a flip.

Grade 14 — High-Grade Coin Handling is the specialized concentration of this level of learning. You acquire the skills to “discover” a high-grade coin and guide it without further harm into a receiving system, whether flip, slab or capsule.

Grade 15 — This is the grade where you start learning how to prepare your coins for market, both person-to-person and on eBay, or just on your own website, if you prefer, as I do on mine. To see how I do it, click here.

Grade 16 — How to use eBay to “read” the current coin market.

Grade 17 — How to slant your coin sales to the current market demand. This involves back-story and storyline, sexiness and eye-appeal issues.

Grade 18 — Coins & History. A basic course in coin history and historical coinage.

Grade 19 — American Coin History & Collection.

Grade 20 — Early American Coin History & Collection.

Grade 21 — Ancient Historical Coins 101, an introduction to ancient coinage.

Grade 22 — Ancient Roman Coinage, Republic, Empire and Late Empire.

Grade 23 — Ancient Jewish Coinage, concentrating on Hasmonean & Herodian.

Grade 24 — Ancient Greek Coinage, primarily high-grade silver and some bronze.

Grade 25 — Medieval & Crusader & Danubian Celtic coinage.

Grade 26 — Assessment.

Grade 27 — Advanced Zen Practices, Past Lives Memory Recovery Through Coinology, & Post-Grad Academy Level Courses for professional coinology coaches.

Keep in mind that all along the way, you’ll be running special Orbs to improve your odds and make the experience much more open and Zen.

If I need to add a few more levels or have forgotten important details, I’ll do so as they come up — chances are, you’ll mention it if I’ve left something out.

Do remember that you don’t have to physically attend the Academy! All grades will soon be available on DVD, filmed in my private studio.

And don’t miss our LIVE broadcast classes! You’re invited to find out how to get there — you’ll want to tune into the ICW every Sat & Sun morning at 6:30 PST. Catch the magic!!!

Be sure to join us over the holidays — I’ll be celebrating my 71st birthday with a week-long coinology workshop!!!

See You At The Top!!!
