Dragon Yer Ass


Well, I finally took a little time to finish this 2011 offering which up ’til now has been available only as a beta download. It’s nothing special, except for speed-decisions, directional timing, instant navigation and evaluation of threat, clearing obstruction to forward motion, and other equally vital issues in the Between-Lives State. Dragon hunting? Think of it as a training regimen, not a way of life. Just ease up the tension in the sphincter just a little, and enjoy this medieval romp through a fantasy land that really exists Out There…Somewhere — perhaps in your near future??? (In a thick, Eastern European sort of “Cloris Leachman Voice of Doom” tone) Over ze rainbow, per-haps? The Dragon 3D game is not a prosperity path orb. It is six hard-ass levels of the fastest kick-butt Dragon Slaying you’ll ever get hold of, and it will be available on goddgames.com in about a week, if all goes well.