What To Do If You Wake Up


What happens when people just know too much and see too much to be amused by ordinary organic life? Jenna Marbles is one of my favoritest peoples on the planet; even she, with her beautiful attitude, after a while spent observing the human population, you’re bound to get cynical. Sure, you go about the usual daily business — you do what everyone seems to be doing: you survive. You endure parental control, try to learn something in a total fail school system designed to make money for the politicians and bankers. You discover sex, make out, have babies, work like hell to survive, never hear from your grandkids or get very far beyond a trip to Europe, then you get sick and die. Is this the kind of sales pitch for an amusement ride? Is this the sort of entertainment you’d expect to see billions flocking to get into? Well, apparently, it works, because there are currently 7.2 billion idiots flopping about like beached minnows on this planet. For someone who sees past the bullpuckey of organic involvements, this video will make sad and tragic sense. If you want more, you’ll have to pay with interest, attention and participation — three major obstacles for local humans,  beyond which they can’t get. Want to know why?

Most humans are programmed by “DNA” — which is what locals call the .ini file that drives them and makes them feel real, up close and personal. Actually, it’s all in the reflexes. The whole program consists of “seek pleasure/avoid pain”.

The result is knee-jerk reactions to everything.

It works well enough to populate a planet, and you can prove it just by going to 5th Avenue and 34th street in New York City at lunchtime.

You’ll see millions of robots going about their clockwork business.

The .ini file in their DNA tells them that they are totally in control and that they have complete command of their lives. Part of the program is the conviction that information is intelligence.

ZOMBIE=IN { SV( CR=Y RD=Y US=Y NS=Y) SetHitstokill(1) XH WN(512) } \
ON HP { H TP(1) SA(PAIN,-1) OSOUND(GROWL13)  XT(762) } \
{ XS SV( CR=N ) TP(1) SA(RUN,-1) H OSOUND(GROWL13) MP(12) { TP(1) P(2) W(1) MP(12) * }  }
ON CP { H TP(1) SA(ATTACK,-1) XM(“Attacking closed to player” )  XAP }  \

Sure, it sounds stupidly simple now, but where were you when the page was blank?

Poor Jenna Marbles. Got stuck on a tiny dustball which locals call “Planet Earth” and which all the rest of the galaxy calls “Planit Urth”, spelling it properly.

NOTE to SELF: Urth people cannot spell their way out of a paper bag.

So what happens when an Interdimensional Voyager like ms. Marbles stumbles into a lower world like this? Clearly, a hell of a lot of videos.

Some, not all, of her videos contain observations about human life that would cause a saint to give up on them, but don’t worry — no real saint would interfere — they can’t live outside their program, outside their box.

Think I’m joking about programming of “flatties”, locals? I’m not, and you can test this anytime by merely asking anyone around you, “What’s the capital of South Dakota?”.

If they answer “Fargo”, they’re local. If they correctly say “Pierre”, or “I haven’t a frickin’ clue”, they’re Not From Around Here.

So what’s Jenna’s Next Step?

It may be nothing.

There’s no guarantee that an IDT — Inter-Dimensional Transplant — will wake up from the Life Dream and DO anything about it. Sometimes it’s a downspiral into hedonism and despairing rants — or inspiring insights and a real appreciation of life, and an urge to help those stuck in suffering.

In rare cases, The Wakeup Call results in a life of work to rise above the Organic Plane in which most Beings are stuck like houseflies on flypaper.

But if one wanted to pull out of the crap level of organic life and get into the Fast Lane of Interdimensional Beings, all they’d have to do is start by clicking this link:


There are more than just a few ideas of what to do while doing time on Planit Urth. There are tons of options, if you know what’s actually going on. At some point, science will discover that the Universe is Oriented.

What does that mean?

It means that it’s a giant videogame. Giant from this perspective, but really quite small and very limited from the programmer’s point of view.

If you find yourself going cynical about it all, stop it now. Cynicism and sarcasm are NOT the answer, and if they take too deep a hold, may be temporarily incurable.

There are many tools for the InterDimensional Voyager on urthgame.com . You can avail yourself of any of them for a mere 99 cent payloads website download fee.

Be of help to others, relieve suffering, be bountiful, bring about peace and harmony. These are good goals, attainable by any IDT like yourself — sure, you’re not a flattie, or you wouldn’t have read this far down the page.

Give Urthgame.com a try. Or go back to speed dating and accumulating objects, while you’re waiting to die.

See You At The Top!!!
