Your Egyptian Tarot Deck is Ready…


Well, here it is at last! The image-making process of my Gods of Egypt Tarot Deck has been completed. The production of the level in which it was made took place over a number of years — the textures and technical skills are cumulative. The entire development of this technique, which is unique to 3D image creation at this time, took a total of 32 years, starting with tabletop and primitive computer systems and platforms,  with the result that today’s engine has thousands of particle and physics effects as well as rendering methods that make the latest video games seem crude by comparison. The GODD 3D Engine was not made for Flattie toys. It’s designed for Real World Voyaging. My Gods of Egypt Tarot Deck will definitely trigger some travel in even a hardened astral-plane-resistant Collapsed Being. I’ll be talking more about states of Being in relation to the organic body/mind/emotions and what it means to piggy-back a flattie, at the next ICW.

See You At The Top!!!
