How to Use My Orbs to Program & MetaProgram the Human BioComputer & Beyond

I’ve released the Orbs, but haven’t yet put them in any order. They’re meant for two purposes. First, the lower Orbs — the HBM Programming ones — are just intended as “Practice” runs. Sure, it’s nice to clean up your HBM act, but all that stuff melts away in the very first second you’ll spend in the Between-Lives State. Your real work will be with the MetaPrograms, the ones that address the Spiritual Being and your own special brand of individuality on the Spirit Plane. Of course, above that, we’re all One, but that’s a lot harder to admin.

Even there, we’ll deal with that lofty space a lot sooner than you’ll really want to. It’s the MetaProgramming Set, and it comes at the tail end of a large number of exercises and tests. This is the Real Thing, and you don’t want to mess it up.

Using these Orbs with the SuperBeacon, Matrix and Running Ammy is highly recommended for the greatest possible spiritual benefit. Keep your Quantum up!!!

Here is a short list of the PROGRAMMING Orbs & Modules:

AMY’S BEAUTY BOOST — This has nothing to do with what your body or your face actually looks like. This is not about makeup, fashion, shoe style, hairstyle, jewelry or Botox. It’s about Real Beauty. Everybody knows beauty is only skin deep, but real beauty comes from within, and makes you appear glowing & radiant. What you’ve actually done with this stunningly powerful spiritual process is make your aura cleaner, more nourishing, more sustaining, more radiant and more nurturing. In short, you’re a walking source of beauty. This Orb Really Works!!! A word of warning; if you run this Orb right, you’ll find that dogs, cats and horses will try to follow you home, and there isn’t a reptile that won’t eat a cricket right out of your hand. A lofty ambition, but eminently achievable.

ANGER DETOX — Anger is a reaction to something, usually fear. Fear is all right, but its companion, “panic” usually runs the show, and I do mean “show” — What happens is that the body-mind in panic begins a “display”, meant to threaten and intimidate an enemy; yes, enemy. All body-mind reactions are reducible to only two: “Fight or Flight” & “Friend” or “safe”. Sounds bloody minimal, but that’s how Nature has to operate — it’s all very simple stuff made complex by numbers and variation. This Orb offers you an opportunity to grab the wheel and steer your own car straight.  “Anger” is an ineffective state for which you give yourself permission and from which you expect to have your way. Well, stop it.

BANISHING — To “Banish” something is to render it harmless and then to send it away, permanently, into the Void or somewhere from which it will not return to haunt you. This works well with ordinary human memories, and sometimes helps with ordinary human aches & pains. It does other things, too, but it’s up to YOU to find out what you can do with this extraordinary HBM Programming  Access Module!!!

CHAKRA CLEANSE — A Chakra Cleanse is something you’ll want to perform once a week or more, if you want to keep your “karma balance” at zero. This is something like the celebration & practice associated with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year Celebration, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. On Yom Kippur, Jewish folks make peace with everyone they know and square off any debts, so the New Year will not catch them unprepared. This is the highest form of personal ethic, and should be noted. Never leave the table until all debts are paid.

CONFLICT — When we see the word “conflict”, we’re trained quite thoroughly to see it as a kind of war between two different forces, opinions or wills. Actually, it’s a lot deeper than that. Conflict occurs when any two or more than two paths converge in a nexus point. Clearing the path is easy, when you have the tools right there at your fingertips. Running this Orb will give you the opportunity to take action to remove the Obstacles from your Path and to render them harmless, without doing harm. “Do No Harm” is the basic Hippocratic Oath. It’s been subjected to a ton of modifiers by the profession in order to weaken its purpose, of course — that’s the nature of human medicine, to form a club to protect the doctors from malpractice suits, and to hell with the customer…I mean, “patient”. Modern Medicine is a business, strictly a money-driven business. Don’t get me started.

CONFUSION — First of all, there’s nothing wrong with a little confusion now and then. Confusion is a tool, not a problem. You need to see it in its positive aspects, too, before you can really appreciate confusion. If you were a cook, you would not fear the blender, and that’s what “confusion” really is, a blender. It can work for you or against you, it’s up to you. Gain power over confusion and learn to use it as a tool, and your life will go a lot righter.

DETOX — What does it mean, “to detox”??? Recently, the word “detox” has become associated with drug-crazed rock stars and pathetic divas who have fallen briefly out of the public spotlight after their “upskirt” and “wardrobe malfunction” publicity leaks failed, but what it really means is to remove toxins, pure & simple. So, with that in mind, the Detox Orb takes you through a series of actions in which you set up an inner resonance with the detox commands. Nobody wants to smell bad and make others sick, right? So, get that stink out of your aura!!!

GUILT — If you’ve been raised strictly in the Jewish or Catholic traditions, you’ll already be half-bent with the combined weight of your sins, your failings and your unrevealed secret thoughts. Let me tell you right now, that nothing you’ve ever done rated “guilt”. Look at the solar system from just outside the Kuyper Belt. See what I mean? Now go out to the Orion Cluster and take a look back. You can’t even SEE the sun from there!!! Take this Orb with a grain of salt, and see if any guilt particles remain in your brain.

HALLOWEEN — Just because it was released for Halloween doesn’t mean this is meant strictly for my personal favorite holiday. It has the Pig-Headed Goddess of both the Tibetan and American Books of the Dead — actually for the dead, not of the dead, but who’s counting? The Tibetan Deities in Halloween make it an excellent Supra-Karma run, so if you’re on the Advanced MetaProgramming Course, you’ll be using this again.

HUMILIATION — We all need a little humiliation now and then, and this is the perfect way to get it, with yourself in charge, running the show from Where You Really Are, instead of the body-mind Earthian thing you’ve been forced to obey. Actually, humiliation is part of a karmic reduction process, and is very highly accepted in many traditions, leading hopefully to acceptance and a sense of humility. I, myself, have earned the Humility Award several times over the past several millenia, and I keep them proudly displayed on my ceiling. I don’t care who you are, or where you came from, that’s funny.

JEALOUSY — My personal favorite among the Negative Emotions, jealousy will get you there when nothing else works, right? What a tool jealousy is — you can use it to make someone like you more; with jealousy, a lover will spurn their present lover and return to your bed, and with jealousy, you can feel the thrill of envy, hate and repulsion. Jealousy is a powerful tool for victimizers to use on their victims, and it works every time, day after day, year after year. On the other side of the coin, the Jealousy Orb is also useful in MetaProgram applications, because it relates to the Norton Street Run & Beyond. Jealousy is not what you think it is.

KARMA WASH — You can use this easy 60-second karma wash every day to get your karma barnacles off and your higher body smelling sweet and kind. No sense letting it build up. Look brighter, be brighter. Karma Wash Every Day!

OBSESSION — Now, here’s an Orb I could learn to stay focused on. Obsession is both a terrible thing and a wonderful tool for transformation, but you have to have control of it before you can use it as a tool, because it’s not a hand-tool, it’s a power-tool, and that means Danger, Will Robinson! Some obsessions are dark, and some obsessions are magnificent. All obsessions are obsessive. All obsessions are obsessive. All obessions are obsessive. Al obcessins are absesive. All ossessions are osessive. *See appendix.

PAIN — Nobody likes pain. Wait, what am I saying? Everybody likes pain, or they wouldn’t bring it onto themselves deliberately. Without pain, you’d be bumping into things all the time, and sticking your finger into electrical sockets one-too-many-times. Pain is an unpleasant sensation, but it can just as easily be redefined as pleasant, as any masochist will tell you. Pain is a subjective decision about a sensation. In my childbirthing classes, I showed how sensation without pain can work for you to help you deliver a baby more easily and happily. Pain is a tool that the universe uses to tell you that you need to move, and fast, before something worse happens. As your body ages, you will discover that you can tolerate a whole helluva lot more pain than you ever thought possible.

PANIC — Phobos and Deimos, Fear & Panic, are the two tiny close-in moons of my home planet, Mars. Not really where I came from, just where I parked my vehicle. Panic is your biggest enemy in this world. Fear by itself is harmless. Panic puts fear in a whole new category. Panic is what gets you hurt, makes you do stupid things that you’ll regret immediately; it makes you push the red button long before you have to, or long after you should have pushed the button. Get control of panic now, before it’s too la……

PURIFY — Purification is a good way to clear yourself of unwanted clusters of yuckiness. This Orb is used mostly in MetaProgramming Sessions, but can be used on the lower personal levels as well, as a kind of Quantum Incense Fumigation process. It will become one of your favored and most-used Higher Being MetaTools when you learn how to use it.

WORRY — Worry is the clever mechanism by which we measure and test our many possible futures. It’s a positive tool that causes problems when applied to daily life. Worry on the lower level involves money, prestige, health issues, diet, weight, appearance and even aggravated worry, which can lead to ulcers and other stress phenomena. When you learn to use worry as a tool for transformation, it will lose its power over you and yours.

APPROVAL — We all want approval, right? Well, no, not all of us. Approval comes from an admired individual or group in which we have placed our trust and our own approval. Failure to get approval from parents, friends, associates, can all lead to loss of income. But there’s another side to approval, a side in which you use it as a transformative tool. That’s when approval means more than just “the approbation of applauding monkeys”.

CAREGIVER — Sure, this Orb is terrific for body workers, care-givers in hospice situations, doctors, nurses, relatives of terminal patients, workers in rehabilitation and floatation centers and more, but it also applies on a very high level to All-Quarters Maintainers, and that’s how you’ll eventually learn to use this incredible technical MetaProgramming Orb & Mod.

LOTTERY — Want to improve your odds of winning? This has nothing to do with winning money at a luck game; the lottery of life is what it’s all about. Your luck is tied to your present karma. Change your karma and change your luck.

LORD BUDDHA — If you hope to ever be a Bodhisattva, you should consider meeting and befriending Lord Buddha, one of several guiding lights in the local universe in which we presently meet. Although this is primarily a MetaProgramming Orb, it can be used to stay in touch.

RESIST-ALL — What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. Resist-All is a special MetaTool, not recommended as a casual cure for boredom.

CLEAR LIGHT — Strictly MetaProgramming MetaTool, this is used for all sorts of functional spiritual remedial actions, mostly with recently deceased. Besides the ABD, this is the primary tool of the LRS.

APHRODITE — Nominally one of the Oracle Orbs, you can contact Aphrodite in matters of love and relationship.

CLEOPATRA — Cleopatra was the Queen of Intrigue; she can give a glimpse into the future of secrets and revelations.

APOLLO — Clarity and freedom from base emotions are the keynotes of the Apollo Oracle, giving steely-eyed glances into many possible futures.

HELEN OF TROY — Considered the most beautiful woman in the world in her day, she was the singular reason for the Siege of Troy. Perhaps her insights can provide you with a clear vision of what is in store.

INNANNA — If you really want to know what’s going on, don’t ask the Town Drunk — ask someone who has spent a season or two in Hell.

ISHTAR — Contact Ishtar for the answer to the Great Riddle: “What exactly IS the Great Riddle???”

ISIS — A great silken Ally and friend of the feline nature.

JOAN OF ARC — It’s not just Joan who gives guidance here, it’s also her husband, Noah.

MASTER OF WISDOM — When there’s something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call???

MERLIN — Not known for being especially helpful, Merlin nevertheless can be a good source for future knowledge, although the answer will invariably be encoded. You’ll need the name of the jockey and the weight of the handicap pouch to derive the result. This is really intended for advanced MetaProgramming students, but you’re welcome to download it and try it, but don’t blame me for any frustration. Well, what the heck, go ahead and blame me for anything you like — I’m impervious to life-damage.

MY GUARDIAN ANGEL — Ever wonder why most folks seem unaware that they are under the care and protection of a Guardian Angel? It’s because they don’t bother to write, that’s why. Money isn’t everything, but it keeps the kids in touch.

PAN — He doesn’t have a good reputation these days, being the roguish God of Robust Sex and Reproduction, but just you wait until infant mortality rises back to its natural normal level, about 70% — and the birth-rate drops to almost zero after the last explosion at Fukushima in 2054. You’ll see a resurgence in interest in Pan and his powers of Creativity, but it won’t do any good by then.

NOSTRADAMUS — Known chiefly for his deadly-accurate 400 year prognostications, Michael of Our Lady is a great source of wisdom, similar in operation to the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce. Nostradamus will typically translate from his own brand of Medieval French to English, thanks to modern technology.

SOLOMON —  His reputation for wisdom rests upon his decision to settle a dispute between two women over a baby by ordering the baby to be sliced in half, and half given to each of them. They got the point without sacrificing the baby. For whose benefit is it? If for the benefit of the baby, the baby should not be vivisectioned, right?

SANTA — I won’t apologize — it’s a helluva funny idea, a cigar-smoking Santa as an Oracular Figure. I wouldn’t have released it, but for some weird reason, it actually works.

ST. MICHAEL — My co-worker in the Higher Dimensions, St. Mike is ready to help. He is bright, sharp and willing to give assistance on The Path. He won’t or can’t help on smaller matters, preferring to allow nature to take its course. Mike is a terrific ally and, like my marking ally, Archangel Zadkiel, has never let me down, and that’s a long, long time.

TEDDY — You had a magic teddy bear, but when you got too old to be a baby, he or she was taken away from you and you never saw Teddy again. Now it’s time to re-establish old friendships with Teddy and his Band of Invisible Friends. Everything you think you know is a lie. Teddy is real, and he’s here to help.

THOTH — One of my very best All-Quarters Maintainers, Thoth is a former priest of the Temple at Khmun, but I recruited dhwty — he who has the attributes of an Ibis — as a local Moon-God back before Dynasty I, when the rates were a lot lower. He has a lot to offer as an Oracle, but a good background in Middle Hieroglyphics is helpful, if not absolutely necessary.

DISCIPLINE — One of the skills necessary to develop and hone to a high level, primarily for the assumption of Bodhisattvic Duties.

GET WELL SOON — Terrific tool for using prayer, focused wishing, as a tool for wellness and transformation, and a great device for developing the skills needed as a spiritual healer, which is a primary tool for any Bodhisattva.

SUCCESS — To the average human, “success” spells victory over poverty. In a way, that’s quite right, but wealth and poverty have nothing to do with money. You’d know that in a flash if you ever met wealthy people experiencing a life of poverty; in the realm of money, that’s all you’ll ever meet, although they might not know the source of their pain. When it’s all about YOU, there’s no room for others. Success can refer to any endeavor.

SURRENDER — Contrary to popular wisdom — one of my favorite oxymorons, like “army intelligence” — Surrender does not mean to “give up”. It means to give oneself over to something or someone. In the lower emotions, this generally results in a divorce, but in the Higher Dimensions, Surrender is a very important part of the Procession of Spirit.

TOLERANCE — If you want to be tolerated for your own peculiar brand of weirdness, you’d better learn to tolerate others. This is a strictly transactional agreement, tit for tat. May I offer you some tat?

UNDERSTANDING — What is Understanding, anyway?

49 DAYS — This is strictly MetaProgramming, but can be used by anyone at any level of personal development.

ADDICTION — Generally understood to refer to drugs like coffee, tea, alchohol, tobacco and other harmful substances, most of which are either legal or commonly distributed by local hoodlums, but addiction is a very all-encompassing subject which has many levels of meaning and involvement, most of which are in the realm of Spirit, not body. Death and Rebirth is an addiction. Human form reincarnation is an addiction. Buddhahood is an addiction. Reset your thinking about this.

ATTENTION — The Primary Tool of the Being. You might outgrow your need for milk, but you’ll never outgrow your need for attention.

BLESSINGS — Blessing is an action taken by a Being to assist other Beings. If you know how to Bless, you can do a lot of good in this world and other worlds, too.

CERTAINTY — Most folks would give their eye-teeth for a little certainty, but they don’t know what certainty is. It has nothing to do with facts or truth. Certainty is just certainty. It is a very handy subjective operating tool, but you must grasp its objective purpose before applying it in Higher MetaProgramming Levels. On the daily life cycle, it has no deleterious effect, and can help you to achieve a goal.

CLARITY — Achieving Clarity is a major goal of Zen. It means to remove the cobwebs of the Soul.

COURAGE — As we all have seen, a Lion Without Courage is a Failed Lion. Courage is a terrific tool, and can give you the strength to achieve an impossible goal. Courage gives you the strength to carry on.

DEPRESSION — Everyone suffers from Depression, but how many folks actually know what causes Depression? Depression is a “lowering-down” of something relative to where it was before. It can be considered a process of “deflation” as opposed to “inflation” or an inflated state prior to depression. Every low has a relative high. No highs without lows and no lows without highs. They go together like a pendulum swings. Riding the perfectly natural and normal emotional and organic swings of the body-mind is like surfing. Even the very best surfer falls off the board now & again. Relax. This Orb will help you get back on without fear.

ENLIGHTENMENT — Why pay a small fortune for a subscription to a magazine when you can have the Real Thing right now for only 99 cents? To be Enlightened is to experience a reduction of burden, and that’s all it is. Just a little less weight in the backpack is all. Most folks stop right there, and for most folks it’s more than enough to satisfy the Soul, but it’s actually just the very first tentative step toward the Waking State and the Great Work.

FEAR — Everyone’s afraid of fear, which is why we see so much anger in the world. Anger comes from a fear of being afraid. Fear is your friend. Without fear, you wouldn’t live long. Fear works by automatic prodding. It’s not a reaction, it’s a state of recognition. Fear helps you to stay away from live wires, deep canyons and rickety-looking racing cars. Fear is the only thing between you and a brick wall in your face.

FAILURE — Most folks fear failure, but I welcome it. Don’t let failure discourage you; every failure is one step closer to success. Every great invention is the result of thousands of failures. The point is to learn from the failure, don’t make the same exact mistake again and again and again, and keep going until you succeed. This Orb gives you a good handle on that and helps you get past the discouragement barrier.

FORGIVENESS — Forgiveness implies a state of unforgiven-ness, in which some horrible offense has occurred and offense has been taken. If there is no one to be offended, there is no need of forgiveness; forgiveness is a given.

GODDESS — Within every woman — and some gender-unthreatened men — is a Goddess waiting to be awakened. Let this Orb guide you to the awakening of your inner Goddess Spirit.

The Artist Yanesh

GRATITUDE — To go along with your Goddess of Gratitude Altar Guide from the Atelier of Yanesh, this Orb will help you realize the Power of Gratitude.




HADRON VOYAGER — Really quite far beyond the novice, this META Tool is totally useless in the hands of the untrained voyager. It is intended as a tool for coached reincarnation awareness sessions, but you can download it and run it if you want to experience some real frustration.

HEAL MY PET — Used as a Directed Prayer toward the assistance of animals of all kinds, this is a great tool for the Beginning Bodhisattva to start exercising some of that famous compassion we hear so much about. Let’s see you do some compassion duty, okay? This goes well with any of the Allies & Familiars Exercises explained elsewhere.

HOPE — Without Hope, how can we carry on? Only be sure to accurately DEFINE YOUR HOPE, because a general, vague sort of hope does nothing to improve the situation.

INSPIRATION — Inspiration merely means “to breathe”. It also refers to communication with Higher Entities who might deem you worthy of help in the matter of new ideas and fresh visions of reality. This Orb goes well with didgeridoo, flute and harmonica exercises.

JOY — Featuring my good friend and constant companion, Joey the Flying Pig, this Orb helps you to use the Power of Joy to bring goodness with you wherever you go, and to spread feelings of Joy and Happiness everywhere. Use this with the Bodhisattva Ammy and you’re good to go!

KARMA BURN — For those who want a real karma reduction and have a good 20-30 minutes to spare doing a good job of it. Absolutely the best METATOOL you have at your disposal until the Higher Grades.

LOVE 2.0 — Who doesn’t want a little love in their life? But there’s a Higher Love, too, called … called … gosh, what IS that ancient Greek word for Higher Conscious Love-Absolute? Oh, yeah, agape. Three Days of Peace & Love. Well, in spite of the publicity and promotion and the absurdly romanticized books about the hippies, agape not the love they spread at Woodstock —  that love resulted in a highly localized baby boom amongst the Aquarian Age folks, who are by now quite Aquarian Aged. Feel the Love of Agape, not the love of lust.

LUCKY BUDDHA — It wouldn’t hurt to win the lottery; it’s not a crime against the spirit to win something now and then, so long as you share the wealth. Use what you need and give the rest away. To whom? You decide. That’s the real lesson here. How to use money? The rich have no clue. They live in perpetual fear of loss, never realizing that their wealth is total illusion — they experience poverty, relentless lack of challenge and total boredom.

LUST — How far into sexual obsession have we come? Lust originally meant “enthusiasm” and nothing more. Convert sexual lust into enthusiasm for something positive and useful, with this easy-to-operate META PROGRAMMING Orb. Sure, you can use it to help you on lower levels, too.

MEMORY — It’s not just about your ordinary memory, although that could always use some improvement. It’s about expanding your memory to include all the lifetimes you’ve ever lived, plus the higher memories of higher dimensions beyond the boundaries of space, time and organic bodies.

PRIDE — Behind every successful person is a massive amount of coffee and bearclaws. Pride is an issue in the lower emotional levels, but it’s even more of an issue in the Higher Dimensions, where you have Serious Power and Great Knowledge. It’s hard to keep yourself from feeling your oats when you’ve got them, but you must try. Pride is annoying on an organic level, but downright dangerous on the level of Spirit. If you can’t keep your ego down, your day is gonna come.

PROSPERITY — Probably the most used of all Orbs, it refers to Prosperity, not to gold and riches. Use it in good health.

PROTECTION — This is something you used to pay to the local hoods to prevent accidents from happening to you and your family and your business. It’s still a good deal, even today. The local hoods in this case happen to be wildly enthusiastic lower deities out to make a name for themselves in the “help” department. Some angels also respond to your requests in this Orb. It all depends on what you’re open to.

SELF-ESTEEM — Self-Esteem is a trap of the First Water and should be avoided like the plague. Here is an Orb that will help you on the lower levels to restore your Self-Esteem, and on the higher levels, will help you get free from the whole concept of Self-Esteem and all the misery it brings. Self-Esteem must never be tied to your means of earning a living.

SHAME — Shame is a terrible thing to waste, like a mime. There are powerful uses for shame, and it is not to be feared or avoided. It can be used for amazing results, but you must gain control over it, first.

SHYNESS — Easy to overcome if you realize who and where you are and what you’re really doing. This Orb helps you to overcome shyness in the lower organic levels, and then how to use it to your advantage in the higher Spiritual Between-Lives State.

TANTRA — Don’t let its reputation fool you. Tantra has uses you wouldn’t even dream of. Nominally of use in the lower organics, it really has its functionality plugged into the higher levels of META.

TRUST — Trust is an issue in the lower organics, sure, but it really comes into play in the Norton Street Levels, where you’re experiencing the Causal Plane Reality, in which every move you make affects billions of beings. Care is indicated, watch your step and please keep your hands and other appendages within the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop. Thank you for traveling Bardo Airways.

WILL POWER — More properly known by its formal name, “William Power”, this Orb will take you into the realm of what is Will? Will Power is used to apply force to higher prayer. It has nothing whatever to do with forcing others to obey your casual whims.

Well, that’s it for the moment…I’ve used up all my spare time before the ICW and must dash now to breakfast and camera. I’ll add more later as time allows.

See You At The Top!!!
