We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us


This was a very popular book back in the day of the Vietnam war, and is directed at same; yet the idea is so profound, it can be used to describe our psycho-emotional condition at any given moment.

How often have we heard the expression, “The Enemy Within”? We know from Shakespeare that every protagonist has within himself a “fatal flaw” which brings down kings, queens and dictators alike.

Wouldn’t you like a handle on that enemy within? Wouldn’t it be nice to conquer that self-destructive idiot that hides deep inside your darkest subconscious cavern?

Problem is, would you recognize the enemy if you saw him? And what if the enemy looked like you? What if the enemy was, in fact, you???

Next problem is, if the enemy turns out to be something that you consider to be the very essence of yourself, something you wanted and needed badly, and you were hooked on whatever it is that the enemy provides — would you have the strength of will to walk away?

I’m betting not.

Hunger is a great power. But I’m also betting on the strength of will of your Avatar to pull you out of it.

You can spend thousands of dollars and many fruitless years trying to get well-adjusted, or you can take the simple action-step of putting your Avatar into the Ashram, and by so doing, wash away all the present and back karma that has accumulated, giving you a daily fresh start.

Yes, you do it daily.

Push button, Avatar goes into Ashram.

Not much of an Act of Will, but it definitely is a good, albeit tiny, step in the right direction.

When you log on into the Ashram, you establish a firm connection with your own future Bodhi Self through the Avatar in the Ashram.

There are bolstering and supporting levels of Action Steps you can take to enhance the effect of that better contact through the Ashram.

Meanwhile, you’re earning the Merit — experience points — as if you’re already a Bodhi in the Work. At the same time, you’re taking advantage of the help by accepting the Willpower and Energetics.

In this way, one can get help with addictions of all kinds, from sex to cigarettes.

You know, the Dating Game and Mating Game are also kinds of addictions. Once you hook up, make contact, with someone, you should theoretically turn off the Trolling Mechanism, right?

One would think so, but that’s not the case. Nobody teaches how to turn it off, even when it has accomplished their purpose in turning it on in the first place.

Gosh, that sounds in retrospect so … well, so disoriented, if that’s the right word for the general effect.

Think about this a moment; the phrase “we have met the enemy and he is us” was, at the time of publication of this great Pogo collection from the newspapers, widely used to describe the administration that had landed us in, then kept us in, the Vietnam War, which is now not even a living memory of the very old.

I remember the Civil War. Believe me, it was anything but civil.

But I digress.

We have met the enemy, and he is us. That, right there, is our first clue, perhaps, that there is some sort of enemy, someone acting against our own best interests.

At long last, when we understand that there is something blocking us, preventing us from rising beyond the organic world, we begin, maybe, the long search for The Enemy Within, and eventually, if we pursue it deeply enough, we find The Enemy, and it turns out, he or she is always us.

How to deal with all this? Don’t beat your head against a brick wall. No need to pay thousands for therapy. Plug into the Avatar Connection and gain the will you need to clear away the karma and get to work earning the Merit you’ll need for Graduation Day.

Stay Tuned for More! Be sure to take Action Step #1 (put Avatar into Ashram every day).

I hear your objections. Overruled.

See You At The Top!!!
