Pete Seeger’s Rainbow Race is a Message for All Mankind


Homo Sapiens Sapiens is a single race with no significant differences… Ask any alien.


One blue sky above us, One ocean lapping at our shore, One Earth so green & round, Who could ask for more? And because I love you, I’ll give it one more try, to show my Rainbow Race, it’s too soon to die.

Some people live like an ostrich, bury their heads in the sand; some hope that plastic dreams can unclench all those greedy hands.

Some hope to take the easy way, poisons, bombs, they think we need ’em; don’t you know you can’t kill ALL the unbelievers, there’s no shortcut to freedom.

Go tell all the little children, tell all the mothers and fathers, too; now’s our last chance to learn to share what’s been given to me and you.

One blue sky above us, One ocean lapping at our shore, One Earth so green & round, Who could ask for more? And because I love you, I’ll give it one more try, to show my Rainbow Race, it’s too soon to die.

I thought a treatment of this song with several translations would work, something like “Everybody Loves Saturday Night”, so here are the lyrics in Norwegian, as I remember them, but I could have heard incorrectly and would welcome corrections. I have no idea how to get the umlauts to work, so they’ve been left out, and I’ve arranged the lyrics to accommodate the blog setup, not my best choice for song layout. I’ll write out the lyrics in several more languages — Spanish, German, French, Russian, and that’s my limit. I’ll need help for Swahili and Parsi. Extremists and hate groups tend to hate this song and any other song that promotes peace & love.


En Himmel full av sterner, Blatt hav sa langt du ser; en jord der blomster gror, kan du onske mer? Sammen skal vi leve, hver soster og hver bror, sma barn av grenbuen, og en frodig jord.

Noen tror det ikke nytter, noen kaster tiden bort med prat, noen tror at vi kan leve av, plst og syntetisk mat.

Og noen stjeler fra de unge, som blir sendt for a sloos, noen stjeler fra de mange, som kommer etter oss.

En Himmel full av sterner, Blatt have sa langt du ser; en jord der blomster gror, kan du onske mer? Sammen skal vi leve, hver soster og hver bror, sma barn av grenbuen, og en frodig jord.

Men si det til all barna, og si det til hver far og mor, enna har vi en sjanse, till a dele et hap og en jord.

En Himmel full av sterner, Blatt have sa langt du ser; en jord der blomster gror, kan du onske mer? Sammen skal vi leve, hver soster og hver bror, sma barn av grenbuen, og en frodig jord.

I’ll be writing out verses and adding this song to my “Rainbow Beads” song list for those who wish to sing and peddle rainbow beads at one and the same time.

See You At The Top!!!
