This doorway looks ordinary, but when triggered correctly, it works as a WormHole.

PORTALS are passages through barriers between spaces. Sometimes a Portal is a WormHole, but it can also be a simple open passage, a tunnel or a doorway.

Many XD (Extra-Dimensional) Portals are barred and locked. Here’s the basic secret to unlocking those Portals:

Every Lock LOOKS CONSTANTLY for the Key that will open it, but in order to make that work, you MUST find the LOCK!

A Key corresponds exactly to the description held by the Lock. When the Key matches the Lock’s “fitting” instruction, the Lock goes to the Open State. There are hundreds of WORMHOLE PASSAGES around Planet Earth, but they are invisible to ordinary sight and measurement.

I can build a doorway in the GODD® Engine, in which the door doesn’t open until it detects the FITTING KEY being correctly applied. When I roll over the invisible DETECTOR OBJECT, it sends out a tag that tells the door to open or the teleport to transport me to the other side of the door, whether it opened or not.

If I can do that here, with the puny tools available to humans, imagine what can be done in the Bardos and in the Mega-Universal Grid as well.

Most of the WORMHOLE PORTALS don’t look like much — they don’t have to. They sit quietly on Ley-Lines and other Global Grid References, looking like a piece of carved rock, and that’s exactly what they are — cut stone.

Was the stone cut with bronze tools? Not hardly. There’s a gadget that’s fairly common among advanced XD races, similar to a spanner wrench. It melts rock like butter.

The real trick is to help the local indiginous population to build temples or something around the Gateway, and to treat it with reverence, respect and just a little fear.

It’s best if the Portal remains undisturbed. You want to be able to come and go through the Portal without getting eaten or tarred & feathered by the locals or worse, another XD culture that collects pets for the enormous XD pet market Out There throughout the galaxies.

Non-telepathic pets such as humanoids can be particularly expensive since the survival rate of humanoids is so miserably low, and the short lifespan makes transport, storage and breeding difficult enough to justify the $50,000,000 pricetag you’d have to pay in Bardo Bucks just for a male. A breeding female costs even more, pretty much the same as your Crested Gecko market here on Planet Earth.


Some Keys are items of jewelry, especially beads, which can be arranged and sequenced in mathematical and visual patterns, strings and correspondings.

Keys can be expressed in color, size, shape, number, placement, relationship, analog significance, alias naming — and thousands of other combinations of stuff to make recognizable patterns that can be detected by the Lock.

Without detection, there can be no interaction. This is powerfully true of any Quantum Effect, and opening a WormHole Portal falls quite definitely under the category of Quantum Effects.

The Key and the Lock must have something in common, and they do — the shape, which can be expressed as a number, letters, characters of any kind, and any combination of differentness that equals the precise and complete picture of what it is the Lock is looking for.

I have a necklace made of beads from the North Apartments of the Royal Palace of Amarna. Should this necklace be worn when passing in front of the small shrine in the North Palace, a Gateway opens up and the person wearing the necklace simply isn’t there anymore.


Anyone trained in XD voyaging can do it. What it takes is RECOGNITION of the Key and the knowledge of where to apply or use it.

I’ll give you one concrete example:

The 48″ radius WormHole Path Portal — at the left of photo — opens at the left-bend curve point, marked with the round stones, with this item:

It’s easy to set up an XD Portal, but keeping it in place undisturbed and yet unguarded is a challenge that has to be met by every conscious XD traveler, even in the more relaxed empires scattered throughout billions and billions of galaxies.

Here’s an XD Portal I made a few years ago:

At the center of the Magic Path Maze, you’ll find this little round section of old bricks, which I laid down some 35 years ago. It’s just a simple path of bricks laid onto a sand base and then ticked in with molding to keep the sides from getting out of line.

The small wooden bench is merely decorative until you sit there while wearing the right items — I made it complex, because it’s a vital link to Home Base, and must not be compromised.

Not only does it require the right equipment, but the right mantram along with the right Movements, in order to unlock the XD gate.

There’s one very similar to this at Karnak, but it’s been there longer than the one in my Zen Garden. Everyone can sense the Karnak Gate, just as they can sense the Longbarrow and Stonehenge StarGates, the Mayan Portals and the many XD Portals that can be found in almost every country in the world.

Most of the XD Portals that you’ll find still existing around the world are still there for one of only two reasons; the site was buried under dirt or vegetation until recently, or the site is considered dangerous or scary.

A Zen Garden is hardly a scary place, but under the right conditions, the XD Portal or StarGate will be respected as long as Zen Gardens are respected.

That having been said, reflect on the fact that we are living on a barbaric planet where people actually kill other people. This is not a planet than can expect to join the Galactic Federation anytime soon.

XD Portals are associated with weirdness; creatures come walking out of there that could only be spawned in the horror comics, but they’re real, they’re intelligent and they’re far superior in civilization.

Just off the coast at this same location, you’ll find a protected XD Portal for submersibles. It’s easier to hide a Portal under water, but you have to have the vehicle to support it.

Where would I get a vehicle like that? I wouldn’t. Never have, never plan to. They’re clumsy and invarioubly get shot down by some local hysteric. Just build ’em as you need ’em, which is the distinct advantage to OTAG switches being set to full transparency, even if it means stumbling around looking for it, or placing it on a clearly marked or highly evident object, such as the round rock on the right of the pathway in the drawing above.

Some XD Portals are highly specific and cannot be opened with anything but the “right” Key. Still others can be opened with a similar Key, and a few can be DIVINED by instinct and the Unlocking Postures and Wearables will work even though they are not specific to the XD Portal Gateway.

I have a number of items I made in 1967 and 1968 when the EMO bead was not available, nor were the HedgeHog beads. I had to improvise, which is one reason I bought and used a burnout kiln and Kerr Centrifugal Caster to make my Unlocking Items.

Now, thanks to a number of tricky moves to get to the right space where these things exist, I have a good selection of Unlocking Items for all sorts of XD Portals and StarGates, and I’m teaching folks in our Work Circle how to go about this.

At some point in your Bardo Journey, this skill will become vital and your background in Locks & Keys will prove invaluable.

Of course, LOCKS & KEYS can be used to travel up and down the Reality Scale. This device is called a “Jacob’s Ladder” and is used to ascend and descend through the Angelic Spheres.

See You At The Top!!!
