Go To Commerce

This is a partial demo of the Second Law of Spiritual Dynamics, “Go To Commerce”, which takes what you learned into the marketplace, along with public opinion expressed as money in the cash register or not, as you so richly or poorly deserve.

In short, you get a good indicator of where you are at the moment, at least on the map.

Map? Yes, map. You’re in a playing level, or have you already forgotten who and what and where and why you are???

To review, here are the Three Laws of Spiritual Dynamics:

  1. Do it.
  2. Go to Commerce.
  3. Teach it.

“Do it” simply means to acquire the skills to make it happen, then go ahead and make it happen, then take the resultant product to the marketplace, and then teach someone else to successfully do likewise.

Note the often-ignored key phrase, “successfully”.

Hey, just thought I’d mention it.

Here are several offerings from my personal collection of reconstructed ancient artifacts, things I’ve listed tonight on eBay for sale, some of which I’ve worn in ritual & ceremony.

You can buy these on eBay by clicking here.

Then there’s this little Precolumbian Carnelian piece that won’t get a lot of attention, but it really should — it’s quite exotically rare — imagine finding beads this tiny in the jungle, because that’s exactly what they  did, sorting through mounds of dirt to find these!!!

Once again, you can find this item on eBay by clicking here.

Wow, how about these genuine Sumerian hematite beads from the Susa, the most magical center of all ceremonies in the Sumerian Period — great for reincarnation work, PLS sessions and of course to open barriers on the SuperBeacon! Want it for cheap? You have merely to click here.

I’m hoping that my links work okay, but if not, you can doodle around on my selling page until you find what you want.

Frankly, I’m running out of writing time here, breakfast is looming on the horizon and the sun is rising fast out of the reddened and brilliant Eastern sky.

I originally made this earring set for Barbara — she wanted something super-light and easy to wear and dramatic and fun, and it makes a delightful sound when it moves. Made of pure no-lead copper and genuine Czech hardwood beads, this is a powerful shamanic piece and a hell of a bargain at the ridiculously low price I’ve put on it, just to make some eBay sales, so take advantage by clicking here.

I wish I had the time to show you all the pieces I’ve listed on eBay this night, but this one I must show you. I was quite frankly reluctant to list it at all — it has great ceremonial significance — but it must go somewhere else in the world, somewhere safe, so I have indeed, however reluctantly, listed in on eBay, and you can click here to see it.

I’ve put up a bunch more, and I’ll be listing even more of them as I get them photographed in my new photo booth.

I’ve been off eBay for a while now, because of other commitments, but now I’m back on, with a wengeance, as they say — lots of ancient stuff, lots of rare things, all with the idea in mind of getting them to safety, away from Trumpland, as far away as possible.

Meanwhile, please DO take advantage of the opportunity to become a custodian, a guardian, of very precious spiritual relics.

Well, that’s it. I gotta go, or miss breakfast, in which case someone or something must die. Okay, maybe just a flesh wound and a scolding. Would you believe an insult gag?

Don’t forget to do five minutes a day of standup comedy! It will get you through the Trumplestilskin constant media hypes for at least one Trump-Free News Day!!!

See You At The Top!!!
