How I Found My $1.2 Million Dollar Coin!

I’ve had my 15 minutes many times over. I don’t need or want publicity, promotion or book sales.

I don’t do interviews, talk shows or book signings. I have no interest in anything even resembling marketing, but I do have — thanks to my Marketing Angel, Zadkiel, some very powerful marketing skills.

It’s time to use those skills to get YOU the tools you’ll need to get through Trump World to a place of refuge and safety, where Trump and his Minions can’t reach you.

By the way, where does it say in The Book that the average American citizen should live in total and constant fear of the President?

Are you sitting at home, minding your own business, a peaceful and peace-loving productive citizen, WAITING FOR THAT KNOCK ON THE DOOR?

Yeah, and you KNOW it’s coming, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’re an outspoken critic of Trump, and his secret police have read your private e-mails, given to them by the Russians who are acting under orders from the Iranians who are acting under orders from Ancient Aliens hiding out in the basement of the District of Columbia Masonic Lodge.

If it wasn’t an e-mail criticizing Trump, it  was a comment you made over dinner, recorded by Trump and played back at your 20 minute trial, before you were sent back where you came from, wherever that was, including the Bardos.

You may well come to learn the Atomic Drill that we experienced as youngsters just after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, back when the Russians stole the nuclear secrets from the Americans with the help of the Rosenbergs.

You don’t march into the hallway. That’s certain death. In the event of a nuclear attack, you DUCK UNDER YOUR DESK, put a jacket over your head, bend down and grab your ankles, and KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE.

Or put a bag over your head. Will you feel better about dying needlessly? Sure you will, if you have a Lucky Rodney. Otherwise, you’re doomed.

At no time in American history have Americans been in such mortal fear of their government, and it’s getting spookier every day, as new government agencies against immigrants and minorities are formed and populated, while federal court positions go unfilled, along with State Department vacancies and other notable intentional destructions of national organization are undone by Trump under orders from Putin.

Oh, yes, he sold us out long years ago, and she comes back at night to tell him so, with her head tucked underneath her arm.

There’s more to happen in relation to Melania — details in the nightly news.

There are already new secret police forces being organized by the Far Right in the Federal Government, and what’s more, they’re doing all this in broad daylight, in front of everyone, and nobody’s saying a word.

They don’t dare, like the spineless cowards who exploit Congress for their own personal gain.

Acting in the public interest is no longer part of Amerikan politics. No problem, just toss out your ethics and intimidate and plunder, strong-arm robbery style, like New York gangsters — that’s the Trump Style, if “style” was ever in his vocabulary.

There are two House and Senate Bills being prepared RIGHT NOW in Congress that will allow senior citizens to be rounded up and placed in “Special Care Hospices”, which are actually labor camps and death camps, and I’m NOT making this up, and I regret having to mention it.

I don’t want to talk about ANY of this. I’d rather it weren’t happening, but it is. Right-Wing Fascist Nationalists are in power these days, and more so every single day, and Amerika is only one such country turning toward power struggle and warfare against their own people.

I’d much rather talk about coin laundering and zombie food products and how to sell at a local farmers’ market or craft fair, but Trump is playing dirty, and that means that YOU are among his latest victims, and that has to stop, and I have a way to get yourself out from under his thumb.

Speaking of thumbs, did you get a glance at his latest manicure? What is it about Trump? Is it merely his thin and weirdly shaped orange hair, or his gorilla hands or his funny fat tummy?

No, it’s his invisible clothes that make him so funny.

You’re going to think I’m an alarmist, but I want you to remember that I said this ‘way back here — TRUMP WILL EVENTUALLY GAS HIS OWN PEOPLE.

Yep, just like Saddam Hussein. Who? And just like so many other dictators.

Dictators LOVE to gas their own people — it gives them a sense of power that is totally addictive, and it’s fun to watch them scatter and fall dead to the ground.

Listen, the Great Mother likes those news clips, too, so who can say it’s wrong? I myself am always overjoyed at the opportunity to send a few rounds in any direction — unfortunately, I’m no longer able to use a firearm, due to medical issues, but I’m ready to take up a pitchfork in any worthy cause.

At some point, they can’t kill enough people per day to satisfy their lust for death, and no, I’m not kidding, not exaggerating, and not at all off the mark. Just watch.

By The Time You See It Coming, It’s Far Too Late.

Where is it in the Constitution or elsewhere that every citizen must watch Trump on television every single day, and that he has license to create catastrophe and calamity just to get on the news every night?

That’s what it’s all about. It’s not about politics or policy — Trump’s need for attention drives him to produce panic in the streets every single day, so his face can be on Time Magazine every single issue.

This is a sick man, whose paranoia and self-greed are well-known and well-documented, although I don’t need a medical opinion to recognize the disease — NPD — which is all-too common, but represents the general training and attitude of male humans all over the planet, such as it is.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, and Donald J. Trump falls definitely into the “small” category. He isn’t worth a minute of your time, and not a single second of your attention — except that he keeps getting in your face with threats and demands, doesn’t he?

Just like his Uncle Adolph.

Like I said, the Hell with Trump. Try to ignore him. He will go away soon enough, and then we’ll be stuck with something far, far worse — a SMART mean and nasty President, who is currently waiting in the wings for Trump’s Fall.

Pence is Worse.

People won’t realize how much worse until Trump is gone, and then it’s far too late. Pence doesn’t want to be Dictator of America. He plans to own the entire planet before he’s done, and he just might do it — somebody is bound to, because this is the 21st century, and the history books all leave a lot of detail out on the 21st century, which is why I’m here.

Well, not just to gather material for my High School Doctorate Thesis, meaning my term paper. I’m here to have some fun as well as complete my 21st century history project, and that means YOUTUBE and EBAY.

I have some incredible items for eBay, and I’ll be listing them when I get some time away from the ZomFam table and the coin search workbench, which is seldom, but I’ll get to them sooner or later.

Right now, I plan to produce a BUNCH of videos on how I found my million dollar coin, which means a separate video for each step of the process, but I also plan to make videos about how I found a number of other treasures, and you could, too.

Of course, I need to hold those treasures in my hand, right there in front of the camera, up close & personal, in order to prove that I found the aforementioned treasures. The idea is, of course, to generate interest in Coinology, and perhaps to find one’s way eventually to work ideas and a progressive path toward the Waking State.

That’s the same step-by-step process that you’ll take with guitar practice, ring-making, earring production or coin search.

Each stage in the process stands on the shoulders of the previous step. Miss or skip a step and you risk getting overwhelmed and lost. Stay on the path. Here are some ideas I have for a viral video.

Keep in mind that to get ONE viral or semi-viral video, you need to launch hundreds or thousands, or be right on the money the first time, as I was with my sculpture armature video, which now has 106k views.

Notably, that video has been stolen — perhaps “appropriated” would be a kinder term, by a website for its own purposes, mainly attracting people to THEIR site, but at the same time, because they are profiting from the experience, they’re advertising my branded name to millions of viewers I would otherwise not reach.

It’s not about money, it’s about reaching people, getting out there, and that’s something brand new, totally untested, in Trump World, where it’s okay to lie and everybody does it.

My New Film Project

  • “How I Found My Million Dollar US Quarter” — this is a series of 8 videos that all related to what to look for and how to look for it, including where to get your coins, what kind of wrappers, many formerly secret details of building wealth through pocket change.
  • “How I Got a Signed Boxing Glove From Sugar Ray Leonard” — this is a rundown on how to get signed celebrity items for your collection or for sale.
  • “How I Found Genuine 16th Century Pirate Treasure in My Own Backyard” — this is a rundown on how to locate buried treasure or treasure that has lain underwater for hundreds of years. I make lucky coins from these, and have found hundreds of them, all of which are available as certified & graded slabbed collections.
  • “How I Found The Donner Party Papers” — tells the story of how to find rare papers and where they might be found, where they can be marketed and how to identify your find.
  • “How I Found a Shakespeare Second Folio” — how to find rare early printings, books, etchings and periodicals and how and where to market them for millions, if you can find the right ones, and you don’t even need money to find and sell them!
  • “How I Became a World-Famous Artist” — tells how to market yourself as an artist, where to find markets and how to make your art worth collecting.

There are a bunch more. Sure, there will be imitators, but that adds spice to the mix, and I’m always ready to put on a burst of speed to take the lead, so that’s my plan, the whole plan, and nothing but the plan.

Oh, but what about that asshat, Donald J. Trump?

Like I said, you can do nothing about him until the midterm elections, so for now, ignore him, and when you can, vote his Minions into Oblivion — Take Back Yer Country from them ignerent preachurs who got hold of Trumps balls just like Putin has.

We’ve been betrayed. Putin has the Nuclear Codes and has given instructions to his puppet, who expects to be second in command when Russians land in Washington, D.C. to help him take office as Dictator, and if the vote doesn’t blunt his attack on democracy, your next step will be to join the Brain Drain.

Every scientist I know, and I know quite a few scientists, mathematicians and even a few rocket scientists at NASA, one of whom helps us find 1912 vintage radio parts, are making plans to leave the USA as soon as Trump takes power as dictator, which is only months away, if his military commanders do their thing like he wants them to do.

Brain drain, but then there are other drains, other people who are in mortal danger from Trump’s Minions and from Trump himself if he gets vengeance on them for speaking out and resisting.

All resistance will be crushed, and that includes you. When you stop struggling like a moth in a spider web, they’ll put you on road repair until you die from heat, exhaustion, hunger and disease, and it’s all part of the plan — it’s what they intended to do all along, and the camps are already built and ready for occupancy, and that means YOU.

Well, you and your family, if anyone’s left alive or unsold to split up into slave groups, “indoor” and “outdoor”, meaning house-slaves and field slaves and yes, it’s true, slavery is coming back with a vengeance, and Trump will be the Big Final Boss running all those slave camps.

By that time, you need an EXIT plan, like a personal BREXIT, and I plan to deliver that, too, at the upcoming workshop and convention on Labor Day Weekend.

There’s nothing you can do about Trump except ignore him, which is exactly what he wants you to do, until he has executed Putin’s Plan for takeover of the United Snakes.

Ignore him, ignore it, let it go. Let’s just make a buck until The Time Comes, which is soon — do what you can to spread the teaching before the ruckus in the fall.

Speaking of Rising and Falling of various empires, how about some lucky Roman coins? They weren’t very lucky for the Romans, but maybe now it’s different. I have a few dozen nice Roman coins that could be outfitted as Lucky Roman Coins, but it’d take a special package, and I haven’t the time right now to do that — I’m in the middle of developing the layout and pitch style for the Zombie Family Food Booth, currently set up in my living room, on its way to the gallery sometime today.

It’s a buffet style layout — we’ll get some photos of it and post them right after the Wednesday Night “Hot Summer Nights Fair” in Nevada City — gosh, that’s TONIGHT!!!

I’ve gotta go, but my friend can stick around. Take a load off Fanny, willya? If you don’t happen to know where The Band was coming from in that so-called psychedelic song was that it was a complaint about catching “The Clap” or Gonorrhea, and passing it around, a common problem before there were thousands of sexually transmitted diseases, of which “Trump Hump” is a well-known variant which causes autopsychosis, and is now carried by many porn queens, Russian prostitutes and the occasional sheep.

I can’t say enough good things about that naughty boy with his middle finger on the Nuclear Button, but I can surely try.

He’s ugly, too.

Watch for my videos. They’ll be timed for release to coincide with shocking news events that are upcoming, which is why it’s unethical for me to bet on the horses or the outcome of any well-known event.

I couldn’t remember any details of the 21st century when I was asked for them back in the 37th century, but all of a sudden I can remember the specific winners of the 5th through 8th at Belmont, and there’s no sports book anywhere in sight, but thanks to Trump, there soon will be open unrestricted gambling all over California.

But then, California is in its own throes of change — check out CALEXIT, not a bad idea when you consider what Trump is doing to the rest of the United Snakes.

Was Trump treasonous? We’ll only know when Russian troops occupy our cities and towns, and we are ordered to march to our deaths in the labor camps.

I survived the First Holocaust, but I don’t expect to survive another. Fortunately, escape is not my plan.

Instructional Videos are my total plan. Yes, that’s the whole plan, and it will work. My practices carry the embodiment of The Teaching.

The Teaching. The Dharma. Keep it Safe and Keep it Secret.

Learn how to do your spiritual work without revealing it. Right now, you don’t need those skills and techniques, but within MONTHS of now, you will need them, unless Trump is stopped in the Mid-Term Elections, which could happen, if we get into the right lifestream, which means “Zombie Family Foods” and “Coinology” and “Lucky Rodney” to get into resonant harmony with the Pack of Green.

If you don’t know what the POG is, you’re either a newbie, in which case get the info ASAP, or you aren’t interested in all those details — you just want the results, and that’s a clear indication that you’ll be clueless until you actually do the practices.

It’s not enough to just read about them.

Send for your free information packet as soon as we produce them, but so far, we haven’t. You’ll have to exert some energy and take some risk to get any further than a blog.

I have some super lucky pennies on my workbench, only one dollar a pop, and just found a “Wide AM” 2000-P Lincoln Cent at about MS-64  to MS-68, which I’ll send in to PCGS for slabbing & grading. It will sell for about $140 on eBay as a super-lucky coin, based on the circumstances of finding it, which is the subject under discussion on my new videos to come.

Stay tuned. Watch this space. Get on Board or miss the train. Get in touch with me now to find out how to do this dodge!

See You At The Top!!!
