Just have enough time between here and breakfast to plug in a few short videos that you might enjoy. We’re in the middle of a rolling blackout that started yesterday and will continue until Thursday morning, I’m told. It’s PGE’s way of getting even with us for being victims, or so they say on the morning news.  The short form is that there won’t be a morning meeting today, and there may not be one tomorrow. No electric, guys! It wasn’t a fire, or an accident or a catastrophic failure, just some PG&E guys decided to make rolling blackouts so when something bad happens, they can point to them and say, “We tried our level best to make things go right!”, but they don’t.

Now, what has a video about gardening got to do with a yummy veggie salad like this? Actually, it’s all about the mace. If we had a restaurant, imagine the reaction of customers to a salad like this — they’ve never seen one, and not likely to, either, in their level of aesthetic! The only way to get these goodies and all those sugarless sweet treats is to attend a workshop in person! There’s just no other way to do it, unless we hear from the Shark Tank this week about marketing our incredible total clean foods menu!

Again, the thumbnail is not directly related to the internal material on the video, but it does get the client in the door, which is what the thumbnail needs to do in order for the video to function and come into play. If the client does not click, the client has no opportunity for enlightenment, although enlightenment is not a guarantee.

Dang, gotta run, gotta dash, hurry, hurry, hurry. Mourning Glory, time to be or not to be. This little 3-chord guitar gimmick is worth another couple of dozen videos on the subject, because each three-chord set is in a different key, and if you play your cards right, they won’t sound all that good, because cards don’t have strings or resonator boxes like your standard guitar does.

See You At The Top!!!
