Magic Burger Tuesday

As you can see, I’m making an omelette. I made more than 25 omelettes that morning, and it took a while, even with help in the kitchen, loading up the plates and serving the tables. Had I done all the jobs of cooking and serving, I’d still be at it several years later. You’ll note, if you view the video by clicking on the TITLE above, not the photo, this little video earned itself 1, 719 views, quite a feat for a simple egg dish!

The secret of life? Heck, everyone knows THAT old chestnut — the real secret is of course how far is it from midtown? How far is what from midtown? And that’s where it all falls apart, and we go back to the drawing board. Remember, as you pass the Veil of Life that it really ISN’T how you feel — it really IS how you look!

Astral Projection is a LOT easier if you start out WITHOUT a body of any kind, organic or etheric. If you’re stuck inside an organic human body, don’t worry, you’re not alone, and there are a dozen ways to get out and explore the Astral World. Most of the ways to exit the body don’t typically work for everybody, and you might have some stickiness, which can be resolved with a clinic or workshop, takes hardly any time at all to get going.

This little fun video got a whalloping 16,850 views and counting. Get this out there and help me up the stats on it, and at the same time, you might want to consider doing some of your own team fortress vids. It’s really simple — just FRAPS about 5 minutes of gameplay up to an hour, from which you choose what you need to cover your soundtrack, which can be a song, like this video, or it could be a tactical or technical explanation of some gaming trick, or an exposition of levels, weapons and gameplay in general.

56,464 Views for this interesting instructional video that explains the differences between the metal and plastic kazoos, and offers some hint on how to get started playing the kazoo. As a matter of fact, my kazoo videos are among the best view-earners in my video stashes — it’s totally easy to guess which ones are the best hitting, by just sorting your videos according to the number of views, highest to lowest.

Now, if you put down a $100 bill against my donut, I would never have bet that this video which features my beautiful Mollenhauer Tenor Recorder would garner 40,735 views and counting! How about that? This is a TENOR recorder, which few people have ever seen, let alone tried to play!

Well, that’s not nearly the night’s work — I reworked hundreds of videos and thumbnails and made new thumbnails for my gaming videos, which are the ones most obviously just added to the mix.

Okay, I gotta get my instagram postings up, then I’m off to breakfast and the morning meeting, and don’t forget that if you’re attending a workshop, clinic or retreat, you’re entitled to eat the food also. It’s too bad we can’t ship this stuff out by truck — it’d be a great addition to the custom food market, but we’re just not in a position to do it.

See You At The Top!!!
