Holiday Vacation is Over!

Our Dear Little Buttercup says it all: “Your Pet Will Love You For This!” She hopes that every pet will have their very own Pet Particle someday soon!

This small but powerful collar-tag charm contains an entire 3-D virtual world in which positive affirmations are going on all the time, along with the quantum mechanics necessary to maintain telepathic communication between you and your pet or pets.

The quantum effects of the Pet Particle provide a sense of well-being and powerful, concentrated love and attention.

Higher vibrations can create a deep well of calmness and satisfaction, and can instantly dispel fears, an important attribute when working with rescue animals.

Get a pair for yourself and your pet. You can hang a Pet Particle on a fishtank with the simple addition of a suction cup with a hook, available at most pet shops.

Horses LOVE the Pet Particle! If you wear one, I PROMISE that dogs, cats, just about any animal, will follow you home, so be prepared with extra goodies!

Order a SET of beautiful jewelry-grade gold-toned and laser-engraved Pet Particles for only $69.95, a $10 saving, or a single Pet Particle at only $39.95.

Want to see what’s inside your Pet Particle? You can spend HOURS walking around in there and exploring all the mechanics that went into the Pet Particle, merely by inserting it into the USB port in your laptop or desktop computer!

I show you a method to enhance and empower the Pet Particle in my new video instructionals on the use of Godd™ Particles in general and the Pet Particle in particular, using a “run” as an empowerment and attention-concentrating device, which is the very heart of any successful affirmation system.

You can be part of the Pet Particle Project merely by sending for one or two and wearing them. You will soon be besieged by questions about it, and you’ll find yourself doing what MORE THAN HALF of the Pet Particle users have been doing — you’ll sell them right off your body, and carry a dozen or so with you wherever you go.

Not only will you be doing yourself a favor by making some extra cash in this terrific and rewarding side-hustle, but you’ll be doing good by doing well.

You will soon have a reputation as an animal lover and healer and that will help you to achieve your higher life-goals.

You can inquire about our wholesale prices and protections for our sellers — I apologize for being unclear at first about this, but we had to work out the details so everyone benefits, and thanks to dozens of participants in our community meeting, we did!

I’m working on a fantastic new invention, the Hybrid Bedside Beacon, which is a protective charm and nightwalking and direct astral projection practices. The cost? I’m guessing it will be in the $450 range for the highly decorated but excessively tiny 2″ x 2″ box, within which is ensconced a miniaturized Beacon with a Morgan Antenna Harmonic Tuner and a modified Bucher QRM Rejector, all built-in to the smallest space you can imagine — just right for a bedside!

This is an ideal accessory for a bedridden patient, but it also can be used in a business space, waiting room or anywhere that you’re having trouble with the vibes in the room.

The decorations are not just pretty — they’re downright mystical. The TYPE of effect is noted by the NUMBER on the coin mounted in an air-tight acrylic coin-safe LOCKET, which is affixed to the top of the box.

The description is hand-lettered on the bottom of the box, along with any details and of course a signature of the maker — at the moment, that’d be me.

Going to get some more bed-rest, still recovering from the Holiday flu season here, will try to make it for the morning show tomorrow, but we’ll see how it works out.

See You At The Top!!!
