Life in a Box Chapter 3

Well, heck, looka here. If it isn’t the old Norton Street Contact Orb! I made this back in 2014 as a backup in case for some reason Second Life failed, but it didn’t. It’s quite healthy, with over a million users a day, and double the number of landowners from last year.

Still, it’s a nice backup, eh?

Thing is, you’d have to learn, actually LEARN, how to use it, how to set up a base and most of all, how to defeat your online barriers, of which there are plenty, not the least of which will be your server.

If you have a stable IP, you might do better, and I’d strongly advise it anyway, if you ‘re planning to make a living online, which if you don’t do, you probably won’t live very long, as a result of illness or starvation.

What good is a payroll tax deduction if you don’t happen to be on anyone’s payroll?

Contact Orbs are great for staying in touch. You can use the text messaging already in place, or you can add voice with a number of different options for vocalization.

Most folks prefer the texting, and I’m definitely in that camp.

Want to travel to Italy this year? Why risk death and disfiguration, when you can safely tuck yourself aboard one of my little cruise boats and sail around the old world?

I’ll be issuing the Venice Cruise and other similar boatings very shortly, once I get started back on my level map making again.

This is a very pretty excursion, and it makes a great executive stress-buster.

You can carry this on a wearable flash drive, or carry the flash drive on a keychain or pocket flashlight.

When you get to a laptop, merely insert the flash drive into the USB port and run the thing right from there — no need to download. It runs directly from the lightning-fast 3.1 gig flash drive.

The sounds are important, and I’d highly recommend a set of high-grade ear-buds to go with the sounds, because they were engineered for greatness by Oz and Claude.

The sound is a LOT of the immersion factor.

Now, in the virtual ashram, we have a continual broadcast, and by the way, you could become a broadcaster or podcaster just with a little research and a few social media skills.

Not in the ashram is a separate Godd™ Orb called “Temple Chen-Rig”.

Temple Chen-Rig is a 3-D experiential level that I produced back in 2014 and have since redesigned and improved as a model of the study house at Crestline.

It’s a powerful magical space, and you can leave your Avatar in there all day if you like.

You can use this to market the chanting recordings that I’ve made and that will be available at both retail and wholesale prices on eBay, thanks to their new discount system, which I use with glee and considerable consideration.

In short, it’s a good thing. You get one item for full retail, two of them for a 30% discount, three of them gets you a 40% discount, and you get a full 50% discount if you buy four or more.

Of course, with books, the top discount is always 40%, the industry standard.

And speaking of books, here I am at our book booth at the Sci-Fi WorldCon a few years back, when shaving my head was the only way to get the hair off there.

We were featuring my Dad Horace’s ne book, “What Will They Think of Last?”, which was a sellout book — we have a total of one dozen copies left on our stock shelves, out of an initial run of 5,000.

Not bad for a small press, but today it’s different. e-books dominate, and so they should, what with the forests and jungles going all bubbly and gooey on us?

So what books will sell to people living in boxes?

How about books about things that aren’t in boxes? That’s called “fantasy” by those in the know, and by those who certainly ought to know better.

This is a 2-D maze fighting game I made on Claude’s new system, which you can buy and learn to use yourself to make and sell games you design, like this one.

It’s a lot different — you get an overhead view, more or less like the earliest videogames. The advantage is that these can be played on a phone, or at least, I think so.

I haven’t actually tried, because I don’t have a cellphone.

I don’t even know how to answer one if it rang, and as for causing it to ring, forget it. I’ve wiped the thought right out of my mind.

You might have an affinity for the cellphone, and this could lead you to engage in seo marketing and social media crafting for others.

I didn’t take it that far out, but I did manage to do a little work on social media until it was just too much, meaning too much out for too little back in.

However, the tools I picked up and the tricks I learned will come in handy when I try to sell things on eBay and other selling venues.

Anybody wanna buy a bug? This creature was created by Miro and I have a pencil-signed copy of it — the thing frames out at around 30″ x 40″ and is enormous and radical and very very compelling.

One thing for sure, people will notice it coming and going.

It sells for $15,000 and it’s cheap at half the price! Seriously, this is an important piece, and one which any serious Miro collector or museum donor would appreciate, so if you know someone who is looking to acquire or donate an important Miro work, tell them about it, okay?

Sharing that information might get this Miro into a good home.

I have cheaper, but not better.

How about inventing recipes and selling them for pennies online? You wouldn’t have to actually feed anybody, just do a simple video explaining what you’re doing, every step of the way, no matter how “obvious” it seems to you.

This is the secret of all instructional videos, plus talk as if you’re speaking to your best friend — the tone will be right, and you won’t mislead them.

The whole idea is that your IDEA is worth money, and that might take a little selling, plus getting yourself some celebrity status, so you can brand your recipes and make them special.

Celebrity status?

Easy enough. Do some viral videos on youtube. How? Scrambled.

Tune in next chapter for more “how to make a living in a tiny box”.

See You At The Top!!!
