Was That The Lone Ranger???

This is an actual wearable real-world product. I have several up on Zazzle, but it takes a week to get approval for these. Maximum profit allowed on the item is 5% — I’d just as soon they be free, but they’re not.

When I get approval for these, which may be never or it may be fine, I’ll post the links to them.

In the meantime, I’m also designing Designer Face Masks for Second Life — they’re called “Designer Gas Masks” because the basic design is the Mark 1A Army Gas Mask, like the ones I used back in the day when we ran through gas attacks in basic training.

I didn’t take basic. They made me a corporal and then a sergeant and gave me a platoon to train, and put me in Trainfire Cadre.

Wouldn’t ever have happened had they known I was already destined for the Army Security Agency.

It was tempting to stay at Fort Ord and spend the rest of the war in total safety, but I didn’t do that — I did the right thing, and reported for duty at Fort Devens, Mass. for ASA training, about which I can tell you nothing.

I also can’t tell you what we did during the war. They’re still doing it.

This is the mask I made in Second Life. If you like it, there are 15 different designs on my Second Life Marketplace.


The whole point of these masks is that there WILL be a market for designer masks, as these things become a part of ordinary daily life for some years to come.

Problem is, the next virus could also be a novel virus, meaning a new virus for which we have no antibodies.

That’s the main problem with Covid 19, no antibodies, and it takes about two weeks for the body to build them up, if it’s going to be able to.

In the meanwhile, get ready for the rest of the century, where masks are common, as I predicted som 45 years ago, in SlimeWars, which lays it all out like it is.

With fancy gas masks like these M-1A types, you’d have a cleanable replaceable filter and full protection right to the skin, an important point in real protection gear — you want a close, tight fit, right to the face, all around, everywhere, no gaps, no holes.

Is there a market for real gas masks at this time?

Not for anything that would actually do any good against a viral incoming enemy. You’d need a special set of filters, which Claude and I both know how to make.

We include activated charcoal and micron filters that go all the way down to viral size. It’s important to protect the eyes, too — they’re an open invitation to any respiratory illness, and special goggles can be fitted on top of this mask.

The full-face real-world masks already have eye protection, and the U.S. Army M1 gas mask is the best you can obtain in the ordinary ways.

Of course, there’s the black market, which I don’t recommend — it’s a long, slippery slope, and it only goes one direction — down.

The fifteen masks are taking a total of the entire night’s work, along with five masks I’ve put on zazzle, that won’t get visible until approval.

I have fifteen designer patterns, and will use all of them on each series.

Okay, that’s enough for the moment — I’ll get back to cranking out gas masks until the morning meeting, where I’ll demo all this stuff for you.

See You At The Top!!!
