You Were Chosen

Co-Stars EJ Gold & Bill Shatner 1969 — Courtesy Universal Studios

Dear Sir or Madam,

You were chosen to represent my book, “The American Book of the Dead”. I am already a famous author — check me out on google to verify this — and at the age of 79, I want to “pay back” society for my continued good fortune and high-volume book sales.

I have appeared at many author’s awards ceremonies and onstage with many of my co-writing friends, such as Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein, and photos abound of me with many hundreds of other celebrities.

The American Book of the Dead has already sold well over a million copies, and is often found in university libraries. I have delivered lectures on the subject on panels with Dr. Claudio Naranjo, Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. John C. Lilly, Venerable Thich Thien-An, Tarthang Tulku, Rinpoche, Ven. Chogyam Trungpa, Robert Anton Wilson, Robert de Ropp and many others, and in fact, we publish some of their books and produce tape recordings that feature us onstage together.

The American Book of the Dead appeals to a wide audience, and you should have no trouble finding traffic that’s looking for this popular and readable volume.

I’m a big fan of marketing, although I stay strictly in the creative area myself, and I’m actively looking to help deserving youngsters like yourself, and that’s why I’m allowing myself some time to work on this project.

Looking forward to working with you, I remain yours truly,

ej gold (member of SFWWA since 1976)