Youtube Video Promotion

It’s true — there are people Out There who are willing — and perhaps able — to promote your video to hundreds of thousands of potential viewers through and I checked it out to see if they are really there, and they are.

Go to fiverr, business section, and enter “youtube video promotion” into the search line, and see what you get — but click the “Pro” button before you wade through all the entries, and pay attention to who got praise from users.

Here’s the thing — you might pick out your best video, one that you made and uploaded, of course, and then hire someone on fiverr to promote it.

Does this work? Hard to say. Some of them get lucky, some don’t, but you have their feedback to guide you there.

In terms of obtaining what you want from the deal, that’s another story. Myself, I don’t want big numbers, I want quality, which means a very narrow niche market, like astral projection or interdimensional travel.

There aren’t millions of people out there looking for real information about these ideas — they just want something to satisfy their fears, hopes, hungers, sensations and urges.

Nothing serious.

Problem is, there aren’t enough of them to keep you going. It’s the old “How Many Donuts?” concept once again.

How many donuts can you make and sell for how much per day? How many would it take to earn a living from this?

That’s the issue. You can’t make and sell enough donuts to satisfy, to pay the rent on the donut shop AND your house AND food and all the other expenses you run up a month.

Same is true with videos. You can’t make enough off of youtube to make a living — it’s great as a side-hustle, but not for the money.

Youtube is really only good for one thing these days, and that’s promotion. You can sell from a video, so think of youtube as a video service and you’ll be at least half right.

You want to influence, to inform and to market, so that’s your focus when you make a video for youtube.

It’s not so much the information as the click-throughs.

Make videos that create interest and curiosity, and don’t try to inform, just attract viewers, and you’ll get the main idea.

If you make a video on boating, find the hottest video title you can, and copy it. Yes, copy it, but add a word of your own in there.

Now test it by signing out of youtube and trying to call up that video by name. If you can do it, so can others.

Most of your videos will be found by searching, which means “almost never”. The only way past this is to hire someone to promote your video.

Maybe hire ten people at $5 or $10 each to promote ten different videos, to see who does the best for you?

This is a way out of the hole, but it’s not free.

If you want free, promote the videos yourself. Don’t know how? That’s why you hire someone who does.

Let me know how this goes — I really want to hear from you about this. I think the potential is very high, but you have to tread carefully and avoid the phonies, there are plenty of them out there.

See You At The Top!!!
