Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask

This video supplies the answer to the question “how do I get my Ethereum where I can use it on OpenSea?

Once you’ve done this, you will be able to function on OpenSea and to get your offerings priced and up for auction or for sale “as-is”.

Now that we’ve got that issue cleared up, it’s time to activate and initialize my OpenSea account and get busy pricing and putting things up for sale.

Remember, you can’t reduce the price, just raise it. There are penalties.

One of the things I noticed was that I hadn’t yet put banners up on my collection pages, so I did that, and will certainly change some of them as time goes by and the mood strikes me.

Well, I’ve loaded up the pages with artwork, none of which is yet priced, but all of them are one-of-a-kind, so if you like something and want to acquire it, contact me and tell me which ones you’re interested in, and I’ll see what I can do about the price.

In some cases, these are my very best work, and they won’t be cheap, for reasons I’ve already explained before in detail. Others can be priced for the family.

Rest assured, the money is not the primary goal except as a fundraising tool for the community, and I’m hoping that YOU will excel at this and get yourself into a position where you’re able to help.

It’s not just about money. It’s about expanding our work-circle, and getting Blessings out there to folks who desperately need it.

Now, that DOES take money, and I’m hoping to raise it with the sale of these NFT thingy what-nots.

I’m figuring that the calculation is that my NFTs will become more valuable as they age, which of course is a total crap-shoot.

You can’t guess what art is going to be accepted over the years, and over the ages, it’s even more of a toss-up.

My artwork is popular now, but what happens when this very civilization is wiped out and totally forgotten?

That’s where I’m placing my bets.

I’d like to once again invite you to wander my galleries and hallways in search of interesting ideas for your own NFTs.

That’s the real payoff, when YOU get involved and start doing them. That’s when you’ll learn the most and get the most benefit and, yes, there IS a benefit from performing this rather complicated and difficult maneuver, that of making and selling NFTs.

On the other hand, where else could YOU earn something on the order of $5,000 a week right now?

Well, this is your chance to show your stuff, but is there a catch?

You bet there is. You actually need to move yourself off the couch and get yourself an OpenSea account and a MetaMask Wallet filled with about $200.00 worth of Ethereum.

How you do this is entirely up to you, but it’s not impossible, and help from here is available upon the asking.

The thing is, you have to actually ask for help, and that’s an ego-threat that few can overcome.

If you have managed to make it past your embarrassment at not being perfect at birth, you’ll do well on this path.

So get into our ZOOM meetings — especially today, Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday — to get the real lowdown on all this NFT stuff, and learn how YOU can go from your present condition to someone with a dream job that allows you to listen to your favorite music while you craft up some tokens for your NFT shop.

You can do  this.

Just motivate yourself to start now. Don’t put it off. Don’t wait. Don’t gimme no bullshit. Just get going and DO it.

There’s a lot to learn. Start learning.

See You At The Top!!!
