Biggest Sales Secret Ever

No, I’m not kidding about this. Other things, I am. This, I’m not. The greatest selling secret of all is — and I’m going to lay it out right at the start — Are you ready for it??? Here it is:

You Will Sell Only To Your Friends.

Yep, that’s the great and terrible secret of marketing. You will sell only to your friends. Now, that might include a group of customers, clients or specialists, but the circle doesn’t extend past those who either trust you organically or trust you instinctively — either way works, but your clients will always be your friends.

Those who give you a boop — that’s youtubese for “up yours”, which is signified with a “thumbs-up” button, meaning they like your stuff and want to see more, those are your friends.

That thumbs-up is a powerful driver and a whirlwind force, if there are enough of them to make a difference.

That’s what happened tonight with the CQR ammies — they just now passed through a very high Threshold of Usage, meaning that there are now well over 1,000 CQR ammies in use on this planet at this time, and we have hundreds of testimonials on record from happy users.

That’s enough CQRs in usage to actually power and drive a vortex, which is exactly what it’s designed to do. When there are a few more SuperBeacons in place and in fairly constant use, you’ll see even more of a profound difference.

So I’m taking some advice from a few folks who are very hip in the youtube biz, and they tell me that I should concentrate on my circle of friends, and extend that circle as I’m able — well, hell, that’s what I’ve been TRYING  to do for years now, on youtube, but with varying degrees of success at different times and under different circumstances.

My views were dropping alarmingly at the beginning of the month, but now my chart and stats are going through the roof.


Because I’m putting those things up  there for my friends. I’m not trying to lure anyone into our circle, and I take no interest in the politics of the social media scene.

I just have fun with my videos, and that, I believe, is what attracts my viewers. You never know what to expect, because I treat youtube as an experimental communications medium, and we don’t yet really know what it can do.

So one of the ideas that I’m developing is a set of Second Life characters to make videos for youtube and opensea NFTs, and “Cat God” is one of them.

There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same. Here’s what you do:

  1. Invoke Second Life. Go into it and select and wear the avatar you will use for the video.
  2. Invoke ZOOM and open a new meeting.
  3. In ZOOM, hit “record”, then “share screen”.
  4. Select the Second Life screen.
  5. Go to Second Life and left-click the white margin below the image, to indicate you want to do something with it.
  6. Start walking and talk as you go.

There, it’s as simple as that. Just try it, and if it doesn’t work out, delete it, who’s gonna know??? Keep trying until you get it.

See You At The Top!!!
