Hithegit Thetheguh Bothogottle!

That’s right, the title of this little dissertation is “Hit The Bottle!” spoken in “Ithegah”, a secret form of gibberish code that actually is a crypto language spoken by many sorority sisters.

The method is simple — insert “ithegah” like corned beef between two slices of rye, which would be: “lithehike cithigorned bethegheef” etc., more or less.

It takes a few tries to get it, not like Pig Latin, which anybody can speak the first time they try — that’s “Ig-Pay Atin-Lay” in the vernacular.

That’s a gut-buster funny gag line if you happen to be a member of the Catholic clergy. If not, you can still eat meat on Friday, but there’s a lot of quasi-damned souls hanging out in a very canceled Purgatory, on a meat-rap.

I dunno, seems as if the Republicans rule Hell, and there’s no competition for the job among the others. Do Republicans ever not cheat?

That’s not my question — it comes from one of my grandkids. I know the answer, but I’m not telling.

So what was my point with the secret languages? Just that they exist right under your nose, like so many other things, including The Kingdom.

Yeah, that.

It’s right in front of you, right there, clear as a bell, visible as can be, and yet it’s called “The Unseen  World”.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it to make a noise about that sort of thing. Probably best if I just keep silence.

But about my SIGNED Godd™ games that are being released now on USB Wallet Card Flash Drives, I just can’t help  shouting out to the world, “Hey, lookit, get ’em while they last!”.

That’s right, while they last. You think  the electronic age is going to last forever? Pardon me, Sir Boss, while I laugh.

See that castle over yonder?

Yas, would that be Bridgeport?

Nay, that is Camelot.

That’s a backhanded way of suggesting you read Mark Twain’s “Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”.

I further recommend you get a decent hardcover copy on abebooks.

So I’m working on SOLO CTF games, and mostly on 3D SCULPTURES, which are made in special Orbs that get loaded into Wallet Cards.

Sculpture is issued in editions of 10, with one person or group buying the entire run at $35,000.00, which comes out to $3,500.00 per Wallet Card.

The cards are signed and numbered and are therefore non-fungible.

You can check them out here

I hope you will find these of interest, and perhaps encourage others to visit my eBay store…

See You At The Top!!!
