Sure Cure For What Ails Ya!

Micky Rat and I have posted a number of DR-Dissolving Radiations Orbs on my rare & unusual seller’s store on eBay. I posted over 500 items there and and on insane investor’s emporium I posted an additional hundred or so, all with the idea in mind of offering you an opportunity to pick up something you’d like at a fraction of the price, basically a giveaway, with the added fun of an auction that starts off at a single dollar — at these prices, nobody gets hurt.

So among the things I posted are a few of the DR Orbs, and I wanted to give you an idea of what I had in mind.

The Orb itself is worth running, especially when you’re down and feeling low. Just one turn through there, or three turns if you can tolerate it, and you’ll have more energy and more will-to-keep-going.

Yeah, keeping on going is the thing. So I’ve listed the following so far:

  • BLESSINGS — this confers a round of Blessings from guardian angels and other higher spirits residing in the Third Bardo. They are willing to help as they can.
  • CLEANSING — a round of Cleansing Radiations up and down the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum and throughout the Chakras and Meridians.
  • COURAGE — here the spirit guides and helpers offer the energy called “courage”.
  • ENLIGHTENMENT — a lessening of the burdens that keep us in bondage.
  • SELF-ESTEEM — who doesn’t need a boost in self-esteem and confidence now  and then?
  • LOVE — bringing love and making love work wonders.
  • PROSPERITY — keeping the self, family and friends in good spirits.
  • SLEEP — deep, deep sleep.

Okay, that’s what’s up there now, and they’re all just sitting there waiting for YOU to come by and pick them up, because that’s the only way you’re going to get these.

Yep, you gotta patronize my eBay site if you want those goodies, and if you want me to post more, I will be only too happy to do so.

The thing is, not only can you load those Orbs onto your hard drive and run them at a full 30+ frames per second, you can CARRY the Orb of your choice in its USB flash drive Wallet Card as a charm, and they’re totally synergistic, meaning they react well to careful spell-stacking, but what doesn’t?

So these things are running inside all the time —  the world doesn’t stop just because YOU aren’t there!

Of course, subjectively speaking, it does.

So if those are interesting to you, I’ll also consider putting up  some Past Life Surveys, at least the three or four most popular ones. Nobody cares about past lifetimes in Cleveland, Portland or Sandusky, but there is a lot of interest in Atlantis, Rome and Athens, so I posted them instead of Cleveland, Portland and Sandusky.

Speaking of Bleak places, I have also created from nothing a bunch of miniature paintings that happen to be dollhouse scale and would fit in a room box quite well, but again, what wouldn’t?

I’ve also been busy developing a technique for copper and brass embossed earrings, some of which ended up as geometrics, stipple effects and cross-hatching, and in the midst of that, I also produced a few Ankhs with interesting stippled and hatched borders.

It’s not easy to make those deceptively simple designs, and I’ll be making an instructional video to prove it.

There are tricks to every art and craft except, of course, to dance.

Sure, I’m kidding. Dance has its own devices, most of which are intended to keep up your energy, maintain your balance and make your partner look good.

Listen, it really IS how you look. It’s NEVER how you feel. Forget how you feel. Immerse yourself in how you look, and the world will settle into a dull game of waiting.

That’s what gets you in trouble. You start wondering if there really IS anything out there or down in the cellar or behind that door, and you go for it.

Trouble is, there’s almost always someone or something in the cellar, and don’t you forget it.

So as a result of forgetting it, I made the copper earrings a LOT smaller than the brass, because the brass is hard and springy, and the copper is soft and mushy, and that’s a formula for disaster.

The brass earrings keep their shape, pretty much without hassle, up to about 3″ long, while the copper earrings are best kept at around an inch to an inch and a half at the longest measurement.

Of course I’m referring to the cutout size, not the thickness of the sheet metal. If the copper is an inch thick, I want to see what you’re cutting it with — I want one of those.

Speaking of cutting, a largish ordinary scissors ought to do the job on this material. If you  work any thicker gauge, you’ll need a factory and some laser weapons just to make a pendant.

I use the gold french ear wires they sell at all jewelry and bead wholesalers. One good source is and another is — we’ve dealt with both for decades and they’re good people with honest prices and excellent service.

Speaking of prices, what about some copper jewelry with Czech wood beads? I don’t bother to make them anymore, but I’d do a class on it if enough folks want it.

The thing about copper embossing is that it hurts, and that’s why I break up the session with some miniature painting, graphite drawing or charcoal sketches.

I’m tempted to get back into sculpture, but it’s expensive and difficult to manage, so my plan is to photograph things and sell the photos as NFTs.

I’d then dismantle the sculpture and re-use the Roma Plastilina Clay for the next piece. They’d never get made beyond the photo, see?

Just a way to reduce costs, and sculpture is plenty costly. Ceramics are relatively cheap, or they were up  until recently, and buyers are accustomed to getting great handmade ceramics for a couple of bucks at a craft fair, so brace yourself for hard times if your bag is clay.

I’ll be listing some of my professional stage magic gear, the things I no longer use or have duplicates, like my Chinese Linking Rings.

How can I forget what happened when Orm McGill lost his rings out the back of his car somewhere on our long driveway to the convention site?

Never did find them, and Rick had to make new ones for him, out of HEAVY solid brass, which matched the lost set, which had been handmade for him years ago.

The hell with your towel — keep your Chinese Linking Rings always within arm’s length of easy reach. You never know when you’ll need to pass solid metal through solid metal.

Happens to me all the time. That’s why I keep a copy of “How I Made a Million Dollars, One Dollar at a Time” on my bookshelf in the corner, doesn’t everybody?

So I want to encourage you to do several things:

  • EXAMINE — Go to my eBay listings and take a GOOD L@@K at what I’m offering.
  • DISSEMINATE — Spread the word, get folks to go there and have an experience.
  • BLOG IT — Write something about it on facebook or on your blog or whatever.
  • BUY IT — If you see something you want, and it’s at a dollar,  make a bid.

That’s it, that’s the whole entire frigging plan. Sorry about that, Chief. I wish I had more to offer, but that’s it, except for one last addition to The Plan:

  • DO IT — Actually get off your butt, make something and sell it and keep doing that until you have 500 pieces of stuff up there at reasonable prices.  I like $39.95 as a basic price. Most folks either have that, or can scrape it together over time.

Oh, I should mention that I’ve put up a LOT of Dutch Masters style graphite prints that can serve as wall-mounted inspirations for your own attempts to master the ordinary pencil as an instrument of Objective Art.

I probably shouldn’t push it, but I do want to also add that I listed some — just a few of many hundreds — of my hand-painted tattoo-fashions celebrity art.

I only put up things for which I already had some wonderful  James Rodney photos, but I’ll take a few snappers of stuff hanging on hangers — it’s only eBay, for cryin’ out loud, not a Parisian runway.

Speaking of runways, my fashions are all hand-painted runway samples, and don’t do me any favors — they sell quite well. Dresses never sell during the Slack Season, and that’s no joke.

Actually, it is a joke, a garment district joke, and if you don’t get it, perhaps you’ll be interested in our upcoming Comedy Workshop, watch your newsletter and email for the announcement!

Um, if you’re not on our CONTACT list, don’t come to ZOOM meetings every day, or pay attention to that ringing sound coming from your cellphone,  you might not be getting this information, in which case, we won’t see you  there, eh?

So I wanted to encourage you to follow this same routine, with making stuff and selling stuff, and to prove to you that it works, I did it, in the “Go Thou and Do Likewise” spirit of things.

In short, I did it, so no reason why you can’t, and here’s how I did it.

Look at my listings, and consider my results, a side-hustle that brings in a minimum of $50 a day.

Of course, I’m also getting THOUSANDS of views, because I know how to do that and I’ll be only too happy to teach you how to do the same, but you have to attend the workshops, it’s impossible to achieve by osmosis alone.

Okay, I’m back to making more stuff for this morning’s show.

See You At The Top!!!
