Can We Talk???

I’ve been waiting for you all this time…where have you been???

If I could grab you by the lapel and show you what I discovered, I would, so consider it done, take it as written that you have been thus accosted, and smile. You’re in luck.

What I found out is that I can tweak the eBay sales system to make it serve the Boddhisattva Vow and at the same time make you a good living, or at least a side-hustle income, like what I bring in.

The thing is, there IS a secret, and nobody knows it — yet. Soon enough, it’ll be all over the place, because nothing succeeds like success.

This discovery of mine is no big secret, nothing that hasn’t been noticed before, but there is one major difference — it came into my hands, and I’m the Chief Marketer for Her Highness, as you know, and my mission here on Earth is to make sure that we market the Void real good, and that’s what we’re doing.

It’s probably a whole lot more obvious what’s happening when you see one of my eBay listings with a bunch of Blessed Beings showing support and providing background and context for the sale.

Even a cursory glance, just running your mouse over the photos, provides a vortex through which Blessings can be poured. That’s how you convey Blessings from one space to another, or actually, that’s one of many ways.

So what is this big deal secret, anyway, this thing that changes the whole ballgame? It’s simply this: “What Works on Youtube Also Works on eBay”.

That’s another way of saying, “As Above, So Below AND As Below, So Above” —  which is the correct quote. Most folks only know the first half.

So what DOES happen on youtube? The answer is, you get views and you try to hold onto your client for as long as possible, right?

The thing is, what if that’s not your purpose? What if you don’t even need a momentary glance to get the influence and Blessing from a posted video. It’s not necessary to land on it, click on it or actually view the video.

What works is that it’s there, period, and that’s how my eBay listings work, too. I get an “impossible” number of views in just a few days — it can be well into the hundreds.

Sales? Sometimes something sells, enough to keep me going, anyway, but the total effect is that I reach thousands of people every week through my eBay listings, whether they buy from me or not.


That is the singlemost answer to your Bodhisattva Prayers, and being on eBay allows you to influence, help and otherwise serve your eBay clients, your constituency, as it were, to whom you owe allegiance and obligation, if you understand the job correctly, and I’m sure you do.

Look, sitting in your cave and praying every waking hour does some good, but there’s nothing like raising the totality of consciousness that has any real effect.

If you take a moment to analyze what it takes to put up a successful listing on eBay, especially one that relates to these ideas and not some sort of diet pill or workout device, you’ll appreciate that there’s a LOT that goes into it, more than you at first supposed.

We’ll examine much more about that in our workshop this Sunday morning — today, in fact, starting at 6:30 a.m. — if you need the address code, get in touch, it’s not too late.

So how do you get on eBay?

Well, it starts by trying.  Just go to eBay and try to look around. If you’re entirely new to the eBay Experience, you’ll find it at first confusing and more than slightly disorienting, but keep at it, persistence is needed here, to overcome the dreariness of the situation.

Sure, dreary. What? You ENJOY listing on eBay? I could have you committed for less.

You think I like to list things on eBay, that’s all I’ve got to do? Well, lemme tell ya, that’s the fate of every living artist today — conform or be trampled into the ground, and one way you can conform to the wiggle in reality is to discover for yourself the fact that an artist today has to also be a  good marketer, and that means social media.

Of course, the reason you’re an artist in the first place is that you never did fit in, but now that’s going to be a positive effect in your art life, and I’ll tell you how:


Tell people the truth. The truth is that I really hate to have to sell my art, but once I start into it, I get the spirit in me, and try to mutate with the flux, go with the flow.

It doesn’t always work. You can see hundreds of my eBay listings that didn’t quite make the cut, but somehow I haven’t gotten around to deleting them yet in utter defeat.

Sure, there’s a lot of defeat — there is in any selling effort, lots of “no”s and slammed doors and hung-up phones and shredded junk mail that cost you a fortune and did nothing.

One of my friends back in the sixties was our across-the-street neighbor on Holly Drive in Hollywood, Tony Tenille, of “Captain & Tenille” fame in the recording world.

So one reporter asked her how it felt to be an overnight success.

“What overnight?” she shook her head, “we’ve been doing this gig for fifteen years.”

Well, that’s the way it is, and that’s the way it works. I’ve been doing eBay sales for well over 22 years now, and I’m just beginning to get hold of some of the more subtle aspects of it, and I’m nowhere near facile, just experienced, is all.

My listings are not simple statements — they’re exercises in creative writing, and I’m addressing the buyer directly.

It’s a skill that you don’t need to accomplish what you need to do in the Bodhisattva Realm, but there’s more payoff to this than just that, and I’ll explain:


Any and every advanced Being in this universe will tell you that it is indeed true that you can only advance spiritually with Merit, and Merit is earned in strange and unusual ways.

You may already know something about Merit, if you have any experience with scouting of any kind — Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Bluebirds and the many other variations of the scouting experience.

Okay, so in scouting there are “Merit Badges” — actually there are now HUNDREDS of them — we had a much smaller selection from which to choose our obligations and efforts, and none of them involved helping little old ladies across a street that they didn’t want to cross in the first place, but try to tell that to a scout who senses a senior in distress.

If you’re a little old lady on a busy street, the chances are that you’ll end up on the side of the street you were trying to avoid.

The thing is, the Merit Badges are serious and they really do create conditions under which the scout can potentially grow spiritually, yes, even from scouting.

  • ART
  • MUSIC —
  • DOG CARE —

Can you name one of those that we haven’t covered over the years? The thing is, once you actually get started, the expansion of your consciousness comes with the expansion of your obligations, and that’s a fact.

So what kinds of things can you sell on eBay? Maybe you don’t make things, maybe you’re not into doing crafts or arts or any of that, so you’ll need a source for items, without taking on the onus of inventory, and that means using an electronic catalog, and that’s easy as pie, and is something we’ll cover in the next few days at our 6:30 a.m. ZOOM meetings.

You get onto the website where we have the images parked, and you’ll pick up the text as well as the images, which you should save on your hard drive, then pick them up for your listing, plug them in, and you’ve got it handled … then do it many more times.

That is the key, doing it many many times, not giving up, not pooping out, not getting bored or tired of it or distracted by something funny or cute.

It’s not hard to keep on it, you just have to have nowhere to go.  Go ask Alice.

There’s a world out there, but you can’t see it unless you interact with it, and electronic interaction is the best solution to a Plague Planet.

At some point, should you go all-in with the program, you will actually SEE the Hidden World stretching out before you, and shrinking behind — this effect is best seen in a car while you’re not driving.

Okay, so what then?

There are a million subtle ways to reach those submerged in the information traffic and demanding titillations, hopes and fears of the organic world-plane.

In short, there’s a world that can only be reached through the accumulation of MERIT, and here we are back at that subject again.

You really need to understand Merit, what it is, how it works and how YOU can accumulate enough Merit to achieve Escape Velocity past the Sinister Barrier that holds you down on Earth and keeps the spirit from moving on to higher realms, and that IS the point of work on self.

It’s emphatically NOT doing the ordinary sort of “good deed”. This is not the same MERIT you earn when you’re being raised as a young brat by parents who don’t know any better but to once in a while put the kid in his or her place.

In short, a spanking or “that look” from your Mom, or some equally chilling effect produced by parents, teachers, relatives and friends, not to mention that big bully in the schoolyard.

Merit of that sort is just earning points toward your family’s comfort zone, not something Objective and Higher than the organic plane.

It isn’t always obvious how to go about earning Objective Merit. Most cultures are against it, and you have to sort of adapt something local to the program, like eBay listings and Tupperware or Antiquity Parties.

If you examine the situation, you’ll see that it’s just a matter of coming to a few ZOOM meetings to find out how to get the approach so it’s working for your work life.

See You At The Top!!!
