Keep On Going


Yes, we’re in the earliest stages of a full-combat civil war, neighbor against neighbor, family against family and brother and sister against brother and sister, but that doesn’t mean you have the time to put on the brakes and get off the planet, and it surely doesn’t mean to go buy a blue or grey uniform, at least not right away.

First of all, it’s blue and red uniforms, like the teams — and secondly, the only war I’ve ever recommended is inside a computer gaming engine, like the Godd™ Engine, or the engine driving Diablo 2R or the one behind TF2.

Real shooting wars are stupid.

First of all, nothing is solved. At some point, negotiations are still necessary, and even dictators don’t always get their way.

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have, when my reflexes were a lot better than they are at the age of 80, challenged the top gamers to duels and matches, and have managed to secure the title of “Runner-Up” in a number of two-player games.

I’ve even played against Tokay and Thrush and other early gaming champions in Quake and Doom style arenas.

Forget the whole stupid war, let them tear each other’s hair out and sour the milk of human kindness with mastitis — you have better things to do than wipe out an entire army of maggots.

What you should be doing, as I’ve mentioned repeatedly in my Advice Column — that’s this blog — is to just carry on.

What I mean is, IGNORE the whole rotten bunch of greedy and stupid ape descendants, and I don’t mean “casually ignore them”, as in not mentioning the elephant in the room — what I mean is, CONSCIOUSLY ignore them, work at it, put all your weight behind it.

And when they’re gone, the memory will have already been obliterated and erased from all levels of history and consciousness.

You don’t need any more of this world that it takes to make your living and get your groceries into your kitchen.

Think about it — if you hadn’t heard or seen ANY news for the past 20 years, meaning a complete news blackout, not even a rumor from a backyard neighbor — there would have been ZERO effect on your life, at least nothing measurable.

But you can’t suddenly stop everything and wait for the world to end and expect anything better to come of it than what’s happening now, so get off your ass and start ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING about the situation, this very moment.

What I’m getting at is, send money.

No, I’m just kidding. JOKE ALERT. Couldn’t resist the line right there. It just popped in. Well, maybe you SHOULD send money, but make it for something worthwhile.

Tell you what: I got a $2.50 U.S. Gold piece in trade a couple days ago, to put into a solid 14k gold fancy braided rope bezel, but the thing is, THIS COIN IS NOT EXPOSED.

That’s right. I use a patented double crystal to protect the coin held in the gold bezel, so you can wear it without wearing it down, if you get my drift.

How much is this little nugget?

It varies, depending on how fancy you want the bezel to be. I can make anything. Generally, you’ll probably pay around $650.00 for the .900 fine Solid Gold Antique U.S. Coin in the Crystals within the 14k Gold Bezel, and there’s enough room in there that you might be able to sell them to your retail customers with total ease — everybody wants gold, and getting the gold item back is actually the same as getting a CASH REBATE, because you can cash the gold in anytime at a gold exchange anywhere in the world.

So if you buy the coin in a bezel at the current melt value, you’d pay absolutely nothing for my jeweler’s talents, so I’ve taken the liberty of adding a very modest service charge for finding, fitting the coin into the crystals and mounting the coin into the gold bezel.

Of course, an incredibly gorgeous bail loop is included, so you can wear it on a chain the moment you receive it and open the package.

You pay the shipping and insurance.

But wait — you don’t have to send money for THAT. I have another wonderful item that might tickle your fancy and arouse your interest.

Tell you what — I’ll bring it to the 6:30 am morning ZOOM meeting today, and then I can do a DEMO of it, at the same time, and we can forget about the idiots in Washington for another brilliant and clarified day.

Daily Excercise: Obtain the Vision of Loveliness. (HINT: It’s all about vibration.)

See You At The Top!!!
