What’s the Daily Special?

If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.

There is no “daily special”. Get over it.

The Untied Snakes of Arnica is headed toward a major crash in every direction — economic, political, racial, military — you name it, and nobody seems to know it.

Well, that’s not exactly true. They know what’s happening, and they say so on the air every day and night, but nobody can DO anything about it, like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

It’s hard to believe that some Americans don’t actually believe in the “American Ideals” like good neighbors and niceness and fair play. They can’t get it through their thick, thoroughly conditioned skulls that the bad guys are at it again, and this time they’ve got half the nation on their side.

They believe it. They know it’s coming, and they’re happy for it, too — they think this is gonna be the Great Return, but actually, it’s more like what Bill Yeats said in his poem, “The Second Coming”:

“…And what rough beast, its hour come ’round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?”

Please note, the anti-Christ is called the Great Grifter, and who comes to mind, when you think of massive, billion-dollar racketeering?

Still can’t believe that any human being could be so aggressive, so ape-like as to behave the way they did outside the U.S. Capitol building?

Believe it.

You won’t believe this either, but there’s a Resurrected Confederacy throughout the Red States, that wants to secede from the Union — again — and re-institute slavery.

That’d be the New Christian country in the middle, calling itself “Trumpland” for the first couple of years. After that, it changes name with each ruler.

On the East Coast, we’ll have “Atlantica”, and on the West Coast will be “Pacifica”, three new countries out of the former America, and that’s the way it will be right through World War X, which will be fought with wooden clubs and chipped-stone fist-axes.

Meanwhile, us poor slobs at the bottom of the heap have to slug it out with the prospect of being wiped out in a single instant by some wacko with a gun like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who seems to be anxious to empty her assault weapons into somebody’s back, somebody liberal, although I doubt she’ll care, when she finally does pull the trigger.

If she really is a pervert, as she’s reputed to be, she could end up as just another mass murdering fuck-head — after the usage of the word on ordinary TV channels for the past five years, I’m not apologizing for it.

How did we get here?

However we got here, here we are — left with two rotten-to-the-core political parties that can never come to terms with one another, and for whom there can be no compromise, and to whom the opposition is the enemy.

The name of the videogame glorifying this event will be called “Patriots and Traitors”. You need to wake up to the fact that you have to take sides — not by choice.

That’s not a very hopeful promise for the future, but it’s the truth, and it’s bleak, devastating, unnerving and did I mention “bleak”?

The thing is, if you’ve still got hopes for the future, this would be a good time to dump them, because it isn’t going to be nice, what’s coming next from the New “No-Nothing Party”. What is or was the No-Nothing Party? Look it up.

If you can walk through this landscape of hatred and fear with your head held high and without faltering a single step, you clearly don’t understand the situation.

You’d be best off to duck now, while you’ve got the chance. Stay home and only answer the door when you know who’s on the other side.

Be prepared for a mob surrounding your house, with pots of boiling tar placed strategically around your house. I use a leather thong to pull the pots over, but make sure you don’t get in the way when it lets go.

That’s particularly useful against Christmas Carolers who insist on serenading you outside your window.

First of all, the windows should be covered up with Kevlar, like mine are.

It’s bad, really bad in this New World Order, to the point that most of our neighbors are arming-up now, if they hadn’t before.

My next-door neighbor just bought a military-style assault rifle, although he confessed he’d rather have a Remington 30-06 bolt-action, and so would I.

When I was in the military, I was a weapons instructor with some rank, at Fort Ord. Personally, I hated the “auto” switch.

You shouldn’t need more than one round, at any range less than 600 meters — I don’t.

I’ve always advocated “no guns”, but when everyone is wearing a .45 on their hip, it’s already to late to get on board. My personal fave is the Colt Single Action .45 Peacemaker with the standard wooden grip, but, sadly, I don’t have one.

The disadvantage with that weapon is that if you plan to use it for hunting, which would be an insane use of a revolver in the first place, you’ll run out of ammo, and there’s not a lot of .45 Long around out there.

I’m not a preppie, never was, even in college. I’ve waited until the last minute to prepare, because you never know what the conditions are going to be.

Of course that doesn’t include my longtime friend, my bug-out pack. That’s something that everyone should have nowadays — you never know. Could be war, weather or weirdness, and you have to run out the door.

It’s good to have a bugout pack right there handy at the door or in the trunk of your car. Escape in a car is not always possible, as evidenced clearly in the Ukraine conflict. There are abandoned cars everywhere.

So we know that it’s going to be very different when the violence hits, but what about before that time?

What can we do while we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Well, first of all, forget politics — that’s all out the window when the shit hits the fan, and there’s no money in revenge.

I recommend several courses of action, one of which is to develop as many social media platform presences as you possibly can, and load them up with goodies that will attract the largest possible following.

You’ll need a multiple marketing set of tools, like ebay, etsy and shopify, plus a great camera and microphone.

You’ll need to write a daily blog, and keep up a high presence on youtube.

Now you get an opensea account and start developing out your NFTs.

Next, you get stuff up on everywhere, especially on your facebook page — find out how to do this without getting yourself kicked & banned.

Learn to use discord and other venues for communication, and start creating a variety of “drops” that can go at live auction or mass sales.

You’ll also need your own brand of videogames, which I can provide.

The thing I can’t provide is a sense that it’s all worth-while, because it isn’t. The world is burning, it’s crumbling and full of pain.

We are here to work in the Godd™ Engine for the good of the Higher. It’s happening. The only thing left to do is to transmit the Teaching, and that can be done even in the worst kind of war. I know — I’ve been there millions of times.

Meanwhile, the marketing creates Blessings, so we emphasize the positive and minimize the negative, suppressing the urge to run and hide under a rock.

What does that mean to you?

Get busy selling Objective Art. It emanates dissolving radiations, and that’s the point, not the money, not the fame, not the glamor.

Just freedom of the soul.

There’s nothing to it, just attend one of our zoom meetings in the morning, and all will be explained. You’ll learn how to maintain your spiritual practices in the face of misery and suffering, and maybe even learn how to help those who are suffering.

Take the Blessings and pass them on — that’s the real secret, to pass the Blessings along. Be a source of Blessings for those around you.

Just a hint.

Take care not to look too strange if you do decide to leave your home for a few minutes or hours.

That’s not my recommendation. I maintain that you should be ready to stay hidden away in lockdown for the remainder of the century.

It’s better that way.

See You At The Top!!!
