ESCAPE! Videos #11

Last Gasps of Liberty

Enjoy it while you’ve still got it, but your Liberty along with your Personal Liberty will be gone in a matter of days, and you’re left holding the bag. I intend to reveal to you some last-minute Saves, by which I refer to some tricks that even you, as insignificant and weak as you are, can pull out of that bag. Here are a few amusing and immersive videos that might take the edge off the day just a little. Have fun, no matter what happens.

Here’s something to get you out of the dumps… if you’re not presently in the dumps, just don’t turn on the news right now and you’ll be okay for a while.

We all either gained or lost weight this year, but here’s one standup’s take on the whole situation.

I didn’t find the version of Shoggoth that had a signer, but this is the right song, and Filker Tom, who sang at many cons, is the right one to sing it.

I couldn’t resist including this Anna Mann “fighting fascists” bit, even though it is five years old on youtube — most of the videos I’m posting are only a few hours or days old, when I can find them, otherwise it’s whenever they happened.

Here’s an 18 minute roundup of the facts on clickbait titles, no shit — give nate a shout out for me, if you happen to see him on youtube!

Bonus video:

Okay, that’s definitely it for the moment, gotta blast down to the house for breakfast and then I’m on to the morning zoom meeting! Will you be there?

See You At The Top!!!
