This Way to the Blessing Room

In the spirit of a rest-room at a bus, train or airplane terminal, here’s a blessing room for anyone to stop in for a moment and get Blessed.

It’s as simple as that, and it only takes literally a second.

The Blessing Room would go well on any website, and you’re welcome to use it on yours — simply embed it on the home page, and you’re ready to help others — you can walk in right from the very first moment you embed it on your page.

The Blessing Room is the kind of thing that’s fun and easy to pass around through social media and word-of-mouth.

I have a Healing Room in mind as well, but that’s days away from finished.

I’ve got the pro membership on kunstmatrix, so I’m good for a few more exhibits at least, and we’ll see what we can work out with those guys — they’re very friendly and open to new ideas.

The thing is, most people don’t know this service is available, much less how to use it to advantage, sometimes great advantage.

What they really need is more widespread use of the virtual exhibition, and that means social media to get the idea across to as many people as possible.

One way to reach would be to publish solutions to exhibits developed in kunstmatrix. This would be a series of how-to videos that would also link directly to your website where more of that is available.

It would be wise to build in a DIY do-it-yourself angle for the customer to also get benefit from the technology.

It’s a great way to present family photos. It’s also a great way to present stuff that would ordinarily go into a garage sale — sort of an online garage sale with a way to look at ALL the stuff at once, to help the buyer plan their strategy.

Besides the swap-meet mentality, there’s a real strong potential here to sell fine art — I mean original works by Renoir, Rembrandt, van Ostade, Turner, Picasso, Manet, Dali, Chagall, Miro, Matisse and so many more.

I have a few such shows in mind, and I’ll be working on them soon.

One very fun item is the transparency issue. If you have something that’s irregularly shaped, you can make the background transparent and make it into a billboard, so it has a slightly 3D look to it — a very effective effect.

What about collections?

I have a large collection of 60s rock posters. That would probably make an interesting display that people might be persuaded to visit momentarily — of course only momentary, these folks are humans of Planet Earth, you can’t expect much.

You might put up some artwork just to show it, but it had better have something about it that’s compelling RIGHT NOW or it won’t get any traffic.

No traffic is a problem when you’re maintaining an exhibit. The whole idea is to present whatever it is to the largest possible audience.

If you’re depending on people to just stumble across your exhibition, you’d better see someone about your hearing.

There is nobody out there. If you want customers, you have to go out there and find them, and you’ll have to work every minute of every day in order to keep them on the bus.

Look, I’m not saying that people are fickle. I’m not saying that at all. I happen to believe it and even espouse it, but I’m not actually SAYING it.

I hope that keeps the brutes off my back.

Oh, speaking of “off my back”, you can’t imagine how hard it is to find ammo for the single-action Colt .45 — it’s not a forgotten thing, they still make them, even though you have to cock the hammer with your thumb, for every shot.

That’s a long way away from the Colt M-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice these days, but all you really need is one clean shot, and the Single-Action Colt is pretty accurate, even at 100 feet, if you know what you’re doing.

A hip shot is best for me, not the TV hero straight-arm that sends your barrel skyward every time.

From the hip, it’s easier to stay on target, or at least I find it so.

I’ve dug out my air pistols and metal targets just to get the weight of 3 pounds in my hands, sort of like dumbbells without a target.

I know it sounds terribly dull, and that’s why I gave up the pistol practice for the Healing chambers and the virtual exhibits.

I’ll have my fun in the Diablo II Resurrected game — as a matter of fact, that’s what I plan to do next, is somehow get to the monastery — I’ve already rescued Cain and got my stuff identified for free.

This is my new character — I’m playing her on the new ladder. All my other chars are non-ladder chars.

I’m not competing this year for number one — been there, done that three years in a row, and that’s plenty, and the first time I landed there it was by accident — somebody told me I had hit number one.

I’m playing this char for the money. I’m demonstrating how you can make money happen by accumulating it in a virtual environment, but it has to be by EARNING IT in some way that the game accepts is worth gold pieces.

My plan is to collect 2 million gold pieces with this trapper assassin.

If all goes well, I’ll also receive some bounty in the Real World, I hope in the form of USD or ETH.

It’s not about the money — the monetary inflow is only temporary at best, but it serves well as a sort of biofeedback device that tells us that our invocational stuff is working, and that includes a Blessings Room and a Healing Room and any other kind of room you think would be wanted, needed and deserved.

Yes, deserved. What, you think it’s always gonna be free?

I want my truck back and I don’t want to hear “Act of God”. Someone  must pay, and it won’t be Jack Burton, who always pisses off David Lo Pan, but who doesn’t?

What about a virtual exhibit of things you found around your house? Take ultra-close photos and put them up BIG, blow them way up.

This is a powerful form of ISO-MAGNIFICATION, where you isolate the image and make it more important, sort of like Aunt Martha, whom we never let out of the attic.

I’m currently working on a newly constructed African Mask collection — not the one that’s already up there, another one, complete with full backgrounds, etc.

See You At The Top!!!
