God World In My Pocket


I’ve been terrifically busy lately, doing several things; the first is finishing work on the lower levels of the Ashram, and this is going well. Secondly, development of the use of the marketplace for Shamanic Skill Expansion, and Thirdly, my plan for world domination and control through the marketing of God World in my Pocket stuff.


I’ll explain how it works. Basically, you can stuff anything, however large and complex it might be, even a whole world, into one of my Magic Pouches, and it will not only stay there, it can be retrieved and if you’ve a place to rezz it, you can live in it, explore it, use it and so forth.


Each one of my God World in My Pocket items is a real place with its own time and lives. Remember in Hitch-Hiker’s Guide that mysterious satchel or bag that his aunt gave him that could hold absolutely anything, no matter how big??? Well, that’s what my Magic Pouch does! It can hold an entire universe, probably several billion of them, as a matter of fact, although the sorting and retrieval system would be nightmarishly slow at mere lightspeed.


My first experiment is with what you see in the screenshots — Norton Street West. It has everything and is lavish to the extreme, but it doesn’t matter, unless you try to manifest it in a sim, in which case, someone will complain. But in a Magic Pouch or Bag, it does no harm and has ZERO land impact!

In a sense, you are in the world, and yet you’re wearing it or carrying it, somewhat like the  “Galaxy” amuletic necklace on the cat in the first Men in Black film, right??? The contact you will receive from this effect is absolutely staggering, mind-blowing, and guaranteed to work, and work so good you’ll be astonished from toe to crown, or your Lindens back!!!

If that isn’t Magic with a Capital M, what is???


The screenshots of Norton Street West say it all. It’ll be up for sale in just a few days, on my “EJ Gold Guru” shop, called The God Particle in Second Life Marketplace.

I’ll soon have Cosmo Street and my Dad, Horace L. Gold’s, creation — The Old Curiowsity Shoppe (from our collaboration sci-fi stories in Retro SF and other novels) ready for sale, and many more treasures. Be sure to ask about the Magic Pouch at the ICW tomorrow!!!

See You At The Top!!!
