What is the “505” Conspiracy?

An EMO BEAD MALA is created to follow the user’s emotional temperament through whatever changes it happens to go through in the course of a day.

There are always 505 possible changes that can take place in your emotional state during the course of a normal day — as much as 728 in a stressful day.

There are obvious color changes in the EMO BEADS, and I’m going to list some of them for you — these are color reactions of the beads, and the colors and changes will profoundly vary, depending on the type of EMO BEAD you select for your sentimental journey.

I offer here a somewhat amusing rhyming chant, to help you remember what each color stands means in the emotional scheme of things:

  • When the EMO turns BLACK, it’s time to turn back.
  • When the EMO turns BLUE, you’ll know just what to do.
  • When the EMO turns RED, there’s trouble ahead.
  • When the EMO turns GREEN, you’re right on the scene.
  • When the EMO turns YELLOW, you’ll meet many a fine fellow.
  • When the EMO turns WHITE, you’ll take action that’s right.
  • When the EMO turns BROWN, your world turns upside down.
  • When the EMO turns VIOLET, you’ll know whom to smile at.
  • When the EMO turns ORANGE, the whole world looks schmorange.
  • When the EMO turns CLEAR, you’ll be well out of here.

If you’re looking to rhyme a song, don’t end a line with either “orange” or “silver” — neither one has an English rhyming word.

Construct your song so the end-words are things like “June”, “Moon”, “Croon”, “Tune”, “Harpoon” and “Spitoon”.

Well, maybe not Harpoon and Spitoon, but the other words are good. “Loon” “Soon” and “Dune” will also work. Continue reading